The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 665-666 | English

Episode 665 - We Should Wait: A Tumultuous Turn of Events

In Episode 665 titled We Should Wait, the chaotic unraveling of Annie’s life continues, leaving her more isolated and desperate than ever. The episode begins with the aftermath of a press conference disaster, but the real blow to Annie’s career comes shortly after when a recording is leaked, revealing that the affair between Bridget and Richard was fabricated by Annie. The leak shakes the industry, turning it against Annie just days after Richard had signed a contract with her. The recording, which even Richard was unaware of, had been quietly kept by Emma, who played a pivotal role in the situation without drawing attention to herself.

Annie, now shunned by the industry, feels like she is trapped in a nightmare. Desperate to reconnect with Bridget or Richard, she tries to reach out, but her efforts are futile as they no longer move in the same social circles. She even visits the apartment she once shared with Bridget, only to find it empty, as Bridget has moved out. Unwilling to accept defeat, Annie tracks down Bridget’s new address and waits there, hoping to see her. When Bridget eventually arrives, she simply sits in her car, staring at Annie, but makes no move to engage.

Meanwhile, Richard is puzzled by Bridget’s lack of reaction to seeing Annie. “You could be rubbing her face in it right now,” he remarks, confused by Bridget’s restraint. However, Bridget expresses a surprising level of empathy for Annie, noting that she has lost everything. Despite Richard’s concerns that emotions might cloud her judgment, Bridget remains focused, dismissing his worries with a laugh. Their conversation turns tender when Richard, noticing Bridget’s difficulty sleeping in unfamiliar places, hands her a pillow from her bed. Bridget is touched by his thoughtfulness, wondering why it feels so comforting to know he cares.

As Richard sends Bridget on her way, his thoughts turn to Emma. He visits her apartment to confront her about her continued support for Bridget. “Why are you going to such lengths to protect her?” he asks, clearly troubled by Emma’s involvement. Emma deflects, asking Richard if he believes she went too far with Annie. Though Richard reassures her that Annie deserved what she got, he expresses doubts about Bridget being worthy of Emma’s efforts, given how little time they’ve known each other. Emma, however, hints at a deeper connection, advising Richard to be kind to Bridget as she’s not who he thinks she is. When Richard presses for more information, Emma swiftly changes the topic, urging him to focus on his ambition of becoming an assistant director to Michael Sinclair.

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Richard, however, is still determined to avenge Bridget. Emma’s cryptic words weigh on his mind, especially as she alludes to the upcoming revelation that will shock everyone, including Richard, when they learn Bridget’s true identity as Erik’s sister. Unbeknownst to Emma, Richard harbors secrets of his own. The episode reveals that just six months after its formation, the production company behind The Savage Wars disbands, with its investors prosecuted for tax evasion, resulting in jail time for all involved. Emma later discovers that Richard has sold his home and replaced his luxury car with a more modest vehicle, raising questions about his financial situation.

Curious and concerned, Emma asks Erik about Richard’s money problems when he arrives home from work. Erik reveals that Richard spent all his money on legal fees, seeking Erik’s advice before initiating the process. Emma is shocked to learn that Richard did all of this to rid himself of Matt, demonstrating his loyalty to those he cares about, particularly Bridget. Though reckless, Erik acknowledges Richard’s actions as a testament to his dedication, leaving Emma worried about how Bridget would react if she found out.

As the episode draws to a close, Emma and Erik discuss the looming issue of confronting Marjorie, a figure they believe is causing harm to Eliza. Emma is eager to act, but Erik urges caution, suggesting they wait until after their baby is born to avoid putting their family in danger. The episode ends on a tender note, with Erik gently rubbing Emma’s pregnant belly, marveling at the life they’ve created together. Although Erik must soon travel for work, Emma decides to stay home, assured by the thought that they will only be apart for one night. Their bond remains strong, even as the storm clouds of the unfolding drama continue to gather on the horizon.

In Episode 665 - We Should Wait, the intricate web of relationships and secrets grows more tangled, setting the stage for revelations that promise to change everything. As loyalties are tested and hidden truths inch closer to the surface, the characters find themselves on the brink of life-altering decisions, with the stakes higher than ever before.

