Insta Millionaire | Episode 47-48 | English

Episode 47: Getting Revenge

In Episode 47 of "Getting Revenge," the tension between Alex and Bruno reaches its climax as the episode begins with a dramatic and humiliating moment for Bruno. Alex, with a cold and commanding demeanor, forces Bruno to kneel before him, compelling him to beg for forgiveness. The once arrogant Bruno is reduced to a pitiful state, biting his lip so hard it bleeds as he pleads for mercy. The scene is filled with a palpable sense of power and control, as the bystanders watch in stunned silence, unable to mock Bruno, overwhelmed by the unexpected display of dominance by Alex.

As Bruno reluctantly obeys, Alex’s thoughts reveal a mix of sympathy and disdain. Though he feels a slight pity for Bruno, Alex is clear that Bruno has brought this upon himself. Instead of prolonging the humiliation, Alex decides to leave the scene and focus on something more pleasant—reuniting with Debbie. The episode takes a lighter turn as Alex and Debbie leave the restaurant, enjoying each other's company as they stroll through the streets of New York. Alex, noticing Debbie’s recent weight loss, is filled with tenderness and vows to never let her suffer again. The romantic moment, however, is interrupted by Debbie’s growling stomach, leading to playful banter between the two. Their chemistry is evident as they tease each other, with Alex trying to be romantic while Debbie pretends to be annoyed, creating a light-hearted and affectionate atmosphere.

Their happiness, however, is short-lived. As they return to the university, Debbie’s past confronts her in the form of Madison, her former roommate, and her two friends, Linda and Georgia. Madison, with her cold and disdainful demeanor, wastes no time in taunting Debbie, who is immediately alarmed and tries to escape. Madison, fueled by a mix of jealousy and the desire for revenge, blocks Debbie’s path, making it clear that she intends to torment her. The situation quickly escalates as Madison’s anger, rooted in a previous encounter with Alex, drives her to physically assault Debbie.

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The episode takes a dark and disturbing turn as Madison’s vindictive nature comes to the forefront. She and her friends, driven by malice, push Debbie to the edge—both physically and emotionally. Madison, recalling how Alex had humiliated her, decides to use Debbie to lure Alex out, intending to exact her revenge on him. The situation becomes increasingly dire as Madison and her friends force Debbie toward the lake, intending to inflict maximum pain and suffering.

As the bullying intensifies, Debbie finds herself in a terrifying situation. Madison, Linda, and Georgia push Debbie's head into the lake water, tormenting her with repeated dunking and slapping. The scene is horrifying as the other students, aware of Madison’s gang connections, stand by, too scared to intervene. Debbie's struggle for breath and the vicious treatment she receives are harrowing, showcasing the depths of Madison’s cruelty. The situation reaches a critical point as Debbie’s movements begin to slow, and it becomes apparent that she is in serious danger.

Just as Debbie's life hangs by a thread, Alex arrives on the scene. His entrance is marked by a fierce determination to save Debbie, throwing away the food he had brought and charging through the crowd to reach her. The intensity of Alex's emotions is palpable as he fights to resuscitate Debbie, refusing to give up even as the situation seems hopeless. His desperation is evident as he repeatedly breathes life into Debbie, his love for her driving him to continue despite the mounting evidence that she might already be gone.

In a heart-wrenching moment, Alex begins to realize that Debbie might be beyond saving. His tears and the physical toll of his efforts reflect the depth of his despair. As the minutes drag on, Alex is forced to confront the possibility that Debbie is truly gone, a realization that brings a strange calm over him. However, this calm is not one of acceptance, but rather a prelude to something darker.

The episode culminates in a chilling final scene. Madison, initially dismissive of the severity of the situation, begins to panic as she realizes the potential consequences of her actions. Alex, after failing to revive Debbie, slowly turns his attention to Madison. His expression, now devoid of any emotion, sends a wave of fear through Madison as she realizes that Alex is coming for her. The episode ends on a tense note, with Alex advancing on Madison, murder in his eyes, while no one notices the subtle movement of Debbie's finger, hinting that she might still be alive. This cliffhanger leaves the audience on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next episode to see the outcome of this intense confrontation.

