The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 677-678 | English

Episode 677: The Report Goes Public

centers on an explosive public revelation that takes the world of entertainment by storm. The media becomes consumed with the story of Margery's alleged identity theft, which eclipses typical celebrity scandals. Questions swirl around why Margery, a prominent figure, is being accused of stealing someone else's identity, and why she is becoming so defensive instead of dismissing the accusations. The public eagerly awaits her response, and tensions rise as the issue escalates.

As the episode begins, Margery prepares for a highly anticipated press conference at a grand hotel, where the media and public alike are eager to see how she will address the shocking allegations. Accompanied only by her husband, Brian, Margery stands at the podium, noticeably lacking support from other family members or friends. This lack of backing does not go unnoticed, and it plants seeds of suspicion in the minds of the reporters, who are already looking for holes in her story.

Margery begins her speech by apologizing to the public for being dragged into a personal family dispute between her and Emma. She expresses how their rocky relationship has reached a point where she feels the need to clear her name publicly. In an attempt to dismiss the rumors, Margery presents a DNA test that proves she is the biological mother of her son, Eric. However, she reveals that Emma accused her of tampering with the test results, claiming that Margery used a sample from a maid to manipulate the results. Margery uses her professional credentials as a biological engineer to discredit Emma's accusations, declaring that Emma's disregard for scientific evidence is absurd.

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Despite Margery’s attempts to clear her name, the atmosphere grows tenser. Suddenly, a raspy voice from the back of the room interrupts Margery’s speech. The reporters turn to see Eliza, a woman wearing a face mask, who has arrived with her daughter, Brigitte, trailing closely behind. The air in the room thickens with anticipation as the reporters realize that Eliza, the woman at the center of the scandal, has made her entrance.

Eliza wastes no time confronting Margery, accusing her of stealing her identity and dismissing Margery’s attempts to cast doubt on the claims. She reminds Margery of the explosion at a research facility over a decade ago, which left Eliza with severe scarring. As Eliza pulls off her mask to reveal her disfigurement, the room is struck by the gravity of the situation. Margery, visibly shaken but maintaining her composure, challenges Eliza to provide evidence of her claims, insinuating that Eliza is simply trying to manipulate the public.

Eliza, however, remains calm and produces a yellow envelope containing yet another DNA test. This test, Eliza explains, proves that she and Margery are identical twins. She reveals the shocking twist that both women share the same DNA, making it impossible to determine which one of them is Eric’s biological mother through genetic testing alone. Only fingerprints, which Eliza lost in the explosion, could differentiate the two. The bombshell revelation sends the media into a frenzy as Eliza explains how Margery used their identical DNA to steal her identity and assume her life.

Margery, refusing to back down, seizes on Eliza’s lack of definitive evidence. She accuses Eliza of being the one trying to steal her identity and insists that her husband, Brian, is the ultimate witness to her true identity. Eliza, heartbroken, turns to Brian for support, but he stands firmly by Margery’s side, declaring that Margery is his wife and has always been. His denial cuts deep, and the tension reaches a boiling point.

Brigitte, unwilling to let her mother face the humiliation alone, steps forward to confront Brian. She accuses him of being a fool who failed to recognize his own wife and allowed Margery to deceive him for years. Brigitte's fierce defense of her mother shocks the room, and Brian is left speechless. Margery, sensing the growing animosity and wanting to control the narrative, steps in to challenge Brigitte and Eliza further.

Margery dismisses their claims with sarcasm, insisting that the Byrnes family has no history of twins and accusing Eliza and Brigitte of concocting the entire story. Eliza, however, remains undeterred, warning Margery that she is only digging herself deeper into trouble. As the episode ends, the press conference remains in chaos, with the public and media unsure of who to believe, but certain that the drama is far from over.

This thrilling episode leaves audiences on the edge of their seats, eager to see how the unfolding drama will impact Margery, Eliza, and those closest to them. The public question remains: will the truth about Margery’s identity ever come to light?