Episode 666: The Secret Weapon

In "Episode 666: The Secret Weapon," the story unfolds on the set of the movie Mega Beast, nestled in the rugged mountains. Brigitte, a dedicated stunt double turned actress, spends her days practicing her lines in a secluded corner, hoping to feel more comfortable when the cameras start rolling. Despite her doubts about her acting abilities, Brigitte is determined to give it her all, believing this role is her best shot at protecting those she cares about. Her daily routine on set is grueling—arriving before anyone else and leaving after everyone has gone. However, her hard work and determination quickly earn her respect among the crew members, who come to her for help with various aches and pains, thanks to her amateur knowledge of medicine.

As filming drags on late into a bitterly cold night, Brigitte takes a break to review her script. Wrapped up in her own thoughts, she barely notices when Blake, the lead actor, finishes his scene and spots her huddled up in her chair. Without hesitation, he grabs a blanket from his assistant and wraps it around Brigitte from behind. Grateful, she thanks him, noting how freezing she is. Blake, ever the observant one, compliments Brigitte on her cleverness. He mentions how she’s been doing favors for the director to make up for her on-set mistakes, ensuring that no one else gets into trouble for messing up. While he acknowledges that she may not be as skilled as Emma, a seasoned actress, he praises her top-notch people skills.

Brigitte, however, remains critical of her own abilities, insisting that her acting skills need improvement if she wants to succeed. Blake offers her some advice, urging her to trust her instincts instead of constantly practicing in front of a mirror and doing favors for others. He reassures her that she’s a great fit for the character, which is why he chose her for the role. Touched by his encouragement, Brigitte thanks him, feeling a renewed sense of determination. As Blake leaves, he jokingly remarks on her sassy and opportunistic nature, admitting that while he usually dislikes people like that, he can’t seem to hate her—she’s just too likable.

After Blake’s departure, Brigitte, now alone, hugs the blanket tightly and jumps for joy. Blake’s belief in her has reignited her confidence. However, unbeknownst to her, Richard, another member of the crew, had been watching the interaction. He observed how tenderly Blake had wrapped the blanket around her, and his heart sinks as he holds onto his own blanket, feeling a pang of sadness. Richard quietly slips off the set, unnoticed by Brigitte.

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Later that night, Brigitte returns home to find a bowl of freshly cut fruit on her table. She immediately suspects that Richard had stopped by, but wonders why he didn’t say hello. Curious and slightly frustrated, she calls him, asking why he didn’t let her know he had visited. Richard, lying in bed, replies curtly that he didn’t want to. When Brigitte presses him on his recent odd behavior, Richard brushes her off, leading her to hang up the phone in frustration. As Richard reflects on his behavior, he’s unsure why he’s been acting so moody around her, but concludes that it’s probably for the best.

Meanwhile, another storyline unfolds involving Emma and Eric at the Kaleidoscope office. Emma is keeping Eric company as he finishes up his work before catching an early morning flight. The couple has been inseparable since Emma became pregnant, spending every possible moment together. As they cherish their last moments before Eric’s departure, Luke, a colleague, enters the office with an invitation for Eric to an international screenwriting award ceremony. The invite is for Layla Green, a new artist who recently signed with Kaleidoscope and is set to receive a major award.

However, Eric, already overwhelmed with work and focusing on managing Emma, declines the invitation, instructing Luke to pass it on to someone else. Luke tries to avoid taking on more responsibilities, especially as he’s already in trouble with his wife, Caitlin, for not spending enough time with her. Emma, amused by the situation, watches as Luke eventually tosses the invitation in the trash, prioritizing his personal life over another work commitment.

Curious about Layla Green, Emma asks Luke about her after Eric leaves. Luke explains that Layla is a talented artist and a recent international screenwriting award winner. As they head to the parking lot, Emma speculates whether Layla might be Kaleidoscope’s secret weapon. Luke, surprised by her insight, confirms that Layla is indeed a valuable addition to their team. Just then, Layla herself appears, her presence exuding confidence. She cheekily addresses Emma, making a snide comment about her age and implying that motherhood might limit her future career prospects. Emma, taken aback by Layla’s audacity, realizes that this new artist might be more of a challenge than she anticipated.

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