Insta Millionaire | Episode 41-42 | English

Episode 41 Taking the blame.

In "Episode 41 - Taking the Blame," Alex finds himself in a dire situation where his wealth is questioned, and his inability to prove his financial status causes him to face ridicule and suspicion. The episode opens with Alex being bombarded with insults from his peers, who doubt his claims of being wealthy. Cathy, one of his most vocal critics, demands proof of his riches, but Alex is unable to provide any evidence due to his frozen bank accounts. The pressure intensifies as Mr. Berkley, a university official, accuses Alex of stealing money and insists that he return the stolen funds or face legal consequences.

As the situation escalates, Cathy urges Mr. Berkley to have Alex arrested, convinced that a stint at the police station will force a confession. Alex, overwhelmed by the accusations and unable to clear his name, remains silent but determined. Amid the chaos, Debbie, who has been quietly observing, suddenly steps forward and claims responsibility for the theft. Her confession shocks everyone, including Mr. Morgan, who is incredulous that Debbie would do such a thing. Debbie, however, insists that she acted alone and even produces Mr. Morgan’s phone as evidence, claiming that Cathy caught her in the act.

Debbie’s confession appears credible, and Mr. Berkley prepares to take her to the police. However, her motivation is not to clear her name but to protect Alex. She is willing to face severe punishment and somehow find a way to repay the $350,000, showing her deep affection for Alex. Her self-sacrifice causes Alex to panic, realizing that Debbie is doing this out of love for him. He feels guilty for allowing her to take the fall and decides that he cannot let her go through with it.

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Alex finally speaks up, telling Debbie not to cover for him. His faint smile suggests a mix of gratitude and sorrow. He confesses that he was the one who stole the money and that he had used Debbie to try and dispose of it by spending it quickly. His confession stuns Debbie, who initially protests, but Alex insists that he is telling the truth. He takes full responsibility for the theft, claiming that he was trying to use Debbie as a pawn in his scheme.

Debbie, heartbroken by Alex’s confession, realizes that he has been deceiving her all along. Her emotions overwhelm her, and she lashes out at Alex, slapping him and accusing him of lying. Her tears reflect her deep sense of betrayal, as she had been willing to sacrifice herself for a man who was only using her. Alex, feeling remorseful, tries to comfort her, but Debbie rejects his help and runs out of the room, leaving Alex to ponder the consequences of his actions.

As the university officials discuss the situation, Mr. Morgan decides not to involve the police, preferring to handle the matter quietly to protect the university’s reputation. An agreement is reached, allowing Alex to repay the stolen money over five years, sparing him from immediate legal action. Although the crisis is temporarily averted, Alex is left to deal with the personal fallout of his deception.

Later, Alex returns to the university, burdened by the events of the day. He wants to reach out to Debbie but hesitates, knowing that she needs time to process what has happened. His roommates try to console him, but Alex is too exhausted to engage in conversation and goes to bed, his mind still preoccupied with Debbie.

The next morning, Alex is awakened by a call from Zara, a cheerleader who has arranged for him to meet her cousin, Karen, for lunch. Despite his reluctance, Alex agrees to the meeting, seeing it as a distraction from his problems. When he arrives at the central plaza, Zara and Karen are already there, discussing Alex’s recent troubles. Zara, unaware of Alex’s true financial situation, mocks him, calling him a loser. However, Karen, who has her own suspicions about Alex’s wealth, listens intently, aware that there might be more to his story than meets the eye.

As the episode concludes, Zara and Karen’s conversation reveals their differing perceptions of Alex. While Zara remains convinced that Alex is a fraud, Karen begins to see him in a different light, intrigued by the possibility that he might be hiding something. This episode leaves the audience questioning what will happen next, as Alex’s relationship with Debbie hangs in the balance, and new complications with Zara and Karen begin to emerge.

Episode 42 The Date. Is it a date?