Episode 48. The dragons are coming. 

In Episode 48, "The Dragons Are Coming," tension reaches a fever pitch as Madison faces the wrath of Alex after having killed his girlfriend, Debbie. The episode begins with a confrontation between the two, as Madison, despite her fear, tries to maintain her composure in front of onlookers. However, Alex, consumed by grief and anger, slaps Madison hard, splitting her lip. The assault intensifies as Alex drags Madison by her hair towards a nearby lake, determined to make her feel the same terror and pain that Debbie experienced in her final moments.

As Alex forces Madison's head underwater, her panic escalates. She struggles, choking on water, desperately screaming for help. The bystanders, too frightened to intervene, watch in silence, mirroring their inaction during Debbie's murder. Madison's pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears as Alex, now fully committed to avenging Debbie, keeps her submerged for longer periods each time.

Madison, in a bid to save her life, offers Alex money as compensation, but he dismisses her offers, stating that no amount of money could ever bring Debbie back. His resolve to kill Madison strengthens as he contemplates joining Debbie in death after fulfilling his revenge. Madison’s situation becomes increasingly dire as she fights for breath, her desperation mounting with each second.

The intense scene is interrupted by the sudden arrival of several luxury cars at the school. The appearance of these vehicles catches the attention of the students, who quickly recognize the cars as belonging to the notorious Black Dragon Society. The arrival of the Black Dragon Society, led by the imposing figure of Quentin Robbins, shifts the dynamic entirely. Quentin, a man of power and influence within the criminal underworld, commands instant fear and respect. His men quickly seize control, preventing the students from taking photos and ensuring that no one interferes.

As Quentin exits his Rolls-Royce, Madison's relief is palpable. She rushes to him, addressing him as "Uncle Quentin," revealing her deep connection to the feared leader of the Black Dragon Society. This revelation explains Madison's audacity and fearlessness, as she knows that with Quentin's backing, she is untouchable. Madison pleads with Quentin to kill Alex, painting herself as the victim of Alex’s violent assault.

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Quentin, seeing his niece in distress, is filled with fury and vows to deal with Alex. As Alex fights off the men attacking him, his determination to avenge Debbie drives him to keep moving forward, even as he sustains injuries. Despite being outnumbered, Alex manages to land several blows, showcasing his resolve and physical strength.

However, Quentin is not one to be trifled with. He orders his men to subdue Alex, and when Alex continues to advance, Quentin instructs one of his men to shoot. A gunshot rings out, and Alex collapses, blood soaking through his clothes. Madison, seeing Alex fall, is momentarily filled with satisfaction. Yet, Alex's determination is unshakable, and he rises again, wounded but undeterred, continuing his pursuit of Madison.

Quentin, surprised by Alex's resilience, orders a second shot, this time aiming for Alex's leg. The bullet hits its mark, causing Alex to stumble once more. But even with this severe injury, Alex crawls toward Madison, leaving a trail of blood behind him. The sight of Alex's unwavering resolve begins to affect the onlookers, who momentarily forget their fear and hope that Alex will succeed in avenging Debbie.

Madison, however, remains cold and unyielding. She takes a gun from one of Quentin's men and, with chilling calmness, points it at Alex’s head. In a final act of defiance, she taunts him, suggesting that if he loves Debbie so much, he should join her in death. The episode ends on this cliffhanger, leaving the audience in suspense as Madison's finger begins to squeeze the trigger.

"The Dragons Are Coming" is a gripping episode that masterfully builds tension and explores themes of revenge, power, and the lengths to which one will go for justice. The introduction of the Black Dragon Society adds a new layer of complexity to the narrative, setting the stage for future conflicts and raising the stakes for all involved. As the episode concludes, viewers are left on the edge of their seats, eager to see how this intense confrontation will resolve in the next installment.

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