Insta Millionaire | Episode 53-54 | English

Summary of Episode 53 - "Undercover"

In Episode 53 - Undercover, the plot continues to follow Alex and his intricate family dynamics as he navigates the pressures of his wealthy background and complex relationships. The episode begins with Lincoln, Alex’s grandfather, questioning Alex about a near-death experience. Lincoln asks if Alex holds Ken Stokes, the family’s East Coast business manager, responsible for the incident. Alex, demonstrating maturity and wisdom, absolves Ken of any blame. He acknowledges that Ken's role is to manage business affairs, not to be responsible for his personal safety. Punishing Ken, Alex argues, would be unfair and would demoralize others in the company.

Lincoln is surprised by Alex’s reasoning and begins to reflect on his own growing age and slowing mental agility. He wonders if he's becoming too old to lead the family business empire. Nonetheless, Lincoln respects Alex’s perspective and agrees not to punish Ken. Ken, deeply grateful, expresses his appreciation to both Lincoln and Alex. This exchange highlights Alex’s growing influence within the family and Lincoln’s increasing reliance on his grandson’s judgment.

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As the conversation between Alex and his grandfather continues, Lincoln marvels at how much Alex has grown, both physically and in character, over the past seven years. Lincoln then suggests that Alex no longer needs to continue his studies at Preston University and offers to send him to an internationally renowned institution such as Harvard or Oxford. Alex, however, declines this offer, stating that he feels comfortable and satisfied with his education at Preston University. He asserts that the prestige of a foreign institution would not necessarily suit him better. Lincoln is pleased with Alex’s confidence and individuality, which cements the bond between them.

The episode transitions to Seabreeze Restaurant, where Lincoln discusses his grandson’s future with Brandon, his loyal aide for the past ten years. Lincoln admits that he is nearing the time when he will need to choose a successor for the Ambrose family empire. Brandon comments on how Alex is different from Lincoln’s other grandsons, noting that Alex is humble and doesn’t seek power or fame. This, Brandon suggests, might give Alex an edge in becoming the next family leader. Lincoln acknowledges Alex’s qualities but also remains cautious, noting that the future is unpredictable.

Leaving the Seabreeze restaurant, Alex heads to meet Debbie in her room. By this time, Justin has also developed a strong friendship with Debbie, and his cheerful personality has brightened the atmosphere. When Alex arrives, he is pleased to see Debbie in good spirits. Justin, always playful, jokes with Alex, asking how he managed to find such a delightful girlfriend. Although Justin is clearly fond of Debbie, he respects Alex’s relationship with her. The episode shows that Alex and Debbie’s bond has grown stronger during their time together.

As Alex and Debbie recover from their injuries over the course of twenty days, Justin grows restless on the island and decides to return to his life of partying and indulgence. Similarly, Alex and Debbie agree that it’s time to leave the island and return to school. The couple takes a private helicopter back to New York, where Debbie reflects on the grandeur of Alex’s family and the surreal experience of the past month.

Upon arriving in New York, Alex receives a phone call from Wayne Wing, an assistant to Sam Woodsworth at the Berkeley Hotel. Wayne informs Alex that Graham Stirling, the East Coast division manager of foreign trade, wants to treat him to dinner. Although Alex is reluctant to attend another social event, he agrees to go, understanding that such interactions are part of his future in the family business.

When Alex and Debbie arrive at the Golden Mansion Hotel, they notice that many prominent figures have been invited to the dinner, much to Alex’s surprise. He had expected a smaller, more intimate gathering. After speaking with Graham, Alex learns that he was invited alongside many of New York’s elite business owners. While Alex prefers to keep a low profile, he decides to stay and participate in the event.

During the banquet, Alex and Debbie overhear conversations between guests speculating about the identity of the important young man being honored at the dinner. Some believe it might be Walter Flint, another wealthy figure, but they soon realize it is someone else entirely. Debbie teases Alex about his attempts to hide his identity, but the situation quickly escalates when Cathy Fairweather, a young woman at the event, recognizes Alex and Debbie. Cathy is disdainful and surprised to see the couple at such a high-profile event, given their modest appearance.

The episode concludes with Alex confronting the challenges of maintaining his humble nature while dealing with the expectations of his family and their business empire. The tension between his personal desires and the demands of his role as an Ambrose continues to build, setting the stage for further developments in the series.

