The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 679-680 | English

Episode 679: Farewell – A Dramatic Confrontation Between Emma and Marjorie

In Episode 679: Farewell, the intense drama between Emma and Marjorie reaches its climax as Emma finally takes a stand. The episode begins with Emma addressing the media, revealing the series of tormenting actions Marjorie has inflicted upon her. With calm composure, Emma recounts how she has patiently endured Marjorie’s lies, false accusations, and attempts on her life, particularly an incident where Marjorie drugged her soup with quinine—a dangerous drug. Emma's resolve to seek justice is no longer for herself alone but also for her true mother-in-law, exposing the full extent of Marjorie’s malice.

Marjorie, facing the accusations, tries to downplay the situation. When confronted about the quinine, a prescription drug that requires special authorization, Marjorie attempts to brush it off, claiming it was for an experiment as part of her work as a biological researcher. However, Emma is prepared with evidence, pointing out the inconsistencies in Marjorie's explanation. Emma reveals that Marjorie had taken leave from the lab shortly after acquiring the drug and hadn’t checked out any lab equipment necessary for such an experiment. This suggests that the quinine was never meant for research, further strengthening the case against Marjorie.

The episode continues with Emma presenting more damning evidence. On the day Marjorie drugged her soup, there had been a mysterious fire in Emma’s garden. While the culprit avoided most of the security cameras, Emma insinuates that only someone familiar with the property and its security system could have pulled this off—another hint toward Marjorie’s guilt. Marjorie, desperate to deflect blame, tries to implicate Eliza, suggesting that she and Emma are conspiring to pin the blame on her. However, Emma confidently dismisses this, reminding Marjorie that her history of deceit and crimes is too well-known for anyone to believe her.

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As Marjorie’s arguments falter, she turns to Brian, her husband of 19 years, pleading for his support. She begs him to vouch for her character in front of the reporters. However, Brian, now realizing the extent of Marjorie’s deception, is overcome with a chilling sense of betrayal. He quietly admits that he no longer knows the woman he married, feeling utterly repulsed by her actions. Marjorie frantically tries to convince Brian that she is being framed, but he brushes off her excuses. The DNA evidence against her is indisputable, and her attempts to manipulate the situation fall flat.

Brian’s quiet disgust becomes more palpable as he reflects on the past. He confesses that he had noticed her interactions with the Dean but had turned a blind eye, hoping his suspicions were wrong. Now, faced with the overwhelming truth, he realizes that Marjorie’s actions—especially her use of quinine on Emma—amount to attempted murder. Marjorie’s cries for mercy only deepen Brian’s revulsion. He admits to Emma that he can confirm Marjorie brought quinine home, a revelation that further cements her guilt.

As Marjorie begins to unravel in front of the cameras, her panic intensifies. She attempts to flee but is blocked by the reporters. Her fear and desperation grow as she realizes that Emma has already informed the police of her crimes. Marjorie’s breakdown is both pathetic and satisfying for Emma, who watches the scene unfold with cold detachment. She had tried to handle the situation quietly and privately before, but now, justice is finally catching up with Marjorie.

The episode concludes with a dramatic interaction between Brian and Eliza. As Brian tries to reach out to Eliza in a moment of regret and guilt, she sharply rejects him. Eliza, furious and disgusted, smacks his hands away and declares that he is not worthy of her touch. Her parting words to Brian, “Feel free to follow your wife straight to hell,” resonate with finality. Brian is left standing alone, drowning in the consequences of his misguided loyalty to Marjorie.

Episode 679: Farewell delivers a powerful end to the longstanding conflict between Emma and Marjorie. Emma’s decision to expose Marjorie publicly signifies a major turning point in her character—no longer the passive victim, she seeks justice not just for herself but for her family. The episode also serves as a reckoning for Brian, who is forced to confront the reality of his wife’s actions and his role in enabling her deceit. As the police prepare to take action against Marjorie, the fallout from her lies and manipulations finally catches up with her. This episode marks the end of an era for these characters, with each of them left to face the consequences of their choices.

By incorporating key elements such as the quinine poisoning, the fire in the garden, and Marjorie’s unraveling in front of the media, this episode delivers an intense and satisfying conclusion to a major plotline, leaving viewers eager for the next chapter in Emma’s story.