Episode 678: Step Forward and Take Back

In Episode 678, "Step Forward and Take Back," tension peaks as Emma Miller, in a wheelchair, enters the conference room alongside Lisa, shocking reporters. Her unexpected arrival sends a wave of whispers across the media personnel. One reporter questions why Emma is in a wheelchair, adding to the growing tension. Marjorie, caught off guard by Emma's presence, begins to panic internally. Knowing Emma only appears when she’s confident of victory, Marjorie immediately feels threatened. “No, Eliza can’t beat me,” Marjorie thinks, anxious to turn the situation in her favor before Emma takes control.

Marjorie decides to go on the offensive, accusing Emma of orchestrating a plot to ruin her. Unlike Eliza, who often crumbles under pressure, Emma remains calm, even smiling slightly, which further unsettles Marjorie. With poise, Emma refutes Marjorie's claims, stating that Marjorie is self-destructing all on her own and that she wouldn't waste her time trying to sabotage her. Marjorie, desperate, accuses Emma of hiring someone to steal her identity, but Emma dismisses the accusation and shifts the focus to the evidence.

Emma signals Lisa to present the evidence, revealing a DNA test. Marjorie scoffs, having already obtained her own DNA results. However, Emma clarifies that the tests they conducted involved full genome sequencing, identifying over 20 specific genomes in Eliza and Eric that are absent in Marjorie. Emma asserts with scientific backing that Marjorie is not Eric’s biological mother.

Emma turns to the media and announces that her company, Kaleidoscope, will release the research for public scrutiny. She emphasizes the credibility of the research center and encourages the public to verify the findings themselves. This revelation shocks the reporters, one even blurting out in disbelief. As the room buzzes with activity, Marjorie scrambles to discredit the report, claiming it's fake and meant to manipulate the public.

Emma responds with composure, stating that the public is smart enough to discern who’s really being manipulative. One of the reporters sides with Emma, calling the source credible. A cameraman, astonished, comments that no one could have guessed Eliza is Eric’s real mother. Reporters demand more details, but before Emma can respond, Marjorie interrupts, desperately asking why Emma is trying to make her look like the villain.

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Ignoring Marjorie’s plea, Emma points the media toward Eliza, stating she’s the best person to explain. Marjorie becomes hysterical, accusing everyone of lying, but Bridget steps in to block Marjorie from interfering. Eliza, now at the podium, takes a deep breath before recounting her harrowing past.

Eliza recalls a traumatic explosion at a research lab nearly 20 years ago that left her severely injured. When she regained consciousness, she found herself in an ambulance, later learning that she had been found in the woods, covered in blood. She spent eight months in the hospital recovering from burns. By the time she was released, she discovered her identity had been stolen by someone who looked exactly like her – Marjorie.

Marjorie had taken over Eliza’s life, building a deep relationship with Eliza’s husband. Unable to reclaim her former life due to her disfigured appearance, Eliza moved on. She began a relationship with the paramedic who saved her and gave birth to a daughter. Eliza thought she had found peace in her new life, but when Marjorie began threatening her family, especially her son Eric and daughter-in-law, she knew it was time to reclaim her identity.

Eliza declares that she is the rightful daughter of the Burns family and that Eric is her son. She calls Marjorie nothing more than a fraud. Marjorie, now desperate, accuses Eliza of wanting to steal her husband and everything she owns. But Eliza firmly denies any interest in Marjorie’s husband, clarifying that her only concern is the safety of her family.

Eliza tells the reporters that she has come prepared with evidence to back her claims. Then, she shifts the focus to Emma, revealing that Emma’s current condition is the result of a poisoning attempt. Emma, who was pregnant at the time, was poisoned with quinine, a substance meant to kill both her and her unborn child.

Marjorie attempts to use this information against Eliza, implying that Eliza, being in charge of Emma’s meals, is responsible for the poisoning. However, Emma takes control once again, reaching out to Eliza and assuring her that she will handle the rest from here.

In Episode 678, the truth finally begins to unravel as Emma and Eliza face off against Marjorie, with the reporters playing a crucial role in exposing the real villain. This episode is packed with revelations, emotional confessions, and intense confrontations that keep viewers on edge. As the battle for identity and justice intensifies, the stakes have never been higher for Emma, Eliza, and their families.

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