The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 673-674 | English

Episode 673: The Interrogation - A Gripping Confrontation Unveiled

In Episode 673, titled "The Interrogation," the tension reaches a boiling point as Eric confronts his mother, Marjorie, in a harrowing exchange that reveals deep-seated suspicions, hidden truths, and a desperate plea for redemption. The episode delves into themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the unyielding pursuit of justice, leaving the characters on the brink of irrevocable change.

The Confrontation Begins

The episode opens with Marjorie facing an intense interrogation from her son, Eric. The atmosphere is thick with unease as Eric, with a cold, determined demeanor, demands to know what substance Marjorie used to drug Emma. Marjorie, despite being terrified, forces herself to maintain her composure. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Is this really how you treat your mother?" she retorts, attempting to deflect Eric's accusations.

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However, Eric is undeterred, driven by a need for answers and justice for his wife, Emma. "Whether you are my mother or not is irrelevant," he responds, making it clear that his loyalty no longer lies with her. He presses on, asking if she is aware of the drug Cannadine and what it does. Marjorie, struggling to hide her fear, acknowledges the drug but feigns ignorance about Eric's line of questioning.

The Fire and the Mud

Eric's interrogation takes a sharper turn when he accuses Marjorie of starting a fire earlier in the day. Marjorie, realizing that Eric might not have concrete evidence, denies any involvement. "What fire? What are you talking about?" she snaps back, attempting to divert his suspicions.

But Eric is relentless. He points out the mud on her usually pristine shoes, a detail that links her to the scene of the crime. Marjorie, cornered but defiant, denies ever entering anyone's garden. However, Eric quickly catches her in a lie, revealing that he never mentioned a garden, further implicating her in the crime.

Brian's Intervention

As the tension escalates, Brian, Eric's father, intervenes, shocked at his son's accusations against Marjorie. "Are you crazy? Why are you accusing your mother?" Brian demands, unable to believe that Eric could be so ruthless. But Eric, focused solely on uncovering the truth, dismisses his father's concerns and orders Luke to take Brian away.

Brian, incensed by Eric's coldness, threatens to call the police, but Eric beats him to it. "Hello, my name is Eric Roberts. I would like to report an attempt on my wife's life," Eric says, his voice calm yet filled with a chilling resolve. The sight of Eric calmly involving the police stuns both Marjorie and Brian, who are left speechless by the turn of events.

Marjorie's Desperate Plea

With the police now involved, Marjorie realizes the gravity of the situation. She tries to plead with Eric, hoping to appeal to any remnants of familial loyalty he might have left. "I never intended things to go this far. I don't know what came over me," Marjorie admits, her voice trembling with fear.

But Eric is unmoved. He coldly states that he gave her a chance to come clean, but now, it's too late. Marjorie, terrified at the prospect of going to prison, desperately grabs Eric, begging him not to report her. "Please don't report me to the police," she pleads, her voice filled with desperation.

A Shocking Revelation

Brian, witnessing his wife's breakdown, begins to understand why Eric is so angry. He tries to reason with his son, asking him to forgive Marjorie since Emma is now fine. But Eric, still simmering with anger, refuses to let Marjorie off the hook. He makes it clear that not only will she face the consequences of her actions, but she will also suffer for what she did to Emma.

Eric then drops a bombshell that leaves everyone in the room stunned. He suggests that Brian take a closer look at Marjorie, hinting that she might not be the woman he thought she was. "Is she really the woman you married?" Eric asks, his words hanging heavy in the air.

The Aftermath

The episode concludes with a tense standoff. Marjorie, now fully aware that Eric will not be swayed, tries one last time to appease him. She begs him to tell the police that he made a mistake, promising to do anything he wants. But Eric, having already turned his back on her, remains silent, leaving Marjorie and Brian to grapple with the devastating reality of their situation.

As the room falls into an uneasy silence, the episode leaves viewers on edge, wondering what the future holds for Eric, Marjorie, and the rest of the family. The interrogation may be over, but the consequences of this confrontation are far from resolved.

