The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 655-656 | English

Episode 655 - You Should Have Known Better

In Episode 655 of the series, "You Should Have Known Better," tensions escalate as Emma confronts Matt over his unethical actions against Richard and Bridget. The episode opens with Matt's expression turning bitter as Emma confronts him. "You may be famous, but there's a lot of controversy surrounding you," Matt retorts, trying to hide his bitterness. Emma, however, remains unfazed. "You won't get a chance," she declares, revealing that Richard has connections with Darcy, a top-tier lawyer known for never losing a case.

Matt is visibly shaken by the mention of Darcy, realizing the gravity of the situation. Emma continues her relentless verbal assault, accusing Matt of slandering Richard and replacing his artist, Bridget. Emma warns Matt that Richard has more than enough motivation to shut down his entire company. Matt's unease grows as Emma points out that Bridget is under the protection of the influential Roberts family, including Emma's husband.

Emma's confidence is unshakable as she warns Matt that Richard's lawyers will arrive soon. Panicked, Matt tries to negotiate, but Emma is adamant. She demands that Matt publicly admit the falsehood of the rumors he spread about Richard and terminate Annie's contract. "Did you think you could come to New York and behave this way with no repercussions?" Emma demands. Matt, desperate to avoid complete destruction, pleads for a compromise.

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Emma agrees to a compromise on one condition: Matt must expose Annie at the upcoming press conference for the Savage Wars. Matt, seeing no other way out, reluctantly agrees. Emma's demeanor softens slightly as she sits back down, knowing that this is just the beginning of Richard's revenge.

Meanwhile, Lisa is working behind the scenes to gather evidence against Anthony Bernard, the man behind Annie's betrayal. Anthony is portrayed as a manipulative figure, using Annie to further his own agenda while keeping other women in the dark. One of these women, feeling scorned by Anthony's favoritism towards Annie, becomes an insider for Lisa.

The episode takes a darker turn as Anthony tries to placate his disgruntled lover. "Annie's just the new girl," he says, attempting to reassure her. However, the woman demands proof of his loyalty. Anthony, in his arrogance, spills the truth about Annie's schemes against Richard. He reveals that Annie betrayed her own manager to get famous, and that her revenge plan included luring Richard to her apartment to ruin his reputation. Anthony laughs off the stories about Richard as lies concocted by Annie.

Unbeknownst to Anthony, this entire conversation is being recorded and sent to Lisa. With this damning evidence in hand, Lisa transfers a sum of money to her contact, ready to expose the dishonest producers of the Savage Wars, the deceitful Annie, and the sleazy Anthony Bernard.

Emma's lie about Richard and Darcy being related might have been a strategic move, but her prediction was spot on. Richard had indeed contacted Darcy, and they were preparing to take legal action against Matt and his cronies. The episode closes with Richard and his team gearing up for a battle that promises to be ruthless.


"You Should Have Known Better" is a pivotal episode that highlights the themes of betrayal, revenge, and justice. Emma's unwavering determination to protect her loved ones, Richard's strategic planning, and Lisa's undercover operations all converge to set the stage for a dramatic showdown. The episode masterfully weaves together the complex relationships and power dynamics among the characters, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

In summary, Episode 655 is a compelling blend of high-stakes drama and intricate character development. Emma's confrontation with Matt serves as the catalyst for a series of events that promise to shake the foundations of the characters' lives. As the episode draws to a close, the audience is left eagerly anticipating the fallout from the revelations and the impending showdown. With its rich narrative and engaging plot twists, "You Should Have Known Better" stands out as a memorable installment in the series.

Episode 656 - A Taste of Her Own Medicine: A Summary

That night, Bridget’s mind raced as she tossed and turned in bed. Every time she closed her eyes, she thought about how the thugs had treated her. It took every ounce of self-control she could muster to stop herself from leaping out of bed to take revenge on Annie. The stress of holding herself back was too much. Soon, she broke out in a fever. When Richard knocked on her door to wake her for breakfast the next morning, she didn't reply, so he let himself in. He saw her lying in bed, her face pale and her sheets drenched with sweat. He put the back of his hand to her forehead. "You’re burning up," he said with a concerned look. "We should check you out at the hospital."

He reached out his hand to help her out of bed, but she pushed it away. "I’m fine," she replied. "Just let me sleep it off."

