Insta Millionaire | Episode 43-44 | English

Episode 43. Who are you?

In "Episode 43 - Who Are You?" the tension between Alex, Karen, and the people around them reaches a boiling point as hidden intentions and misunderstandings come to the forefront. Karen, determined to spend time alone with Alex, deliberately changes the restaurant location to avoid being tracked by her cousin, Zara. She hopes this move will allow her to get closer to Alex, who appears distant and preoccupied. As they sit across from each other, Karen notices that Alex is not his usual self; his thoughts are dominated by the events of the previous day and the hurt expression on Debbie's face when she left him.

Sensing his unease, Karen gently prods Alex to open up about what's troubling him. Alex, still burdened by his unresolved conflict with Debbie, confides in Karen, asking her what she would do if someone she loved deeply misunderstood her and refused to forgive her. This admission catches Karen off guard, as she realizes that the woman who has captured Alex's heart poses a serious threat to her own ambitions. Despite her unease, Karen carefully navigates the conversation, subtly advising Alex to consider walking away from the relationship if the person he loves doesn’t trust him.

Alex, torn and confused, contemplates Karen's words, unaware of her ulterior motives. Sensing that she may have successfully planted doubt in his mind, Karen tries to cheer him up, inching closer to him across the table. She takes a bold step, reaching out to touch his hand, but just as she is about to make contact, the situation takes a dramatic turn. A loud voice interrupts them—it's Robert, who demands to know what Karen is doing and who Alex is.

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Karen, caught off guard by Robert's sudden appearance, is forced to confront him. Robert, who had been under the impression that he was Karen's boyfriend, is shocked and angered by the presence of Alex. He accuses Alex of trying to steal his girlfriend, to which Karen vehemently denies any romantic involvement with Robert, claiming they are just friends. Despite Robert's attempts to assert his claim over Karen, she makes it clear that she has no interest in him, much to his frustration.

The situation escalates when Robert, feeling humiliated and rejected, threatens Alex, raising his hand to strike him. However, Karen swiftly intervenes, slapping Robert hard across the face to prevent him from causing harm to Alex. The slap stuns Robert, leaving him speechless, while Karen turns her attention back to Alex, who is visibly uncomfortable with the scene that just unfolded. Embarrassed and unsure of what to do, Alex decides to leave the restaurant, despite Karen's attempts to stop him.

Outside, Karen tries to explain the situation to Alex, portraying herself as a victim of Robert's unwanted advances. She even sheds tears, hoping to elicit sympathy from Alex. Moved by her apparent vulnerability, Alex offers comfort, allowing her to lean into his chest. For a moment, Karen believes she has succeeded in winning him over, as Alex hesitates to push her away. However, as she presses herself closer to him, Alex is suddenly struck by a wave of guilt. He remembers Debbie and realizes that his unresolved issues with her are far more important than whatever fleeting attraction he might feel for Karen.

Overcome with guilt and self-reproach, Alex abruptly pushes Karen away, apologizing and telling her that he has something urgent to take care of. He leaves without looking back, leaving Karen standing alone, frustrated that her plan to ensnare Alex has failed. Just then, Zara appears, having tracked Karen down despite her earlier attempts to avoid her. Zara, oblivious to Karen's true feelings, praises her cousin's acting, believing that Karen's confrontation with Robert was all part of a plan to make him jealous and push him to propose.

Zara's cheerful demeanor and obliviousness to Karen's growing frustration only serve to further irritate Karen. Zara mistakenly believes that Karen's ultimate goal is to secure a proposal from Robert, completely unaware that Karen has set her sights on Alex instead. As Zara chatters on, Karen seethes with anger, knowing that her cousin is blind to her true intentions. She resolves to bide her time, knowing that once she wins Alex over and reveals his wealth and status, Zara will be the one left in shock.

The episode ends with Karen determined to pursue Alex even more aggressively, while Zara remains blissfully unaware of the storm brewing beneath her cousin's composed exterior. The stage is set for further conflict as Karen's ambitions clash with the realities of Alex's lingering feelings for Debbie, promising more drama in the episodes to come.

