Saving Nora Episodes 361-365

Uncovering Deception: The Poisoning of Old Maddie and the Unlikely Betrayal Within the Smith Family

Morris was a seasoned officer, but what he witnessed that day left him speechless. As he glanced into the interrogation room, he saw Nora resting on a bench with Justin by her side. Everything seemed routine until a bodyguard in a black suit entered the room, carrying a blanket. Before Morris could react, another bodyguard came in with a mattress, followed by yet another man holding a pillow. Within moments, the hard bench had been transformed into a cozy bed. Morris shook his head in disbelief as Justin tucked Nora in with the blanket.

Attempting to regain his composure, Morris approached Justin, saying, "There's no need for all this. I'm satisfied that it has nothing to do with Miss Smith. She can go home and sleep." But Justin simply gestured for silence, whispering, "We'll leave after she wakes up." Morris was taken aback by this calm defiance. In his long career, he had never seen anything like this. What did Justin think this place was—a hotel? However, instead of arguing, Morris quietly left the room, closing the door behind him. The room’s soundproofing created an isolated silence, perfect for sleeping, and Justin seemed content with the outcome.

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Meanwhile, at the Smith residence, Yvonne returned home in a daze. As she entered her room, Florence, one of the household staff, walked in looking annoyed. "Miss Yvonne, that illegitimate daughter of Yvette's turned out to be a famous doctor. Even so, it's not something she should boast about. It seems she inherited her mother's medical talent, but if she's anything like her mother, then she's also a…" Florence's voice trailed off as she expressed her disdain. Yvonne responded coldly, "It's because Mr. Hunt and Nora like each other, and the Smiths and Hunts need a marriage alliance. So, even if he's less than happy about Nora's situation, he'll still accept her."

Florence, tearful, lamented Mr. Ian's sacrifices. He had remained unmarried after Yvette left him and had even adopted a child. Yvonne, growing more agitated, voiced her suspicions about Old Maddie’s recent poisoning. Captain Ford had suggested it was deliberate, but she couldn’t understand how, as he ate the same food as everyone else. Florence, however, was quick to accuse Nora, theorizing that she had poisoned Old Maddie only to save him at the last moment to boost her reputation.

Their conversation was interrupted by a commotion downstairs. Yvonne and Florence hurried down to find the police chief and several officers standing there. The butler questioned why they had returned, especially since Nora was already at the police station. The chief produced a search warrant, explaining that they had detected pesticides in Old Maddie’s blood. Holding up a pill, the officer revealed it was not medicine but a pesticide, prompting the need to investigate who gave it to Old Maddie. The butler’s eyes widened in shock as he recognized the pill. He had seen Florence give it to Old Maddie. Florence, equally stunned, insisted it was a legitimate medication from Harmonia Pharmacy, not a pesticide. But when questioned about where she got it, she reluctantly admitted she had taken it from Yvonne’s room.

Florence’s world crumbled as she realized the truth. Yvonne, whom she had always thought of as gentle and understanding, had deceived her. Yvonne’s nervous response only fueled Florence’s growing horror as she realized the depth of the betrayal. Just as Florence was grappling with this revelation, Nora woke up in the interrogation room. She felt as if needles were stabbing her head, but Justin was there, gently massaging her temples. As the pain eased, she noticed how tired Justin looked, yet he had stayed by her side all night without a word of complaint.

After stretching and asking for something to eat, Justin arranged for food to be brought in. Morris, who had come in to see Nora awake, was dumbfounded by the sight. Justin had turned the interrogation room into something resembling a hotel suite, complete with bedding, toiletries, and now, a cart of food. Morris, who was used to people feeling intimidated in this room, was bewildered by the couple’s casual demeanor.

Over breakfast, Nora inquired about the progress of the case. Morris revealed that Florence Stone had been brought in for questioning after admitting to poisoning Old Maddie. However, the poison had been taken from Yvonne Smith's room, raising questions about Yvonne's involvement. Despite Florence’s confession, Morris acknowledged the difficulty in convicting Yvonne, as there was no direct evidence linking her to the crime.

Nora decided she needed to speak with Florence. In the adjacent interrogation room, Florence sat silently, visibly exhausted. However, when Nora entered, Florence’s eyes filled with fierce determination. Nora, sensing that Florence was protecting Yvonne, asked why she was taking the blame. Florence’s response was filled with loyalty to Ian Smith, even though she admitted Yvonne’s flaws.