Zara had no idea that Alex was wealthy, which made her cousin Karen’s behavior even more perplexing. While Zara considered Alex just another average guy, Karen’s interest in him seemed to contradict Zara's perception. As the two prepared to meet up with Alex, Karen took extra time to fix her makeup, a detail Zara couldn’t help but tease her about. "If you get any prettier, I'll be jealous," Zara joked, unaware of Karen’s real intentions.

Karen, however, wasn’t thinking about impressing Robert, the man Zara assumed she was interested in. Her focus was entirely on Alex. Despite Zara’s ignorance, Karen was determined to make the most of her chance to win Alex’s attention. When Zara suggested a walk around the mall to kill time before Alex arrived, Karen refused, insisting they stay put. "Alex will be here soon. It would be rude not to be here when he arrives," she said, her dedication to meeting Alex clear. Zara, puzzled by Karen’s insistence, couldn’t understand why her cousin cared so much about a "loser" like Alex.

When Alex finally arrived, 20 minutes late, his appearance brought mixed reactions from the two women. Zara, with her sharp tongue, immediately chided him for making them wait, but Karen defended him. "The university isn't that close, and 20 minutes isn't long at all," she said, trying to smooth things over. This protective stance confused Zara, who couldn’t figure out why Karen was suddenly so considerate of Alex. But Zara quickly brushed off her confusion, remembering that Karen was just trying to trick Alex into liking her.

The conversation soon turned to Alex's mode of transportation. Zara, still skeptical of Alex’s wealth, mockingly asked about his missing Mercedes, assuming he had been lying about owning it. Alex, fed up with Zara’s attitude, decided it was time to drop the facade. "Then tell me, if that wasn't my car, why didn’t I make Howard pay for the damage?" he challenged. Zara, caught off guard, struggled to find a retort, eventually resorting to more insults about his supposed poverty.

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As the tension between Zara and Alex escalated, Karen attempted to defuse the situation by reminding Zara of an "appointment" she needed to get to. This was a prearranged plan between the cousins: Zara would leave to call Robert and bring him to the scene, hoping his jealousy would drive a wedge between Karen and Alex. Zara, eager to set the plan in motion, pretended to remember her appointment and left, leaving Karen and Alex alone.

Zara, however, was far from done with her schemes. After making her exit, she quickly called Robert, asking him to meet her at the central plaza. She hoped that when Robert saw Karen with Alex, he would be so jealous that he would confront Alex, creating the drama Zara longed to witness. Meanwhile, Karen had her own plans. She was determined to find a secluded spot where she and Alex could be alone, away from Robert’s potential interference.

When Robert arrived in his sleek Audi A5, Zara greeted him with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She played her part well, pretending to be concerned about Karen’s recent behavior, all the while manipulating Robert into following her to the restaurant where Karen and Alex were having lunch. Zara’s goal was simple: to create a scene where Robert would confront Alex, exposing the truth about Karen’s intentions.

But things didn’t go as smoothly as Zara had hoped. When they arrived at the restaurant, Karen and Alex were nowhere to be seen. Frustrated but determined, Zara led Robert on a wild goose chase around the mall, searching for the couple. Just as Robert’s patience began to wear thin, Zara finally spotted Karen and Alex through a restaurant window. She quickly concocted a plan to get Robert inside without raising his suspicions.

Feigning a sudden stomachache, Zara sent Robert ahead into the restaurant while she hid nearby, eager to watch the drama unfold. She imagined the confrontation that would ensue, with Robert angrily challenging Alex and Karen caught in the middle. But as the minutes ticked by, Zara’s anticipation turned into anxiety. What if Karen managed to talk her way out of the situation? What if Robert didn’t react as expected?

Zara’s mind raced with possibilities, but one thing was clear: she was determined to see her plan through to the end. She had put too much effort into orchestrating this moment to let it slip away. As she watched from her hiding spot, Zara couldn’t help but smile. If everything went according to plan, she would finally expose Karen’s true intentions and, perhaps, get a little revenge on Alex for making her cousin act so strangely. In Zara's mind, it was a win-win situation.

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