Episode 54: The Prize Draw

The tension was palpable when Alex spotted Kathy across the room, leaving him speechless. Why did he keep running into her? Trying to avoid the situation, Alex and Debbie attempted to change their seats, but all the other spots were occupied, forcing them to sit next to Kathy. Debbie, still uneasy around Kathy, gently clutched Alex's arm, seeking comfort. Sensing Debbie's discomfort, Alex whispered reassurances to her, further fueling Kathy's growing irritation. Despite being the one who had ended their relationship, Kathy couldn't bear to see Alex cozying up to another woman, especially Debbie. She harbored the expectation that Alex should always prioritize her, even if they were no longer together.

Kathy, her annoyance thinly veiled, decided to provoke them. “How did you two even get in? This isn’t a place for people like you,” she sneered. Billy, one of Kathy’s companions, chimed in with biting sarcasm, accusing Alex of scheming to steal Mr. Morgan’s money to secure their invitation. Alex ignored their taunts, focusing on keeping Debbie calm, but Kathy wasn’t ready to let it go. “They snuck in,” she declared loudly, “I’ll make sure they’re kicked out.” Billy stopped her before she could cause a scene, worried about drawing unwanted attention to their group.

At the table, the other guests grew curious, asking Kathy why she despised Alex and Debbie so much. Seizing the opportunity, Kathy began to accuse them of stealing $350,000 from their school’s intern fund. “These two are thieves and degenerates,” she declared proudly, encouraging the others to join in on the finger-pointing. Alex, trying to maintain his composure, finally snapped, urging Kathy to stop spreading lies. But Kathy’s anger only intensified. She raised her voice, hurling more insults at Alex, calling him a coward and daring him to retaliate. Although Alex was tempted to slap her, Debbie intervened, urging him to let it go.

Kathy continued to mock Alex, questioning his manhood and calling him a coward. Unable to control his fury any longer, Alex slapped Kathy, knocking her to the ground. Billy rushed to help her up, while Debbie held onto Alex, trying to prevent the situation from escalating further. Before Kathy could retaliate, Graham’s voice echoed over the sound system, announcing the start of the evening's events. Realizing it would be inappropriate to continue the argument, Kathy begrudgingly sat down.

Graham, a respected figure at the East Coast Division, commanded the attention of the guests as he thanked everyone for attending. The crowd, eager to hear about the purpose of the banquet, grew even more curious when one of the managers asked about the special guest—the young heir of the Ambrose family. As speculation mounted, Graham glanced at Alex, offering a warm and encouraging look. While Alex remained silent, Graham addressed the crowd, explaining that the young heir had attended briefly but had already left due to other commitments.

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With the heir’s absence announced, Graham shifted focus to an exciting part of the evening—the prize draw. He explained that each guest’s seat number was entered into the draw, with expensive prizes up for grabs. The grand prize, a dazzling diamond necklace worth $200,000, caught the attention of all the women in the room, including Kathy. Although the odds were slim, Kathy secretly hoped she would win the coveted necklace.

As the smaller prizes were distributed, including an emerald bracelet won by Kathy, her dissatisfaction grew. She wanted the diamond necklace, and the bracelet, while beautiful, felt insignificant in comparison. Still, she found solace in the fact that Alex and Debbie had won nothing.

When the time came to draw the final prize—the diamond necklace—anticipation filled the room. The first number displayed was 7, signaling that someone at Alex’s table would win. Excitement surged among the guests seated at table 7, especially Kathy. As the second number appeared—1—the possibility of winning narrowed down to three people: Alex (seat 10), Billy (seat 11), and Kathy (seat 12).

Kathy’s heart raced as she mentally willed the final number to land on her. However, when the screen displayed the number 710, it became clear that Alex had won the diamond necklace. Kathy’s joy turned to bitter resentment as she glared at Alex, hatred filling her gaze. Billy, embarrassed by Kathy’s behavior, tried to calm her down, but it was clear that Kathy was seething with anger.

As Alex made his way to the stage with Debbie, all eyes were on him. Graham, smiling proudly, handed Alex the necklace, and the other guests looked on enviously. Just as Alex was about to accept his prize, Kathy stood up, shouting, “Adam Childs, you liar! He’s not who you think he is—he’s Alex, a thief from Preston University who stole $350,000!”

Kathy’s outburst hung in the air as the room fell silent, all eyes now shifting between Alex and Kathy, the tension growing once again.

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