Despite Nora’s attempts to convince her otherwise, Florence remained steadfast, believing she was repaying a debt to Ian. In a tearful confession, Florence acknowledged that Yvonne might not be a good person, but she was Ian’s daughter, and that was all that mattered to her. The weight of this misguided loyalty was evident, as Florence’s eyes reflected the turmoil she felt inside, torn between her sense of duty and the harsh reality of the situation.

Betrayal, Consequences, and Secrets in the Smith Family

In this gripping narrative, Joel confronts Yvonne, revealing the deep-seated tension within the Smith family. Yvonne, who had previously betrayed Mr. Ian, finds herself under scrutiny as Joel uncovers her involvement in Old Maddie's poisoning. The story unfolds with Joel sitting in his study, a place that mirrors his serious and pensive mood. Yvonne enters nervously, sensing the gravity of the situation. Joel, who has always been sharp and unyielding, immediately questions her about the accusation, stating firmly that Florence would never poison Old Maddie. Despite her denial, it's clear that Yvonne is hiding something, and Joel is not easily fooled.

Yvonne's initial attempts to justify her actions fail as Joel sees through her lies. He reminds her that even though she is Ian's daughter, the Smith family will not tolerate such vile actions. The tension escalates as Joel declares that Yvonne will no longer manage any family matters. This decision is a significant blow to Yvonne, who has always held a high status within the family. Her desperate plea to retain her position is met with cold indifference from Joel, who is unmoved by her arguments. He dismisses her, signaling the end of her influence in the family.

As Yvonne leaves the room, devastated, Quentin appears from behind a bookcase. He questions Joel's decision to let Yvonne off so easily. Joel, however, explains that with Ian still in a coma, it's best to delay any harsh actions against Yvonne. He implies that once Ian recovers, he will deal with Yvonne himself. Quentin, curious about the future of the family's power dynamics, inquires about Joel's plans. Joel, however, shifts the conversation, indicating his desire to avoid further discussion about Yvonne. Instead, he focuses on Nora, the illegitimate daughter of Ian, who is slowly becoming more central to the family's affairs.

The narrative then shifts to Nora, who is being detained by Captain Maurice Ford. Nora, known for her sharp mind, quickly pieces together that the case involves illegal drugs and human trials. Maurice, who has a history with Nora's mother, reveals that a mysterious and dangerous organization has been conducting human experiments for over 20 years. The revelation that this organization could deliver a destructive blow to humanity shocks Nora, leading her to believe that her mother might have been involved.

As the conversation progresses, Maurice admits that they once suspected Nora's mother of being part of this organization, but she had escaped custody, leaving unresolved tensions. Nora, now understanding the gravity of the situation, accepts Maurice's explanation for detaining her. However, she remains focused on uncovering the truth about her own identity and the implications it may have on the Smith family. Maurice's mention of Yvonne and the stolen poison from her room leads Nora to contemplate how to bring the real criminal to justice. She realizes that Florence, who is loyal to Ian, may be the key to exposing Yvonne's crimes.

The narrative takes a twist as Nora, leaving the police station, encounters Lily, who is furious about the way the Smiths have treated Nora. Lily hints at a possible link between Nora and Ian, suggesting that Nora might be his biological daughter. This revelation sparks a new determination in Nora to uncover the truth. She recalls a man named Wayne Meyers, who managed Idealian Pharmaceuticals for her mother. Nora decides to reach out to Wayne, hoping to find evidence that could shed light on her true parentage.

The story ends with Nora making a crucial phone call to Wayne, setting the stage for further revelations about her identity and the dark secrets that have been buried within the Smith family. The narrative masterfully intertwines themes of betrayal, loyalty, and the quest for truth, leaving readers eager to see how these complex relationships will unfold.

This summary encapsulates the intense drama and power struggles within the Smith family, focusing on the pivotal moments that drive the story forward. The SEO elements are woven seamlessly into the narrative, ensuring that key themes and characters are highlighted for search optimization.

