The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 669-670 | English

Episode 669 A Surprising Discovery.

In Episode 669, titled "A Surprising Discovery," Emma finds herself grappling with unresolved questions about a recent dog attack that left her uneasy. Despite the police confirming the incident as an accident, Emma’s instincts tell her there’s more to the story. Her suspicions are further fueled by the mysterious presence of Layla, a figure who seemingly appeared out of nowhere to cause trouble. As Emma delves into Layla’s background, she discovers that Layla is not just anyone—she’s an incredibly talented and accomplished individual, with a string of chart-topping songs, a beautiful singing voice, and an impressive screenwriting career. Layla's talents had even led her to work on adaptations for popular TV dramas and films, making her a well-known name in the entertainment industry. Emma realizes that Layla’s sudden rise to prominence was not as sudden as it seemed; Layla had been making waves long before their paths crossed.

Despite Layla’s success, Emma can’t shake the feeling that there’s something more sinister at play. She decides to dig deeper into the circumstances surrounding the dog attack, starting with the surveillance footage of the incident. Emma contacts Luis, asking him if he had reviewed the footage. Luis, who had already looked through the footage multiple times, reassures her that it was just an accident, but Emma insists on reviewing it herself. She believes that Luis might have overlooked something important due to his exhaustion. Reluctantly, Luis sends her the footage, and Emma prepares to scrutinize every detail.

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Emma sets up the footage in Eric’s study, projecting it onto a larger screen for a thorough examination. The footage reveals that Caitlin, accompanied by her daughter Maria, had used a valet service to park her car in the underground garage of their apartment complex. As they made their way to the apartment building’s entrance, a large black dog suddenly attacked Maria, seemingly out of nowhere. Caitlin, in a desperate attempt to protect her daughter, tried to distract the dog by throwing Maria’s jacket, but the dog persisted in its attack, eventually latching onto Caitlin’s leg. The dog’s owner, realizing what was happening, rushed over to pull the dog away.

Emma watches the footage repeatedly, struggling to understand why the dog had targeted Maria so aggressively. Although the attack appeared accidental, Emma couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. She contacts Luis again, asking if he had kept Maria’s clothes from the day of the attack. Luis admits that he had discarded them, not wanting to keep anything that might remind Maria of the traumatic event. However, Emma insists that the clothes might hold a clue to understanding the dog’s behavior.

Determined to get to the bottom of things, Luis searches the trash can outside the operating room where Caitlin had been treated, hoping to recover Maria’s clothes. To his surprise, the clothes were still there, and as he sifted through them, he discovered a small dog treat in Maria’s pants pocket. Luis is puzzled by its presence, unable to understand how or why Maria had the treat. He immediately informs Emma of his discovery, and the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place.

Emma hypothesizes that the dog treat was the reason for the attack, suspecting that someone had intentionally placed it in Maria’s pocket to provoke the dog. She believes that this was a calculated move to target Caitlin through Maria, knowing that Caitlin would instinctively protect her daughter and likely get hurt in the process. Emma is horrified by the thought of someone orchestrating such a cruel scheme, but she is determined to uncover the truth and bring the culprit to justice.

As Emma ponders who could be behind this nefarious act, she realizes that the answer might be closer than she thought. However, she is unaware that Layla, the woman who had initially piqued her suspicions, might also be targeting her. The episode ends with Emma and Eric heading to bed after a long day, with Emma promising to continue her investigation in the morning, not knowing that she and Layla are on a collision course, each trying to outsmart the other. The stage is set for a tense and thrilling confrontation between two formidable women, both intent on achieving their own goals.

Episode 670 Some Real Competition.

In Episode 670, titled "Some Real Competition," the stakes intensify as Luis and Emma navigate a web of suspicion, rivalry, and strategic maneuvering. The episode opens with Luis meeting the dog owner, clutching evidence that seems to implicate the animal in a recent attack. However, the owner is puzzled, asserting that while the dog had nipped someone as a puppy, it had never shown aggressive behavior since. Luis’s investigation hits a dead end as the owner remains adamant that his dog is innocent.

Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, Luis returns home and questions Maria about a dog treat he found in her pocket. Maria, seemingly oblivious, denies any knowledge of the treat. Not one to leave stones unturned, Luis decides to speak with Maria's kindergarten teacher. The teacher explains that the classroom keeps a jar of dog treats for her dog’s visits, suggesting that Maria might have innocently taken one. This revelation leads Luis to question his earlier suspicions. Maybe Emma is being paranoid, he muses, and resolves to return to the hospital to be with Caitlin, his daughter, who was the victim of the dog’s bite.

Meanwhile, Emma, overwhelmed with guilt and anxiety, listens to Luis's findings in silence. The pieces seem to fit together, but she can’t shake off the feeling that Layla, a rising star in the music industry, is somehow involved. Despite her intuition, the evidence doesn’t support her suspicions, leaving her powerless to act. Emma’s frustration grows as Caitlin’s incident slowly fades from public memory. Once the media frenzy subsides, Caitlin’s burgeoning career takes a hit. Runway shows and endorsements that were once hers are now being handed over to other models. Emma's heart breaks as she watches her daughter’s opportunities slip away.

Desperate to salvage Caitlin's career, Emma reaches out to her industry contacts, including George Benedict from TCU and the renowned French designer Clementine. But the responses are discouraging. Clementine bluntly tells Emma that no one will come to Caitlin's rescue; she must rise on her own. This harsh reality leaves Emma feeling helpless, yet she can’t shake the nagging feeling that there must be something more she can do.

While Caitlin recuperates in the hospital, Layla's career soars. She receives an award for songwriting, further solidifying her position as a formidable competitor. Emma, seeing Layla’s success, realizes that this is the first time she’s faced real competition. Layla's ascent stokes a fire within Emma, but her hands are tied—Caitlin’s recovery and the lack of concrete evidence against Layla leave her with few options.

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As Emma grapples with her own powerlessness, another subplot unfolds involving Quinn and Marjorie. Layla had recently proposed a plan to Quinn, but Quinn hesitates to act. Instead, she spends her time observing Marjorie’s daily routine, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Marjorie, once a thorn in Emma's side, has been relatively quiet after being publicly humiliated and threatened by Jeff. She has retreated into her research, but her disdain for Emma hasn’t diminished.

In a twist of fate, Quinn and Marjorie cross paths at a café. Marjorie, trying to avoid gossip about Emma, excuses herself to the bathroom, only to run into Quinn. Quinn, feigning concern, subtly plants seeds of doubt in Marjorie’s mind by mentioning rumors about Emma. Though Marjorie tries to brush it off, Quinn’s words hit a nerve, and Marjorie’s anger flares. Feeling humiliated by the mere suggestion that she could be reduced to a nanny for Emma's child, Marjorie vows to take action.

Seething with rage, Marjorie begins to plot her revenge. She realizes that Emma’s routine offers a small window of opportunity—Emma’s weekly hospital checkups on Fridays. During these times, Emma’s house is empty except for Eliza, who stays behind to prepare meals. Marjorie sees this as her chance to strike, with a plan that not only targets Emma but also frames Eliza, effectively killing two birds with one stone.

As the episode closes, viewers are left on the edge of their seats, wondering how Marjorie’s scheme will unfold and whether Emma will uncover the true extent of the threats surrounding her. With competition heating up and alliances shifting, "Some Real Competition" sets the stage for an explosive showdown in the episodes to come.

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