Saving Nora Episodes 326-330

Nora's Journey Through the Quinn School of Martial Arts Tournament

Nora raised her brow, observing the fake senior student's sharp intuition. The imposter's demeanor shifted upon noticing the contestant number on Nora's wristband. Surprised, she immediately executed the highest salute and martial arts etiquette, kneeling on one knee. "Linda pays respect to her senior," she said, her voice filled with reverence. Nora, taken aback by the formality, thought, Are you my teacher? Linda continued, "Is Lucas your teacher? Lucas is the second senior student of the Quinn School of Martial Arts and has managed the school's affairs in your stead."

Nora gently helped Linda to her feet and said, "Let's talk." Linda, a sizeable woman taller than Nora by three or four inches, exuded an abundance of physical strength. It was clear to Nora that Linda was indeed practicing the Quinn School's martial arts style, which emphasized slow and steady training, focusing on physical strength, form, and dexterity. In contrast, the Irvin School of Martial Arts prioritized flexibility and dynamism, a style often deemed devious by the Quinn School.

Without waiting for Nora to ask, Linda explained, "The tournament organizers contacted Lucas. They wanted someone to impersonate you to earn money to fund the tournament. They also spoke to the Irvin School of Martial Arts about this, and their senior agreed, so Lucas did as well." Nora raised her brow questioningly. Linda elaborated, "The martial arts tournament is held once every ten years, but the organizers have run out of money and might not be able to host it in the future. You must participate, which is why Lucas sent me. He told me that impersonating the senior student would be easy—just wear a mask, take photos, and bluff everyone for a while to divert attention from you."

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Linda appeared hesitant before continuing, "I've already won 20 matches and advanced. Lucas praised me but told me to slow down to avoid giving myself away. I have an idea to use a stomachache as an excuse to delay the matches or bow out of the tournament to avoid damaging your reputation." Nora nodded and said, "Alright, you guys can do as you deem fit. Did your teacher tell you what I should do when I reach class F?" Linda smiled, "Of course, he did. You can reveal your identity once you progress to the final match, or after defeating the Irvin School's senior student and taking the title, you can leave without anyone finding out who you are. This will prevent others from discovering your true identity."

Nora agreed, knowing she had kept her identity secret because of her mother's advice to avoid showing off until she could protect herself. An assassin once tried to kill her, which convinced her further of her mother's wisdom. A mysterious force had been watching her, and shining too brightly might make her their target. The Andersons were weak and powerless, lacking security personnel. Hence, she moved to the Smiths for safety, believing the Andersons would be safer in her absence.

After saying goodbye to Linda, Nora left the room and bumped into Quentin. He gave her an understanding look, smiling, "Did a certain someone secretly go to the senior student for a photo and autograph?" Nora's cheeks flushed. "I understand, no need to be embarrassed. It's normal to admire her," Quentin said. As Nora walked toward the exit, she asked, "Aren't you going home? Our matches today are over." Quentin replied, "Nah, I'm gonna stay here and watch her from afar." Nora didn't respond, and after notifying Justin, she drove home.

Upon arriving, she saw Old Maddie sitting by the door, looking dazed. He was taken aback upon seeing her and muttered, "Yvette." Nora's heart skipped a beat. Does he know my mother? She thought. She slammed on the brakes, jumped out of the car, and ran up to Old Maddie. "Do you know my mother?" she asked. The elderly man looked bewildered. "Yvette Anderson," she reminded him. Old Maddie shouted excitedly, "Yvette!" Nora was shocked. She asked the security guard to park her car and held Old Maddie's arm, "Where do you live? I'll take you back." Old Maddie grinned, "Will you give me hamburgers?" "Yes," she replied, and they went to his home.

It was dark, and the manor was quiet, with stars twinkling in the sky. Old Maddie led her to his tidy and clean house, indicating he wasn't abused. After looking around, he sneakily handed her a hamburger, saying, "Eat this, Yvette." Nora frowned. While she was lost in thought, Old Maddie reassured her, "Don't be scared. You won't die of hunger." Confused, she asked, "Where are we?" "At home, of course," he replied. She puzzled over their relationship. Old Maddie then asked, "Did you bury a child, Yvette?" Shocked, Nora realized he was behaving erratically. He mentioned Ian's daughter, prompting her to ask, "Are you Ryan Smith?" Old Maddie disdainfully replied, "Ryan is ugly and not as good looking as Ian."