"Don’t be so stubborn," he said. "With how much you’re sweating, you’re probably dehydrated. You should really get checked out just to be safe."

"If I say I’m not going, then I’m not going," she said. "I’m burning up from anger, not an illness. It’s not something a doctor can fix. Get out! Leave me alone!"

Richard fell quiet. "I can’t imagine how humiliated she was. And it’s all because of me," he thought. "I’m so sorry," he said as he wrapped his arms around her. "This is all my fault."

"I don’t care whose fault it is," she replied. "I just want Annie to pay."

"I promise that I’ll make it up to you," he said. "So please stop torturing yourself. My partner and I fought about something similar right before the car accident. I don’t want history to repeat itself."

"I’m not going down in a car accident," she said, trembling with anger. "If I die, I’ll make sure to drag Annie down with me."

Knowing how headstrong she was, all he could do was hug her tightly until she finally calmed down. "They’ll all get what’s coming to them," he said. "But right now, your anger is only hurting yourself."

She returned his hug and slowly relaxed in his arms. "I miss my mom," she said.

"I’ll take you to see her tomorrow," he replied. "I’m sure she misses you too."

The next day, Richard brought Bridget to see Eliza as promised. As Bridget trudged through the door, Eliza flung open her arms and rushed over to hug her. "What’s wrong?" Eliza asked. "You look sick."

"I’m not feeling great," Bridget replied. "Could you come keep me company for a bit?"

"We can talk in my room," Eliza said, glancing at Emma before leading Bridget into the guest room. Richard watched as the two women disappeared into the room and then turned to Emma.

"I hate to do this, but I have to ask you for a favor," he said.

"You’ve never asked me for anything before," Emma said as she closed the script in her hands. "If there’s anything I can do, I’d be happy to help."

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"Bridget doesn’t trust me, so I can’t get as much as I want into this situation," he said. "I know you’re an expert at handling situations like this, and I need your expertise. Anthony will be taking Annie to an event that I think you would be interested in attending. I want to set up an opportunity for Bridget to meet Annie there and get her revenge."

"What event is it?" she asked. "Just give me the details and I’ll be there."

"The crew for the film 'Werewolf' is holding a pre-screening event tonight," he said. "Blake will be there, so you should go to show some support and bring Bridget along."

"But Bridget might not be willing to go with me," she replied. "You know how she is."

"I’ll get Eliza to convince her," he said. "You’re the only person I trust to help."

"Why do you care so much about Bridget?" she asked. "She can handle herself."

"She reminds me of my partner who died," he said as he looked away. "I don’t want the same thing to happen to Bridget. She’s out for blood, and she’s going to do something stupid and get herself hurt if I don’t step in."

"I’ll do it," she replied. "I don’t want her to get hurt either."

Richard felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, even though he still felt like he hadn’t done enough for Bridget. "Thank you so much," he said. "I’ll text you the details about the event later and we can decide what to do from there."

"I know you have a lot on your mind," Emma replied. "Go do what you need to do and I’ll get ready for later."

As she watched him get up and leave, she could sense the lust for revenge burning inside him. He was ready to tear down Matt and the entire production of "The Savage Wars" for Bridget’s sake. As for convincing her to turn up to the pre-screening event, a simple mind game would do the trick. He whispered instructions to Eliza before leaving the house, and she waited for Bridget to wake up from a nap before putting his plan into action.

"Emma will be going to a pre-screening tonight, but Erik won’t be able to step away from work to go with her," she said as Bridget sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. "Why don’t you accompany Emma as her assistant and protect her? She and Erik have done a lot for me, and I don’t know how I could ever repay them. If you could help them out, it would mean the world to me."

Bridget’s mind wasn’t in the right place to think much about it, so she quickly agreed. "I would do anything for you," she said.

Eliza smiled and smoothed the hair back from her forehead. "In that case, I’ll get an outfit together for you," she said. The guest list for the event had already been finalized, so Luke asked Blake’s manager to add their names to the list.

Roger, the manager, was over the moon after hearing that Emma wanted to attend his event, and he added her as a surprise guest. When she had acted with Blake, she had still been a nobody, but she had become a famous and well-respected actress since then. "The media will be all over the event if she shows up," he thought. "This will be great publicity for the film." He had no idea that Emma was attending the pre-screening with an important mission: giving Annie a taste of her own medicine.

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