Episode 680: Carefully Planned Trouble

In Episode 680, Brian faces the shock of his life as he discovers that his wife of 19 years, Marjorie, has been an imposter all along. His real wife, Eliza, has seemingly returned from the grave, leaving Brian heartbroken. Though devastated, he accepts his fate and doesn’t argue with Eliza, knowing he has lost the right to face her. Meanwhile, Marjorie is bombarded by reporters, unable to escape the media frenzy, while Emma and her group are escorted out of the hotel.

As Emma steps back onto the streets of New York, she begins to question Marjorie’s actions, wondering why she had waited so long to strike again. At the same time, Lila’s rising popularity catches attention, as her schedule fills with projects from Kaleidoscope. However, despite her growing fame, Lila is still far from reaching Emma’s level. This discrepancy frustrates Lila, especially when her assistant, Quinn, shows her a recording of Marjorie’s press conference. Lila dismisses Marjorie’s efforts as pathetic and sets her sights on Emma, whose pregnancy has made her temporarily unavailable for projects. Lila sees this as the perfect opportunity to rise in the industry and replace Emma’s fame.

Confident in her plan, Lila tells Quinn to lay low and keep an eye on Emma, ensuring that no one traces her involvement in the ongoing drama. Lila is determined to stay out of Marjorie’s way until the time is right, warning Quinn to keep his distance to avoid being recognized by Marjorie.

After the press conference, Emma, Eliza, and their group return home. Curiosity gets the best of Eliza, and she asks Emma how she managed to obtain DNA samples and conduct the testing for herself, Marjorie, and Eric. To Eliza’s shock, Emma reveals that the DNA report was a fabrication based on some research she did online. Eliza is left speechless, unsure whether to laugh or cry at Emma’s audacity. When Eliza worries that someone might contact the research facility, Emma assures her that she never named a specific one, leaving the media to make assumptions.

Emma’s calculated manipulation of the media becomes clear when she explains that the press only needs a believable story with basic details. Her calm, mischievous demeanor contrasts with Eliza’s ongoing shock. Meanwhile, Bridget, who has been sitting quietly next to Emma, expresses her dissatisfaction, feeling that Marjorie got off too easily after causing so much harm. Emma, however, chooses to keep her backup plan hidden, knowing that too much media attention could backfire on Marjorie in the long run.

Eliza expresses her gratitude to Emma, while nudging Bridget to thank her as well. Bridget, overwhelmed by the new family dynamics, feels uneasy about referring to Emma as her sister-in-law. Emma, noticing her discomfort, lightens the mood by encouraging Bridget to return to her film set, playfully pointing out that Bridget has caused enough trouble for Richard. Bridget protests, but Richard secretly knows how much he has been helping her behind the scenes.

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Despite her resistance, Bridget prepares to leave with Richard. Once they are in the car, Bridget jokingly asks if she could get into trouble for beating someone up, to which Richard wisely advises her to let others handle the situation. The couple heads back to the film set, eager to resume their work, but Richard remains mindful of the pressure on the production crew.

As the episode shifts focus, we find Marjorie wandering the cold streets of New York, struggling to find a place to hide. After hours of evading the media by hiding behind dumpsters, she is cold, hungry, and desperate. With no support from Brian, she has nowhere to turn. Suddenly, two large men approach her, walking on either side of her. Nervous and exhausted, Marjorie picks up her pace, but so do the men. Realizing she can’t escape, she asks them what they want.

One of the men calmly responds that they only want to talk, but his tone implies that cooperation is not optional. Marjorie, terrified, realizes these men must be connected to Emma. Fearing for her safety, she begins confessing everything, explaining how she poisoned Emma and where she hid the bottle of quinine. The men laugh at her cleverness, but their questioning continues, prompting Marjorie to reveal more details than she intended.

In a moment of panic, Marjorie even confesses that her decision to poison Emma was influenced by a woman from Kaleidoscope with short hair, who had convinced her that Emma expected Marjorie to abandon her career and raise a child. Marjorie’s confession, though incomplete, gives Emma a valuable lead on who might be involved in orchestrating the attacks against her. Though Emma couldn’t identify the woman from Kaleidoscope at this stage, she now knows that Marjorie’s actions were not solely her own.

Episode 680 ends with the troubling revelation that Marjorie’s attack on Emma was part of a larger scheme. Emma’s enemies are still lurking, and their carefully planned troubles are far from over.

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