Insta Millionaire | Episode 57-58 | English

Episode 57. You're the one that I want.

In Episode 57 of the series, "You're the One That I Want," emotions are running high as Billy and Kathy’s turbulent relationship reaches its breaking point. The episode opens with Billy's anger boiling over after Kathy decides to leave him. Billy is furious, calling Kathy shallow and accusing her of using him for his money. He sarcastically reminds her of how she used to beg to be with him when he was wealthy, but now that he is in trouble, she wants to abandon him. Kathy, who had initially felt sorry for Billy, had indeed considered staying with him briefly. However, after witnessing his financial downfall, she decides to end things for good, declaring that they are over.

As Kathy attempts to leave, Billy grabs her arm and hurls more insults at her, bitterly accusing her of being unworthy. He then demands that she return all the money he spent on her while they were together, which leaves Kathy in shock. The notion of Billy, a man, asking for money from her—a woman—disgusts Kathy. She retorts with disdain, saying that he should be paying her for all the time she spent with him, not the other way around.

Billy, however, is unrelenting. He laments how much he spent on Kathy, particularly now that he’s facing a debt of $350,000. Still, Kathy refuses to budge and tells Billy he won’t be getting a cent from her. Billy’s rage intensifies as he threatens Kathy, saying he knows dangerous people and if she doesn’t pay him back within a week, she should watch her back. His words send a chill down Kathy’s spine, and she realizes that Billy, with his connections and fierce determination, could indeed make good on his threats. Kathy is now stuck, wondering how she will come up with such an enormous amount of money.

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As Kathy exits the situation in a daze, she walks past Alex without even noticing him. Alex, observing the scene, feels a sense of pity for Kathy. He had seen her fall for Billy and had worried that their relationship would end poorly. However, even Alex couldn’t have predicted it would end this badly. Reflecting on Kathy’s greed, Alex shakes his head and continues with his meal.

Kathy, overwhelmed with the pressure of Billy’s demand for $350,000, sits on a curb outside the cafeteria, utterly defeated. Her usual energy is gone, replaced by the crushing weight of her predicament. Kathy despises herself for aggravating Billy, knowing that she had provoked his anger even more. As her mind races, she begins to think of Alex, her ex-boyfriend, who had always treated her with kindness and without ulterior motives. In comparison to Billy, Alex had been nothing but genuine, never attempting to get revenge on her after their breakup.

As she reflects on her past with Alex, Kathy comes to a realization: Alex is wealthy after all. The $350,000 that was stolen came from Alex’s donation, proving his financial standing. She remembers the diamond necklace Alex won at Graham's banquet, confirming his wealth further. With this newfound knowledge, Kathy’s mood lifts. She becomes excited at the prospect of winning Alex back, believing that if she could rekindle their relationship, all her problems would be solved. She begins to formulate a plan, convinced that Alex could still care for her despite everything that happened. In Kathy’s mind, Alex’s relationship with Debbie is only temporary, and she believes that she outclasses Debbie in every way.

Feeling more confident, Kathy brushes off a few boys who try to cheer her up, dismissing them with disdain as she heads toward her dorm to plot her next move. Meanwhile, Alex returns to his dorm after eating with his friends, carefully avoiding telling them the full truth about his wealth. He wants to keep it a secret to protect his friendships and ensure that they remain genuine.

Later in the day, Alex receives a call from Kathy, who feigns vulnerability as she asks to meet him. Although Alex hesitates, he eventually agrees. Kathy arranges to meet him at the Angel bar, a popular student hangout. Confident in her appearance and sure that Alex still has feelings for her, Kathy smiles proudly to herself as she waits for him at the bar.

When Alex arrives, Kathy wastes no time in trying to manipulate him emotionally. She tells him about her recent breakup with Billy, framing it as a realization of her values. She paints herself as someone who now seeks kindness, integrity, and love—traits she now claims to see in Alex. As she reaches out to him, sliding her hand toward his, Kathy declares that Alex is the perfect partner for her, hoping to reignite the romance they once shared.

In this episode, the complexity of relationships and the consequences of greed are highlighted. Kathy’s manipulation of Alex serves as a focal point, while Billy’s dark and threatening behavior underscores the high stakes of their turbulent past. The episode ends with Kathy believing she can win Alex back, but it remains uncertain how Alex will respond to her sudden change of heart.

Episode 58. Can you ever speak the truth?

