Beauty And The Billionaire | Episode 1-2 | English

Episode One - When Loved Ones Hurt

In "Episode One - When Loved Ones Hurt," the Miller family is abuzz with excitement as Kinsey Miller prepares for her wedding to Tyler Smith. Kinsey, an 18-year-old with delicate features, looks stunning in her strapless wedding dress. Despite overindulging at her bridal shower the previous night, she wakes early, ready to embrace her big day. However, the joyous atmosphere quickly turns dark.

As Kinsey rests, a maid brings her bird's nest soup. She drinks it but finds the taste odd, likely due to the remnants of alcohol from the night before. Moments later, Erika, Kinsey's half-sister, enters the room. Kinsey and Erika share a contentious relationship; Kinsey despises Erika, who is the daughter of her stepmother—the woman responsible for her parents' separation.

Erika's presence in the room signals trouble. She inspects the empty bowl of soup with a wicked smile and reveals her sinister plan to Kinsey. Erika has drugged the soup and arranged for bodyguards to assault Kinsey. Shocked and horrified, Kinsey realizes the depth of Erika's hatred. Determined to defend herself, she confronts Erika, exposing her true nature. Kinsey forces Erika to drink the remaining soup, ensuring she suffers the consequences of her actions.

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Their confrontation escalates until Tyler enters the room. Kinsey tries to explain Erika's scheme, but Erika plays the victim, denying the accusations. Tyler, swayed by Erika's pitiful demeanor, doubts Kinsey's claims. Despite Kinsey's desperate pleas, Tyler remains unconvinced, his trust in her shaken. This moment of betrayal marks a turning point, as Kinsey grapples with the realization that Tyler may not be the supportive partner she believed him to be.

The situation intensifies when Martin Miller, Kinsey's father, and his wife, Lucy Andrews, enter the room. Erika continues her act, seeking sympathy from her mother. Kinsey, undeterred, insists on the truth. Martin, hoping to resolve the conflict, calls for a chemist to analyze the soup and orders Erika to surrender her phone.

The chemist's examination reveals no foreign substances in the soup, and Erika's phone records show a recent call to a telecommunications company, not the bodyguards. The evidence appears to exonerate Erika, casting doubt on Kinsey's accusations. Frustrated and disheartened, Kinsey realizes Erika has masterfully manipulated the situation to discredit her.

Despite the mounting evidence against her, Kinsey remains resolute. She believes Erika orchestrated the events to frame her and destroy her credibility. Kinsey's attempts to explain are cut short when Martin, overwhelmed with disappointment, slaps her. The room falls silent, the tension palpable. Erika, standing behind Martin, smirks triumphantly, knowing she has succeeded in her plan.

The episode concludes with Kinsey, bruised and betrayed, looking to Tyler for support. But his cold, unsympathetic response shatters her remaining hope. Kinsey's heartache is palpable as she realizes she stands alone against a web of deceit. The once festive mood of the wedding day is replaced by a sense of dread and uncertainty, leaving Kinsey to navigate the treacherous waters of her family's betrayal.

"Episode One - When Loved Ones Hurt" sets the stage for a gripping narrative filled with intrigue, deception, and emotional turmoil. As Kinsey confronts the harsh realities of her relationships, the episode underscores the fragility of trust and the devastating impact of betrayal by those closest to her. This initial episode promises a dramatic and intense journey for Kinsey as she seeks to uncover the truth and reclaim her place within her family and her own life.

Episode Two: Love with the Stranger

In Episode Two of "Love with the Stranger," Kinsey finds herself at the center of a storm of public criticism, a situation she never anticipated. Despite her disdain for Lucy and Erica, whom she views as homewreckers, Kinsey never intended to set them up. However, these two women managed to manipulate the situation, gaining sympathy from Kinsey's father, Mr. Martin, and her fiancé, Tyler. The most heartbreaking part for Kinsey is not the scheming of Lucy and Erica but the betrayal by her father and Tyler, her childhood love. They have always viewed her as the troublemaker, seeking evidence to confirm their doubts.

Kinsey, who believed she was the most loved daughter in the family and destined to become part of the Smith family as Tyler's wife, now realizes how misplaced her trust was. Feeling utterly betrayed and alone, she decides to take drastic action. She picks up a pair of scissors and cuts through the hem of her wedding dress before tearing it apart and throwing it on the ground. Tyler, shocked by her actions, asks what she is doing, but Kinsey, her eyes filled with tears, walks away, determined to leave her past behind.

As Kinsey packs her suitcase and heads downstairs, a maid rushes to inform Mr. Martin of her intention to leave home. Mr. Martin, furious and believing his daughter needs a lesson, dismisses her actions. However, Tyler becomes anxious and tries to chase after Kinsey, but Erica suddenly faints, diverting his attention. As Kinsey reaches the door, she looks back to see her father and Tyler tending to Erica, solidifying her decision to leave without hesitation.

Kinsey drives to the Civil Affairs Bureau, intending to retrieve her ID card. She had planned to marry Tyler on this day, May 20th, a symbolic date for love in their country. However, as she drives, she begins to feel unwell, realizing she has been drugged by Erica. The drug's effect is powerful, making her feel as if her body is on fire. Kinsey knows seeking justice is futile, as her father and Tyler would see it as another trick.

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Upon arriving at the Civil Affairs Bureau, Kinsey feels weak and feverish. She retrieves her ID card from the domestic help and decides to find a man to help her lose her virginity, feeling she has nothing left to lose. As she looks around, a man in a well-tailored suit catches her eye. This man, Ethan Walker, is at the bureau because his bride did not show up. Kinsey decides he is the one, despite having only met him twice before.

Ethan, intrigued by Kinsey's bold approach, agrees to help her. They quickly obtain their marriage licenses, and Ethan takes Kinsey to his car. He notices her distress and decides to take her home, but they get stuck in traffic due to an accident. Ethan steps out to take a call, and Kinsey, waking up, realizes the situation. She is shocked to find they are legally married, a decision made in her drugged state.

Realizing she cannot stay, Kinsey quietly slips out of the car and disappears into the crowd, heading straight to the airport. She buys a ticket to France, determined to start anew, far from the betrayal and pain she experienced.

In this episode, Kinsey's world is turned upside down. Her father's and Tyler's betrayal shatters her trust, and Erica's cunning plan forces her to leave her home and future behind. Ethan, a stranger caught in her turmoil, becomes an unexpected part of her life. Kinsey's decision to flee to France marks a turning point in her story, setting the stage for new challenges and adventures.

This summary captures the essence of Episode Two, highlighting the key events and emotional struggles of the characters. It emphasizes the dramatic turn of events in Kinsey's life, making it a compelling read for fans of "Love with the Stranger."

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