Rekindled Heartache | Episode 66-67 | English

Episode 66 - You Are Despicable

In Episode 66 - You Are Despicable, Zoe and Blaine's already complex relationship takes an even darker turn, with emotions running high and unspoken truths causing tension. The episode starts with a light-hearted moment between the two, but it quickly evolves into a confrontation that leaves both characters emotionally and physically scarred.

The episode opens with Zoe helping Blaine shave, something she has never done before, which leaves her feeling anxious. Despite her nerves, Blaine jokes with her, alleviating the tension, and the scene takes on a playful tone as Zoe slaps shaving cream onto his face, prompting Blaine to retaliate by doing the same. This light banter gives viewers a glimpse of the chemistry between them, but it’s also a temporary escape from the deeper conflicts that simmer beneath the surface.

As Zoe continues shaving Blaine’s whiskers, their conversation takes a more serious turn. Zoe brings up Blaine’s time in Mexico City, specifically how he had to walk two hours a day just to contact her. Though she tries to keep the conversation casual, it's clear that Zoe is carefully observing Blaine’s reaction. Blaine, on the other hand, quickly shifts the conversation, teasing her about a voicemail she left during his absence, in which she apparently admitted to being unable to function without him. This playful banter hides a much deeper layer of fear and concern that Zoe harbored while Blaine was away.

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The mood shifts when Zoe, in a rare vulnerable moment, confesses how scared she was during Blaine’s time in Mexico. She recounts the emotional turmoil she went through, revealing that she made mistakes at work because she was so distracted by thoughts of his well-being. Zoe’s admission is heartfelt, and her teary eyes reflect the depth of her love and fear for Blaine. She asks him to promise not to take such risks again, revealing her need for emotional security after nearly losing him.

Blaine, stirred by her words, leans closer and asks her a direct, somewhat challenging question: what status does she have to ask him to make such a promise? His eyes betray a longing for clarity in their relationship, but Zoe, unsure of how to respond, tries to deflect the question. She knows that the nature of their relationship is blurred, somewhere between love and an affair, but she cannot bring herself to define it.

The situation escalates when Blaine kisses her passionately, a kiss filled with suppressed emotions that Zoe reciprocates. The intensity of the moment blurs the lines between them even further, and just when things seem to reach a peak, they are interrupted by the sound of the front door buzzer. The unexpected visitor is Blaine’s fiancée, Sophia, who is standing outside.

The arrival of Sophia plunges Zoe into panic. She jumps down from the sink, her earlier passion now replaced with fear. Blaine, too, is affected by the sight of his fiancée at the door, but his concern turns into a test of Zoe's intentions. He asks her pointedly if he should open the door or if they should continue hiding their affair from Sophia.

The tension mounts as Blaine shockingly suggests that he might break off his engagement to Sophia for Zoe, a proposal that catches Zoe off guard. Her mind goes blank at the enormity of Blaine’s offer, and though she loves him, she cannot bring herself to let him make such a drastic decision. Zoe stammers through her response, telling Blaine that she never intended for him to leave his fiancée and that their relationship was never about making a deal for her own benefit.

Blaine’s reaction to her words is explosive. Feeling betrayed, he lashes out at Zoe, accusing her of only using him for financial gain. His anger boils over, and in a fit of rage, he pushes her against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall, striking the wall with his fist in frustration. Blood drips from his hand, but Blaine is too enraged to care. His anger reaches a boiling point, and in a moment of intense emotion, he demands that Zoe strip off her clothes as if to reduce their relationship to a mere transaction.

Zoe, shocked and devastated by Blaine’s coldness, complies with his demands, but the hurt in her eyes is palpable. As she stands naked before him, the intimacy they once shared has been replaced by a painful, hollow connection. Blaine’s actions are not born of love but rather out of heartache and rage, and as he takes her in this moment, the emotional scars between them deepen.

The episode concludes with Zoe breaking down in tears, overwhelmed by the weight of their broken relationship. Though she loves Blaine, she cannot escape the reality that their affair is fraught with danger and heartbreak. The looming threat of Blaine’s fiancée, the complex emotions they harbor, and the raw pain of their connection leave both characters shattered, unsure of what the future holds.

Episode 67 - Zoey Feels Sorry: A Detailed Summary

In Episode 67, the emotional turmoil between Zoey and Blaine reaches a critical point, resulting in intense moments of pain, regret, and unresolved tension. Blaine is deeply affected by Zoey's actions, but despite his care for her, he finds himself once again hurt and unsure of how to proceed with their relationship. Zoey, on the other hand, is caught between her feelings for Blaine and the painful reality that their connection has only led to misunderstandings and heartache.

