Insta Millionaire | Episode 61-62 | English

Episode 61 You're Going Down.

In Episode 61, "You're Going Down," the story kicks off with a dramatic live streaming contest between Edith and Kathy. Both are vying for a grand prize of $100,000. With only seconds left on the timer, Edith is leading by a substantial margin, confident she’ll win. However, in a shocking twist, Kathy emerges victorious. Edith, in disbelief, watches as the money slips through her fingers due to a last-second donation that pushes Kathy ahead. She accuses the system of malfunctioning and angrily demands an explanation from Adam, who made the decisive donation. Her frustration is palpable as she realizes her fans’ strategy of holding back donations cost her the win.

Kathy, still in shock from the sudden victory, is surrounded by her roommates who confirm that she indeed won the $100,000. Edith, unable to accept the loss, turns her jealousy into action. She demands to know why Adam, a prominent donor, chose to help Kathy instead of her. Edith’s bitterness is clear as she tries to steal the spotlight back from Kathy, while Kathy, in a flurry of emotions, tries to express her gratitude to Adam, thanking him profusely and hinting at a desire to meet him. Both women vie for his attention, but Adam has already left the live stream.

Meanwhile, we learn that Adam is, in fact, Alex, Kathy’s ex-boyfriend. He had impulsively donated the money after seeing Kathy’s distressed look during the stream. Alex’s actions stem from a complicated mix of nostalgia and pity, given their history together. However, he quickly grows disinterested when Kathy begins to fawn over him, knowing her interest lies in his perceived wealth. He brushes her off with a simple reply, “Hmm,” signaling his detachment.

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Kathy, not one to give up easily, continues her attempts to woo Alex, unaware of his true feelings. She tries to leverage her connections, mentioning an incident at a recent banquet where someone had impersonated Adam and stolen a $200,000 diamond necklace. She offers to reveal the imposter’s identity, but Alex remains indifferent, dismissing the issue as unimportant. This interaction further illustrates Alex’s growing disdain for Kathy and her manipulative ways.

Despite his lack of interest, Kathy sees Adam (Alex) as her golden ticket, even asking him what he thinks of her. Alex’s response is cold, referencing his ex-girlfriend who, like Kathy, was more interested in money than anything else. Kathy, undeterred, tries to convince him that she is different, but Alex sees through her façade. The conversation ends with Alex growing increasingly bitter and weary, leaving Kathy with no more than a hollow goodnight.

The next day, Alex tries to move on from the previous night's events. After a quiet breakfast with Debbie, he heads to class but is interrupted by Kathy. She confronts him with accusations that he misinterpreted her recent invitation to a bar, suggesting he thought she wanted him back. Kathy reveals that she was only trying to trick him into giving money to her new acquaintance, Billy. Her words are harsh, mocking Alex for being gullible and insisting she’s better off without him.

Kathy, confident and smug, continues to taunt Alex, claiming she has found someone richer and more powerful than Billy—Adam Childs. She boasts about receiving $100,000 from him the previous night, not realizing that Adam is actually Alex in disguise. Kathy’s arrogance reaches its peak as she threatens to have Alex arrested for impersonating Adam at the banquet and stealing the diamond necklace.

Alex, now thoroughly disgusted by Kathy’s behavior, pushes past her and heads to class, trying to distance himself from her manipulative antics. Despite Kathy’s continued insults and threats, Alex remains unfazed, recognizing her for the schemer she truly is. The episode reaches a tense conclusion when Alex receives a phone call from Russell, the manager of the Autumn Beauty Boutique. A customer is causing trouble at the store, and Alex is called in to handle the situation, leaving the drama with Kathy behind—for now.

Episode 61 serves as a turning point in Alex’s journey. His complicated feelings for Kathy come to a head as he begins to see her true colors. Her relentless pursuit of wealth and power, coupled with her manipulative behavior, only deepens Alex’s resolve to move on from their past relationship. At the same time, Kathy’s obsession with Adam (unaware of his true identity) sets the stage for future conflicts as she continues her pursuit of status and money, oblivious to the consequences of her actions. The episode is packed with tension, betrayal, and escalating stakes, making it a pivotal chapter in the unfolding drama.

Episode 62 The Unreasonable Customer inside the boutique.