In Episode 58, “Can You Ever Speak the Truth?”, the tension between Cathy and Alex reaches its breaking point as Cathy desperately attempts to win back Alex’s affection. The scene unfolds in a restaurant where Cathy’s manipulative efforts collide with Alex's newfound emotional distance and clarity.

The episode begins with Cathy trying to rekindle a connection with Alex, physically reaching for his hand across the table. Alex, however, quickly withdraws, leaving Cathy stunned and confused. She had believed she could easily charm Alex back after leaving him for Billy, but the reality of his rejection is a blow to her ego. Despite Alex smiling at her, Cathy’s intuition tells her that his calm exterior may mask unresolved pain from their past relationship. Cathy becomes determined to convince Alex that she still loves him, despite her history with Billy.

As she tries to rationalize her actions, Cathy tells Alex that even when she was with Billy, her love for him never wavered. However, Alex responds with skepticism, pointing out how absurd her explanation sounds. He confronts her about going to a hotel with Billy, which makes Cathy freeze. Desperate to regain Alex’s sympathy, she begins to insult Billy, calling him a horrible person and even hitting herself to show her supposed regret. Alex, disturbed by the sight of Cathy physically harming herself, stops her, which Cathy immediately interprets as a sign of lingering feelings.

Seizing the moment, Cathy attempts to seduce Alex, telling him a secret—that although she lived with Billy, they never slept together. She embellishes the story, claiming that Billy was incapable of being with her intimately, hoping that Alex’s hatred for Billy will make him receptive to her advances. Alex, however, sees through her manipulation and silently mocks her. Cathy, unaware of Alex’s thoughts, believes that her tactics are working and continues her seductive approach. She even offers to make it up to Alex, but Alex remains unmoved.

Cathy becomes increasingly frustrated when Alex doesn’t react the way she expects. She convinces herself that Alex is insecure and possibly intimidated by her beauty. Her next move is bold—standing up and leaning towards him, she invites him to the restroom, implying they could share an intimate moment there. Alex, however, coolly pushes her hand away and declines the invitation, further angering Cathy. She feels humiliated and questions why Alex isn’t attracted to her anymore, even though she has made every effort to win him back.

In her desperation, Cathy lays all her cards on the table, promising Alex that if he forgives her and treats her well, she’ll be his again. But Alex rejects her once more, calmly stating that he is already with someone else, Debbie. This revelation stuns Cathy, and she becomes furious. Her anger quickly shifts to disbelief, and she lashes out verbally, accusing Alex of rejecting her for no good reason. However, deep down, Cathy knows that she still desires his financial help more than his love.

Despite her frustration, Cathy swallows her pride and asks Alex for a favor. She tells him that after breaking up with Billy, he demanded $500,000 from her, threatening her life if she didn’t pay. She pleads with Alex to lend her the money. Alex, who knows that Billy had actually asked for $350,000, immediately realizes that Cathy is trying to manipulate him for extra cash. Although he had been prepared to help her, her dishonesty makes him withdraw his offer.

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Cathy becomes desperate, accusing Alex of lying about his financial situation. She points out that Alex recently won a valuable necklace, but Alex calmly informs her that he had already gifted the necklace to Debbie, and it is no longer his to give. Cathy’s fury peaks, and she insults Alex, demanding he retrieve the necklace for her. Alex, however, stands his ground, making it clear that he has no obligation to help her. Humiliated, Cathy storms out of the restaurant, throwing a glass of wine at Alex in a final act of rage.

As Alex wipes the wine off his face, he reflects on Cathy’s manipulative behavior. He realizes that whatever attraction he once had for her is long gone. Instead, his thoughts turn to the bar they’re in, The Angel. He learns from a waiter that the bar, previously protected by the now-defunct Azure Dragon Society, is being sold due to security concerns. Alex considers buying the bar as a form of compensation for the owner, though his thoughts are momentarily interrupted when a strikingly beautiful woman arrives in a red Porsche. The woman, Lady Carter, catches Alex’s attention with her beauty and confidence, leaving him momentarily speechless.

As the episode closes, Alex is left contemplating the future of the bar and his newfound attraction to the mysterious Lady Carter, while firmly closing the chapter on his tumultuous relationship with Cathy. The episode encapsulates themes of manipulation, unrequited love, and the consequences of dishonesty, showcasing how far Cathy will go to regain her lost standing, only to be thwarted by Alex’s resilience and clarity.

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