Episode 674: "Your Call" - A Tense Confrontation with Dark Secrets Revealed

In Episode 674, titled "Your Call," the story unfolds with tension and unexpected revelations. The episode begins with a heated argument between Eric and Brian, creating an opportunity for Marjorie to attempt a discreet maneuver. She slowly removes her shoes, intending to dispose of them in a nearby trash can, but her plan is interrupted when Luke catches her in the act. Suspicious of her intentions, Luke confronts her, taking the shoes from her grasp. Marjorie, caught off guard, tries to deflect the situation by screaming that it’s all slander and that someone else is framing her.

Marjorie’s erratic behavior confuses everyone present. Moments earlier, she seemed to have accepted her guilt, but now she’s frantically trying to shift the blame elsewhere. Her desperation is evident as she realizes that with Luke’s fingerprints now on the shoes, they can no longer be used as evidence against her. She even concocts a story about her fingerprints being in Eric’s apartment from a previous stay, showcasing her calculating nature.

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Eric, furious at Marjorie’s deceitful tactics, grabs her, demanding to know if she really thinks she can get away with her actions. Before the situation escalates further, Brian intervenes, pulling Marjorie away from his son’s grip. Despite his anger, Brian feels a need to protect Marjorie, though he’s deeply troubled by her actions. Doubts begin to surface in his mind about the woman he thought he knew so well. Marjorie, however, tries to play the victim, accusing Eric of attempting to frame his own mother.

The confrontation takes a dramatic turn when Eliza steps in, telling Marjorie to shut up. Eliza’s presence irritates Brian, who views this as a family matter and dismisses her involvement. However, Eliza refuses to back down, throwing insults at Brian and calling him blind to the truth. Her boldness catches everyone off guard, especially Brian, who is left speechless.

Amidst the chaos, Marjorie takes the opportunity to tear off the surgical mask that Eliza had been wearing since her time in the hospital. When Marjorie sees the scars on Eliza’s face, she cruelly mocks her appearance, calling her hideous. This moment of cruelty is pivotal, as it reveals the depth of Marjorie’s vindictive nature. Meanwhile, Eric, tired of the drama, decides to leave the argument and return to his wife, Emma, believing that Luke can handle the situation.

Eliza, however, is not done with Marjorie. She confronts her, accusing Marjorie of stealing her identity after the explosion at the research facility. Marjorie is shocked, having believed that Eliza was dead and never expecting her to confront her in such a way. Desperate, Marjorie hides behind Brian, clinging to him for protection. She dismisses Eliza’s claims as the ramblings of a mentally ill woman, but Brian, though initially skeptical, begins to question the truth.

Eliza attempts to jog Brian’s memory by recounting specific moments from their past, including a planned vacation to France that was interrupted by a call that kept him from leaving. This memory, among others, shakes Brian to his core. The details are too accurate for Eliza to be lying, yet he still clings to the belief that his wife’s face is unmistakable. Eliza, realizing that convincing Brian is futile, shifts her focus to retribution, vowing that both Brian and Marjorie will pay for their actions.

Meanwhile, in a quieter moment, Eric returns to Emma’s room, where she has been awake and waiting for him. She questions where he has been, and Eric, after hugging her, gives a brief explanation of the chaotic events. Emma, upon hearing about Marjorie’s antics, doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the absurdity of it all. She acknowledges that Marjorie is indeed a piece of work and tells Eric that whatever happens next should be his call.

However, Emma is more concerned about helping Eliza regain her life. She harbors no intention of forgiving Marjorie, whose actions nearly cost Emma her baby. For Emma, ensuring Eliza’s well-being takes precedence, though she believes that Marjorie will eventually regret her actions deeply. Eric, noticing the strain on Emma, expresses his concern, but Emma reassures him that she and the baby are fine. She tries to comfort Eric, reminding him how lucky they are to have each other. The episode concludes with Eric and Emma finding solace in each other’s arms, deciding to face the challenges ahead together, but not before getting some much-needed rest.

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