In Episode 62 – The Unreasonable Customer, tension mounts at a boutique as a dissatisfied customer, later revealed to be Kathy, creates chaos. The episode begins with a heated confrontation between a young woman and Russell, the boutique's manager. Kathy demands a refund for clothes she purchased over a month ago, even though they had been worn. Despite Russell’s calm explanations, she refuses to accept that the store cannot take back clothes that have been used or refund her money, becoming increasingly aggressive.

Russell remains professional but firm, repeatedly explaining that refunds cannot be given for worn clothes after such a long period. Kathy’s anger escalates, claiming that she only wore the clothes a few times and that some were never worn at all. She accuses Russell of trying to “bully” her and demands the refund, threatening not to leave the boutique unless her demands are met. Kathy's loud, entitled behavior attracts the attention of mall security and a crowd of onlookers, many of whom grow increasingly annoyed with her unreasonable attitude.

As tensions rise, Kathy's defiance intensifies. She boldly declares that if the boutique doesn’t refund her money, she will cause enough disruption to make the store lose thousands of dollars by driving away customers. The crowd starts accusing her of being rude and unreasonable, and some even suggest calling the police. Kathy, undeterred, accuses the crowd of slander, threatening to sue anyone who criticizes her actions.

At this point, Russell decides he has had enough and pulls out his phone, threatening to call the police to defuse the situation. Kathy’s response is even more shocking—she pulls out a lighter and sets one of the clothing items on fire right in front of the boutique. The crowd panics, rushing to extinguish the flames, while Russell confronts Kathy, incredulous at her recklessness.

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Mall security quickly calls 911, and a police officer arrives. Surprisingly, the officer explains that since Kathy had purchased the clothes, she technically has the right to destroy them, as long as she does so safely. The officer, in a low voice, suggests that Russell give her the refund just to end the disturbance, implying that Kathy might be mentally unstable. Russell, frustrated by the officer’s lack of support, explains that he doesn’t have the authority to issue refunds and that the tags had been removed from the clothing anyway.

Just as the situation seems to spiral further out of control, Alex, the boutique’s owner, arrives. Russell rushes to him, explaining the situation. When Alex takes a closer look at the troublesome customer, he is shocked to recognize Kathy, his ex-girlfriend. The revelation stuns both Alex and Kathy, who immediately tries to hide her face to avoid being recognized. Alex confronts her, and it’s clear that their past relationship adds an unexpected layer of complexity to the standoff.

Despite the crowd's disapproval, Alex calmly instructs Russell to refund Kathy the full amount she paid for the clothes. The crowd and Russell are stunned by Alex’s decision to comply with Kathy’s demands, especially given her outrageous behavior. However, Alex’s composure suggests he has a deeper motivation behind his actions.

Russell calculates the total amount owed and hands Alex the money, a sum of $20,000. When Alex offers the money to Kathy, she explodes in anger. Rather than being pleased with the refund, Kathy interprets Alex’s gesture as an attempt to humiliate her. She throws the money back in Alex’s face, hurling insults and accusing him of trying to belittle her. Her emotions overwhelm her, and she launches into a tirade, calling Alex a "loser" and promising revenge for what she perceives as his betrayal.

The police officer offers to arrest Kathy for assault after she punches Alex, but Alex declines, insisting on letting the situation go. Kathy, enraged, threatens Alex before storming out of the boutique. The crowd gradually disperses, leaving Russell and Alex to reflect on the incident. Russell is surprised by Alex’s decision to be so forgiving, but Alex explains that Kathy is his ex-girlfriend, adding that he now has a new relationship and no longer has any personal ties to her.

As Alex leaves to meet his current girlfriend, Debbie, for lunch, Kathy returns to her university campus, filled with regret. She realizes that she may have let her pride get in the way of a significant opportunity—if she had known Alex was the boutique owner, she might not have ended their relationship. Now, she is left to contemplate the lost chance and the bitterness of seeing Alex succeed without her. Her regret is compounded when she stumbles upon a photographic exhibition featuring a picture of her and Alex from their past. The photo brings back painful memories, and in an emotional outburst, she tears it apart, symbolizing the shattering of their once-promising relationship.

In the end, Kathy is left questioning her decisions, while Alex moves forward, unfazed by her attempt to disrupt his life. This episode highlights themes of pride, regret, and the emotional aftermath of broken relationships, as well as the lengths people will go to save face, even at great personal cost.

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