Tensions Rise in the Bathroom

The episode begins in a heart-wrenching setting: Zoey is crying in the bathroom while Blaine struggles with his emotions. Blaine feels a deep connection to Zoey, but she has broken his heart for the second time. His voice is hoarse and his breathing heavy, reflecting the pain he feels inside. He mutters, "What am I going to do with you?"—a question that reflects both his confusion and his sorrow. Blaine turns away from Zoey, leaning against the cold bathroom wall, visibly weakened by his emotions. His face is pale, and the sweat running down his forehead reflects his inner turmoil.

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As Blaine lets go of Zoey, she hurriedly picks up her clothes and notices the shocking sight of his back, drenched in blood. Panicked, Zoey screams, her tears flowing freely. She desperately tries to help Blaine, suggesting she call for medical assistance, but Blaine’s anger and pride prevent him from accepting her care. He violently grabs her phone and smashes it against the wall, telling her to leave. Zoey is devastated by his rejection, and her own guilt adds to the emotional chaos of the scene.

Blaine’s Cold Rejection

Blaine’s fury escalates as he coldly accuses Zoey of meddling in his affairs, insisting that she has no right to care for him. His words cut deep, describing her concern as "overflowing and disgusting." He believes that Zoey’s kindness isn’t out of love for him, but rather her nature to care for others indiscriminately. Feeling like a fool, Blaine throws money in her face, symbolically reducing their relationship to a mere transaction, further degrading Zoey and pushing her away emotionally.

This moment highlights Blaine’s deep frustration with Zoey. He feels tricked by her consistent rejections, believing that her affection is not genuine but merely a result of her overly caring nature. Blaine’s defensive response, throwing money at Zoey and demanding she leave, emphasizes his heartbreak and feelings of betrayal.

Zoey Faints from the Emotional Strain

Overwhelmed by Blaine’s harsh words and her own emotional exhaustion, Zoey faints. When she wakes up, she is surprised to find herself in her bed, with her mother, Gloria, by her side. Gloria explains that a doctor named Ramona Anderson had brought her home, attributing her fainting to low blood sugar. Despite her mother's concern and efforts to nourish her, Zoey is still preoccupied with Blaine’s condition. She hurriedly contacts Ramona to check on Blaine.

Blaine Refuses Help

Ramona informs Zoey that Blaine had refused medical help for his bleeding back and had angrily dismissed any attempts to treat him. Blaine’s stubbornness and pride are evident in this moment, as he continues to reject assistance despite the seriousness of his injury. Ramona urges Zoey to speak to Blaine, hoping that she might be able to persuade him to seek treatment. Though filled with fear and guilt, Zoey knows she has to try to help Blaine.

Zoey’s Apology

Determined to make things right, Zoey rushes to Blaine’s apartment, worried about his injuries. She rings his doorbell repeatedly, pleading with him to let her in so she can help. Blaine watches her from his video monitor, his chest tightening with conflicting emotions. Despite his anger, Blaine can’t ignore the sincerity in Zoey’s eyes. She holds up a notebook with the words "I’m sorry" scrawled across it, hoping to appeal to his softer side.

Blaine remains cold and distant, accusing Zoey of overestimating her importance in his life. His biting words sting Zoey, but she remains persistent, trying to ensure that Blaine receives the medical attention he desperately needs. Even though Blaine eventually responds, he remains emotionally closed off, signaling the deep emotional rift between them.

Zoey’s Mother’s Illness

The episode takes a dramatic turn when Zoey reveals to Blaine that her mother, Gloria, has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Zoey is desperate and turns to Blaine, hoping that he can use his medical expertise to help. This moment shifts the focus from their personal drama to Zoey’s genuine fear for her mother’s health. Blaine’s professional instincts kick in, and despite his strained relationship with Zoey, he agrees to help. He instructs her to bring her mother to the hospital and assures her that if the tumor is operable, he will do everything he can to save her.


Episode 67 is filled with raw emotion, from Blaine’s pain and anger to Zoey’s desperation and guilt. The intense dynamics between the two characters continue to unfold, leaving viewers wondering if their relationship can ever be repaired. Blaine’s reluctance to accept help, coupled with Zoey’s determination to care for him, creates a powerful narrative of love, regret, and the consequences of miscommunication. As the episode closes, Zoey’s plea for her mother’s life becomes the central focus, temporarily overshadowing the romantic tension, but leaving plenty of unresolved feelings between Zoey and Blaine.

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