Saving Nora Episodes 306-310

A Compassionate Journey: Louis' Struggle to Care for Stray Animals

Louis was stunned. He had indeed spent way too much money on feeding the stray cats and dogs in his district. Initially, he provided them with cheaper food, thinking it was better than nothing. However, over time, he noticed some cats losing fur and appearing malnourished. Concerned, he took them to a vet who explained that these animals were likely abandoned pets needing high-quality food rich in vitamins and proteins to restore their health. The vet also recommended that the dogs have meat and bones to maintain their dental health.

Despite the vet's reassurance that any food was better than none, Louis, driven by his perfectionist tendencies and compassion, decided to provide the best care possible. He began spending his monthly allowance on high-quality pet food. However, his older brother soon limited his expenses, and when he sought financial help from his family, they chastised him, deeming his actions foolish and excessive.

Louis kept his actions secret from most people, fearing their judgment. Occasionally, he would make up stories to avoid scrutiny. Those who witnessed him feeding the animals urged him to use cheaper food, but none offered to help financially. One day, while looking at the cans of pet food in his hand, he was dazed. Nora, a kind-hearted woman, asked if he needed help. Louis hesitated, fearing the cost would be too much for her. However, Nora assured him and purchased the needed supplies, surprising Louis with her generosity.

Nora not only paid for the pet food but also handed Louis her card, urging him to use it for himself as well. Shocked by her kindness, Louis initially resisted but eventually accepted, planning to use the card to feed the animals and himself. Meanwhile, Nora drove to visit Justin. As she arrived, Justin warmly greeted her. However, Nora was taken aback by his overly familiar greeting, reflecting on their relationship dynamics.

Inside, Nora was greeted by her daughter, Cherry, who was delighted to see her. Amid their reunion, Nora received numerous notifications indicating small transactions on her card, totaling a significant amount. Puzzled, she realized Louis was making multiple small purchases with her card, testing its limit.

At the pet food store, Louis continued buying cans of food, amazed at how much money was on the card. He spent nearly $50,000, yet the card still had a balance. Deciding to check the balance at the bank, Louis marveled at Nora's generosity. Meanwhile, Nora, noticing the continuous notifications, wondered about Louis' spending pattern but chose to focus on her reunion with Cherry and Justin.

Nora, Justin, and Cherry engaged in a conversation where Nora inquired about a marriage agreement involving Justin and another woman. Justin clarified the situation, emphasizing his commitment to Nora. Despite their complicated history, Nora and Justin shared a moment of understanding and connection.

Curious about her son's room, Nora learned that Justin had mistakenly decorated it in a pink theme, assuming it would make Pete happy. Nora found humor in the situation but appreciated Justin's effort. Justin then showed Nora an album of Pete's baby photos, revealing the challenges Pete faced due to his premature birth. The photos depicted Pete's fragile health and gradual recovery, thanks to Justin's care.

As Nora flipped through the album, she felt a surge of emotion, recognizing Justin's dedication to their children. She thanked him sincerely, and Justin expressed his gratitude for their family, acknowledging the transformative impact of fatherhood on his life.

Louis' story intertwined with Nora's as both faced challenges and relied on unexpected kindness. Nora's generous act not only helped Louis care for the strays but also deepened their bond. Meanwhile, Nora and Justin's relationship evolved, grounded in mutual respect and shared love for their children.

Louis' journey highlights the profound impact of compassion and generosity. Despite financial constraints and societal judgment, his dedication to the strays remained unwavering. Nora's support exemplified the power of empathy, demonstrating that small acts of kindness can create ripples of positive change. Through these interconnected narratives, the importance of community, understanding, and love shines through, reminding us of our shared humanity and the difference we can make in each other's lives.

The Unforeseen Consequences of a Misunderstood Bank Card

Emotional Bonds and Realizations

In the five years Justin had been taking care of Pete, it wasn't so much that he had saved Pete, but rather, Pete had saved him. This deep bond and mutual dependence was clear to Nora, who, sensing Justin's emotional fluctuations, smiled warmly. She realized that she should never have entertained the idea of taking Pete away from Justin. Justin was Pete's true father, emotionally and practically.

Louis' Bank Adventure

Louis entered a bank, took a number, and when his turn came, handed his card to the clerk. The clerk's reaction was one of shock and urgency. She quickly took the card to the manager's office without explanation, leaving Louis confused and worried. Fearing that the card might have been stolen by Nora, he panicked and started to leave. The situation escalated when the bank manager and a security guard mistook his actions for guilt, leading to a chase.