Episode 44 looking for Debbie.

In Episode 44 - Looking for Debbie, Alex is consumed by guilt and regret, unable to think of anything but finding Debbie. His desperation leads him on a frantic search across various locations, driven by the hope of making amends for the pain he's caused her. Alex starts by heading to the villa in the Washington Heights neighborhood, a place Debbie might have gone to after their fallout. However, upon arriving, the villa is empty, leaving Alex feeling even more distraught. Despite his fears of facing her, Alex realizes that he cannot bear the thought of her being away, even if she were to lash out at him.

Determined to find her, Alex returns to Princeton University, suspecting she might be at her dormitory. He waits for an opportune moment to slip into the girls' dorm, where he believes Debbie might be. When he finally reaches her room, he is met with disappointment—Debbie isn’t there. Instead, Madison and two other girls occupy the space. Madison, noticing Alex’s intrusion, angrily demands that he leave, calling him a pervert. But Alex, too worried about Debbie to care, presses the girls for information. Madison dismisses his concern with cruel sarcasm, hinting that Debbie has left to find food, drawing laughter from her friends.

Frustrated and feeling mocked, Alex becomes aggressive. He grabs Madison’s hair, demanding to know Debbie’s whereabouts. This violent outburst frightens Madison, who finally admits that Debbie has dropped out of school. Alex is shocked—he never imagined that Debbie, who was always so strong and determined, would make such a drastic decision. He initially refuses to believe it, thinking Madison might be lying to get rid of him. But when the other girls confirm the story, Alex is forced to accept that Debbie really is gone.

Madison tells him that Debbie left in the middle of the night, taking her belongings with her. This revelation crushes Alex, who leaves the dormitory in a daze, his heart heavy with sorrow. As he exits, he’s confronted by the dormitory manager, who threatens to report him for being in the girls’ dormitory. However, Madison, still rattled by Alex’s earlier aggression, covers for him, saying that he didn’t cause any trouble.

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With nowhere else to go, Alex spends the next three days searching for Debbie, scouring the school and surrounding areas. He becomes increasingly frantic as each day passes without a sign of her. He’s haunted by memories of Debbie—her laughter, her shy smiles, the way she looked when she was sad. These thoughts torment him as he realizes he might never see her again.

By the fourth day, Alex is in despair. His futile search has drained him of energy and hope. He retreats to his dormitory, where he shuts himself off from the world, lying in bed all day, refusing to attend classes. His friends, Ben, Jo, and Carl, notice his decline and become worried. They bring him food, forcing him to eat, but nothing seems to lift his spirits. When he continues to wallow in misery, they decide to intervene. They pull him out of bed, drag him to the bathroom to clean up, and encourage him to leave the dormitory and clear his mind.

Reluctantly, Alex follows their advice. He wanders aimlessly until he finds himself at Ramsey Lake, where he and Debbie had once shared a meal. Sitting by the lake, he is overwhelmed with sadness, but also determination. He knows Debbie would be disappointed to see him like this. With renewed resolve, Alex decides to continue his search in the city.

He takes a taxi and spends hours driving around, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. But his efforts are in vain. After hours of searching, the taxi driver drops him off in the city, and Alex enters a high-class restaurant—one he had planned to take Debbie to. Sitting alone at the table, Alex orders an extravagant meal, hoping that someday he’ll be able to share it with Debbie.

As the waiter brings out the dishes, Alex begins talking to the empty seat across from him, pretending that Debbie is there with him. His behavior draws the attention of other diners, who watch in pity and confusion. Some whisper among themselves, wondering if the woman Alex is speaking to has left him or passed away. Despite the stares and whispers, Alex continues his one-sided conversation, lost in his memories of Debbie, clinging to the hope that he will find her and make things right.

This episode poignantly illustrates Alex’s deep guilt and longing for Debbie, as well as his emotional unraveling in the face of her absence. His obsessive search highlights the intensity of his feelings, while his breakdown in the restaurant shows how deeply her departure has affected him. 

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