Nora wondered if Old Maddie was really Ryan, considering his behavior. Disappointed, she decided to leave. After Nora left, Old Maddie, struggling with his memory, continued to eat his hamburger. Later, Nora returned, offering to treat his illness. The next morning, Maureen approached Nora, having heard about her intention to treat Old Maddie. Nora affirmed her decision, determined to uncover the truth about Ryan and her mother. Maureen, however, doubted Nora's ability, noting even a renowned psychiatrist couldn't cure Old Maddie. But Nora, resolute in her mission, walked downstairs, ready to prove herself.

Nora's Battle to Cure Old Maddy at the Smith Residence

In the heart of the Smith residence, tension ran high as Maureen rolled her eyes at Warren. With a hint of exasperation, Warren backpedaled, suggesting that if Nora wanted to treat Old Maddy's illness, she could go ahead. He added that they would keep her close, watching Old Maddy, and tell outsiders he showed signs of improvement. Maureen laughed, pointing out Warren's contradictory nature. Annoyed, Warren complained about his daily burdens and cleaning up Nora's potential messes. He instructed Maureen to inform anyone asking about Old Maddy that his condition seemed greatly improved and he no longer went berserk. Maureen agreed without hesitation.

After a light snack, Nora prepared to head to the backyard to look for Old Maddy. Previous attempts to treat his mental illness had failed, leaving no conventional treatments left. Nora, determined, decided to try acupuncture after examining him the previous evening. On her way, she bumped into Yvonne, who tried to avoid her gaze. Despite their argument the day before, Yvonne greeted Nora with a smile, which Nora found brazen. She responded curtly and continued to the backyard.

Yvonne watched Nora with a mocking smile, thinking it would be amusing to see her fail. As Nora approached Old Maddy's house, several household staff members quickly left, whispering among themselves about Nora's plan to treat Old Maddy's illness. They doubted her abilities, considering even the best psychiatrists had failed. They gossiped about her determination, suggesting it was an attempt to gain respect. Unfazed, Nora entered Old Maddy's house.

Old Maddy was eating a hamburger, and the butler, aware of Nora's intentions, looked on sternly. The butler had disapproved of Nora using Old Maddy as a test subject but was overruled by Joel, who agreed to the treatment. The butler, having a close bond with Old Maddy, reluctantly agreed to keep an eye on him.

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Nora opened a box containing long, thin acupuncture needles. The butler, shocked, questioned her methods, pointing out she was a surgeon. Nora nonchalantly confirmed and began examining Old Maddy, searching for the right acupoints. She found a spot on his head and carefully pierced his skin with a needle. The butler felt queasy watching the process, but Nora assured Old Maddy to remain still. After a while, she removed the needle, the butler and others secretly observing were filled with fear and curiosity.

Florence, the chief housekeeper, stormed in, demanding to know what Nora was doing. She emphasized the importance of Old Maddy, whom Mr. Ian had personally allowed to stay. Florence, loyal to Ian, was concerned about Nora's actions. Despite Florence's protests, Nora continued her treatment, placing a few more needles. The butler, seeing Old Maddy's apparent improvement, was amazed. Old Maddy, after the treatment, expressed a desire to sleep, which Nora explained was a normal aftereffect of acupuncture. She assured the butler that Old Maddy would be fine after resting.

Nora, mentally exhausted from the procedure, left the house, planning to attend a tournament. At the venue, the matches were uneventful, with Nora, Justin, and Quentin easily defeating their opponents. After the matches, Nora and Justin, along with their daughter Cherry, prepared to leave. Quentin, curious about their participation, questioned their motives. Nora and Justin, popular among fans, had gained a significant following. Quentin, enjoying the attention, still puzzled over their involvement.

As they headed to the parking lot, Justin invited Nora for dinner, which she declined, preferring to return home. Back at the manor, Nora encountered Quentin, who reprimanded her for going out unnecessarily. He expressed frustration about having to follow her around, wishing she had more skill so he wouldn't need to. Nora, feeling the weight of his words, remained silent.

This scene highlights the dynamics within the Smith residence, showcasing Nora's determination to help Old Maddy despite skepticism and opposition. Her resilience, combined with the intricate relationships among the characters, adds depth to the narrative, making it a compelling story of conflict, loyalty, and perseverance.

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