The Misunderstanding

As Louis fled, he messaged Nora, blaming her for the trouble. He had impulsively added her contact when they were buying food for animals, a decision he now regretted. Running away, he reflected on his childhood where he often had to escape trouble. Despite his efforts to evade, the security guard couldn't keep up, and Louis vanished from sight.

The Bank's Concern

Back at the bank, the manager and the security guard reviewed security footage to identify Louis. The manager explained that only a few such prestigious cards had ever been issued, implying that the cardholder was of high importance. Realizing their mistake, the bank set out to find Louis and rectify the situation.

The Escape Plan

Exhausted, Louis contacted Chester, seeking financial help for his planned escape. Chester could only offer a small amount, which wasn't enough. Desperate, Louis decided to seek help from Warren, hoping his easygoing nature would make him sympathetic. Sneaking into the Smiths' Manor, Louis was confronted by Yvonne, who immediately suspected he was in trouble.

Yvonne's Suspicion

Yvonne, knowing Louis well, questioned him about Nora's card. Despite Louis's attempts to lie, Yvonne was convinced there was more to the story. Her suspicions were confirmed when the bank manager arrived, demanding to speak with Louis.

Facing the Consequences

The bank manager's presence at the Smiths' Manor intensified the situation. Louis, realizing the gravity of the situation, decided to take responsibility. He boldly claimed the card as his own, but Yvonne exposed his lie, knowing it was Nora's card. Florence, a long-time servant, sided with Yvonne, arguing that the Smiths would not protect an outsider like Nora over their own.

Family Loyalty and Conflict

Louis, known for his mischievous nature, defended Nora but faced backlash from Florence and Yvonne. Florence, feeling disrespected, sought Joel's intervention. Joel, the head of the household, demanded an apology from Louis, highlighting the family's internal conflict and the complexities of loyalty and truth.

A Tangled Web of Secrets: Louis, Joel, and the Mysterious VIP Card

Louis feared Joel and wouldn’t dare go against him, even though he was filled with reluctance. As he made eye contact with Florence, he said, “I won't say you're ugly anymore, old fogey.” Everyone stood there, shocked and in disbelief. Although his words had been unpleasant, Florence didn’t dare to act presumptuously in front of Joel anymore. After asking him to make Louis apologize to her, she just glared at Louis hatefully. Yvonne changed the subject, saying, “You're back just in time, Joel. It seems like Nora has gotten into some kind of trouble, and Louis is insisting on taking the blame for her. That’s also why Florence is arguing with him. She's doing it for your own good, Louis.” Florence was touched to hear Yvonne’s words. Joel, however, looked displeased with Louis. “What's going on?” he asked. Louis shrank back at the look in Joel’s eyes.

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Louis wanted to chicken out, but he was afraid that Joel would give him a good thrashing. In the end, he bit the bullet and replied, “Please don’t make me tell you I did all this by myself. It has nothing to do with Nora.” He turned to Yvonne and said, “Stop trying to smear Nora's name. You only want to see Nora make a fool of herself. I don't care what you have to say.” He then turned to speak to the bank manager, saying, “Listen, the card is mine. If you want to arrest me, then go ahead. Let’s cut the crap.” The manager wasn’t sure why everyone was acting so strangely. He hadn’t said anything about criminal behavior or taking anyone to jail. Joel’s eyes swept over Yvonne as Louis spoke, and for some reason, she suddenly felt uneasy.

It was as if someone had seen into her mind and was reading her thoughts. She lowered her head in shame, but then she thought, “So what if they can see my intentions? I’m only telling the truth.” She knew the card belonged to Nora. Now that there were credibility problems with it, maybe she would be so embarrassed she would run away and leave them all alone. While she was daydreaming about the scenario, the manager stepped forward and grabbed Louis's hand. Yvonne had never considered that the card had been stolen from someone else. After all, it was impossible that Nora would do something like that when she had Justin to help her. Her only thought was that a problem had occurred with Nora’s credit score. She knew there were a lot of people who didn’t pay their credit card bills and let the balances stack up.

If that was the case, she was sure Nora would be completely mortified. As soon as the thought formed in her mind, the manager said excitedly, “What are you talking about, Mr. Smith? Arrest you? We just wanted to invite you to the bank as a special guest. Why would we arrest you?” His words caused the room to fall silent. Yvonne looked at the bank manager incredulously. He said, “You are our bank's VIP customer. I wanted to personally ask you if you need financial management services for your balance. We have capital protection and an interest rate of 5%. I know it's a little low, but isn't it a waste to just let the money rest in the account like that? Or perhaps you have investment plans for the near future.” Louis understood the individual words the manager was saying, but he didn’t understand what they meant when strung together that way.