Family Tensions and Loyalty: Nora's Return to the Smith Residence

Nora's life had always been filled with complexities, and this day was no exception. Her phone buzzed, and the voice on the other end belonged to Wayne, an older man who had been managing her family's company in her absence. He seemed agitated, his voice laced with a sense of urgency as he addressed her directly. "What specifically do you want, Nora?" he asked tentatively, as if afraid to broach the subject. He then launched into a series of questions that caught Nora off guard, asking if she had any personal items left behind from her childhood, such as a lock of hair or a blood sample. Confused and slightly taken aback, Nora responded, "No, of course not, Wayne. Why would my mum leave anything like that with you?" She paused and added, "It was a long shot, but I just thought I'd ask."

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Wayne then shifted the conversation, asking if she was busy and whether she had a moment to talk. Sensing that he was about to launch into another one of his long-winded monologues, Nora preemptively cut him off. "I'm terribly busy, Wayne, so I'm hanging up now. Bye." As she hung up, she felt a wave of relief wash over her. Wayne's nagging had become increasingly difficult to tolerate, especially as she grappled with the complexities of her life. She turned to her assistant, Lily, who had been patiently waiting beside her. "I might be busy for a while, so stay in the country for now," Nora instructed, knowing that her identity being exposed would lead to many people seeking her out. Lily, ever the professional, agreed without hesitation. She knew that if any issues arose that other doctors couldn't resolve, she would need to recommend them, or, if necessary, arrange Nora's schedule accordingly.

As they prepared to leave, Nora suggested, "Stay with me at the Smith residence. We're going there now, so come with us." The decision was practical and would allow Lily to remain close by, should any medical emergencies arise. They walked towards the car, and as they approached, Justin, Nora's boyfriend, opened the back door for her. Lily attempted to follow Nora into the backseat but was gently blocked by Justin. He glanced at the front passenger seat, and Lily immediately understood. With a knowing smile, she said, "Okay, I get it. You're Nora's boyfriend. I'll sit in the front passenger seat." Justin, usually referred to as Mr. Hunt or simply Justin, was pleasantly surprised by the casual way Lily acknowledged his relationship with Nora. It was a rare moment of normalcy in his otherwise structured life.

The car ride to the Smith residence passed in silence, each of them lost in their thoughts. Upon arrival, Justin, who hadn't slept the previous night, decided to head home. He still had responsibilities waiting for him, including his daughter, Cherry, who was eagerly awaiting his return. Nora, on the other hand, led Lily into the house, where they were greeted by the butler. His demeanor had shifted significantly since Nora's last visit. "Miss Nora, you're back," he said, bowing slightly. His respect was palpable, a far cry from the skepticism she had faced earlier. "I was wrong to have misunderstood you and thought that you were trying to harm Old Maddie. I didn't expect that you were the famous doctor, Athena. I apologize unreservedly."

As word spread of Nora's return, the household staff came out to greet her, their attitudes transformed by recent events. They had initially harbored doubts about her intentions, suspecting that she might be using Old Maddie to advance her own reputation. However, the truth had come to light, revealing Nora's genuine desire to help. In stark contrast, Florence, another member of the household, had been caught stealing poison from Mrs. Von's room, nearly causing a tragedy. The staff's respect for Nora had grown immensely, and they now admired her sincerity and dedication.

Once inside, Nora was approached by Lucy, the new housekeeper who had recently been promoted by Joel. "Miss Nora, you're finally back. Do you have any orders for me?" Lucy asked, her youthful energy evident in her eager tone. Nora introduced Lily as her assistant and requested that a guest room be prepared for her. Lucy, ever efficient, responded, "No problem. Miss Lily, if you would like to tell me the style of room you prefer, I'll choose a guest room that will meet your requirements." With everything under control, Nora excused herself and went upstairs to take a shower, leaving Lily in Lucy's capable hands.

However, as Lucy was attending to Lily, Yvonne, another resident of the house, entered the scene. "Lucy, come over here. I have something to tell you," Yvonne commanded. Lucy, caught between her duties, politely declined. "I'm sorry, Miss Yvonne, but there's a guest here, and I'm dealing with her at the moment." Yvonne, clearly displeased, glared at Lucy. "Since you're working for this family, you should understand who the most senior female member of the family is. My father is the head of this family," she retorted, her tone dripping with entitlement. Lucy, unfazed by Yvonne's arrogance, maintained her composure, aware that her true loyalty lay with Nora and the guests she had been entrusted to serve.

As tensions simmered beneath the surface, Nora's return to the Smith residence marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life—one where loyalty, respect, and family dynamics would play a pivotal role in shaping her future.

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