Florence, even more surprised, asked, “What are you talking about? What VIP customer?” Yvonne's eyes widened in astonishment, and she stared at the manager in disbelief. “A VIP customer?” The manager glanced at Florence. “This does not pertain to you, miss.” He turned back to Louis. “Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith.” Only then did Louis come back to his senses. He pointed at the bank card incredulously. “Did you say that the owner of the card is a VIP customer? In that case, who is the owner of the card?” His first reaction was that he was finished because Nora had stolen such a rare card. The manager smiled. “Don’t joke around anymore, Mr. Smith. Didn’t you say it yourself just now? It’s you.

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This card doesn’t require registration with a real name. And there are only five in the world. Customer information is confidential, so I wouldn’t know either. This is the first time I’m meeting the owner of one of the cards.” Louis swallowed hard. “What’s the credit limit on the card?” The manager replied, “This bank card is both a savings card and a credit card. This one is a supplementary card. I wouldn’t know where the primary card is. Only the owner would know that it doesn’t have a credit limit. The reason why such cards were rarely issued around the world was that they weren’t registered with the owner's names. Just how much trust must one have in their customers to issue unregistered cards without a credit limit?” The manager's words had clearly shocked everyone.

Louis stammered, “Uh, is there a chance for someone to steal the card?” The manager laughed again. “You must be joking. There is no way the owner would lose a card like this. How could anyone steal it? The people who owned these cards were either rich or noble. They would likely have bodyguards with them whenever they went out. Even if they happened to misplace it, they could just inform the account manager that had applied for the card for them, and they would reissue a new one to them right away.” Seeing how embarrassing Louis was behaving, Joel pressed his palm to his forehead. He said to the manager, “Well, you came to deliver the card back to Louis, and you’ve done that. I’m sure you need to get back to work.” Although his attitude was detached and distant, the manager didn’t feel slighted at all.

After all, he was right; he had come there to deliver the card. He handed the card to Louis respectfully and held his hand with great reluctance to part with him. He said, “Mr. Louis, do visit the bank when you're free. If you aren’t interested in financial management services, I can also recommend our other services to you.” Louis, holding the bank card, nodded dazedly and watched the manager leave.

After the manager was gone, he asked Joel, “Joel, just what kind of background does that cousin of mine have? You and Uncle Ian are the only ones in the family who can use a card like this, right?” His tone was surprisingly respectful, but his words made Yvonne's eyes flicker. Among the Smiths, Ian and Joel were indeed the only ones who could use credit cards with no credit limit. Since Yvonne was not related to them by blood, she didn’t have the right to use them. 

She clenched her fists at the thought of it. Joel didn’t answer. Instead, he held out his hand toward Louis, beckoning for the card. Louis hid the card against his chest in refusal. “Nora gave this to me.” Joel raised his brows and looked at him dispassionately. “Are you worthy of using it?” Louis gritted his teeth and slowly handed the card to Joel, who reached out to take it, only to find that Louis was still holding on to the card tightly. “Please.” He sounded pitiful and miserable. Even his bleached blonde hair looked a lot softer than usual.

Joel ignored him. He applied more force and pried the card from his grip. He slid it into his pocket and then casually took out a credit card that belonged to the Smiths and handed it to Louis. At the sight of his new credit card that he had been restricted from using before, Louis almost jumped straight into the air. He immediately gave the card a huge kiss. Then, fearing that Joel would change his mind, he quickly ran out while calling back, “I love you, Joel.” The rest of them remained standing in the living room. Yvonne's fists were balled up tightly. She simply couldn’t understand why Nora would have such a card. But when Louis had left, she suddenly realized something. Justin must have given it to her.

That was the only way she could possibly have so much money. She lifted her head and glanced at Joel. “Is it really okay that Nora uses the Hunt’s money like that?” He lowered his gaze and she went on, “You should have her return the card. It won’t do her reputation any good to spend the money. I'm saying this for her sake.” Joel said coolly, “Come with me.” She felt nervous as she followed him into the study. Joel leaned against the desk, and Yvonne stood in front of him with her head down like a child who had done something wrong. 

He asked, “Do you think this card belongs to Justin?” She nodded. “Who else could it belong to? Nora can’t possibly know anyone else that powerful.” He handed the card to his personal assistant and instructed, “Go find out who the owner of this card is.” “Yes, sir,” the assistant said before walking hastily out of the room. Ten minutes later, he returned, feeling rather lightheaded as he stared at the results of the investigation. He felt as if he was stepping on cotton, his footsteps alternating between shallow and deep. Yvonne had been standing right there, anxiously waiting for him to return. “Whose card is it? It's Justin Hunt's, right?”

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