Saving Nora Episodes 301-305

Nora's Dilemma: Hacker Alliances, Family Dynamics, and Unexpected Connections

Nora paused at the bottom of the stairs. Sensing her presence, Florence raised her voice, addressing Warren but making sure everyone, including Nora, could hear her. "Do you know what the Hacker Alliance is?" Florence asked. "It's an organization that includes the world's top hackers. If Avon enters the alliance, they'll take care of her in the future. Miss Evans's computer skills are extraordinary, and she'll be with the most elite hackers in the world, including Y and Q. Q was the one who started the Hacker Alliance. Now that Mr. Vaughn has submitted her application, they'll review it."

Warren raised his eyebrows in surprise. "I don't know much about hacking, but even I've heard of them. And you're going to be in the same organization? That's impressive."

Yvonne ducked her head and smiled. "Yesterday's programming was the key to entering the Alliance. Without your help, I would have really messed up. If Y or Q found out about what happened yesterday, they'd never let me in." Yvonne had hidden the truth about what had really happened and was not about to come clean now.

Warren waved his hand in the air. "I wouldn't worry about that. No one in our family knows Y or Q. How would they find out? Besides, I asked around and nobody lost any data."

Yvonne nodded, acting relieved. In reality, she had been confident that her application would be accepted. "The monitoring software I created was actually quite good," she thought. "If the real Solo hadn't shown up, I would never have been discovered. Who would have thought that Nora knows Solo?" She glanced over at Nora as she entered the room. "How on earth did they ever meet?"

Warren saw Nora enter the room as well. His first instinct was to rush over and thank her for introducing him to Solo. But she's Uncle Ryan's daughter, he thought. She's my cousin, not my sister. It wouldn't be seemly to show too much gratitude. Instead, he said, "The person you introduced us to yesterday really was Solo. I thought you were lying about knowing him."

Over the past few days, Nora had learned that Warren rarely said what he really meant. "You're welcome," she said.

Warren blinked in surprise. "What do you mean, you're welcome? Did you think I was thanking you? I agreed to add Solo yesterday because I thought he was deceiving you and lying about his identity. He did me a small favor, but that's because he wants to work with me. He said that he doesn't care if he gets paid or not. If there's a problem in the future, I can call him directly. We just met, but we already have a good working relationship. I guess I'm just that charming."

Maureen interrupted him. "Nora, if Warren won't thank you, I will. Just let me know if there is anything you need and I'll get it for you."

"No, it's all right," Nora replied. "I really don't need anything right now."

As she was taking her seat at the table, Warren asked her curiously, "Just how do you know Solo anyway?"

Yvonne looked at her too, curiosity mixed with apprehension.

"I met him overseas," Nora said. "He was a patient of mine." "It's a good excuse," Nora thought. "The whole family knows that I'm a surgeon. That's my only profession the outside world knows about. And I owned a private practice. Someone like Solo wouldn't go to a normal hospital. It would make sense that he'd be treated at a small private clinic."

Yvonne sighed in relief.

"I never knew being a doctor would give you such connections," Warren said. "Not bad. Have you treated any other celebrities?"

"I wonder if they would consider the Queen of England a celebrity," Nora thought wryly. "How impressed would they be if I told them I visited the Royal College of Surgeons? And Cherry even got to meet the princess."

But, she said simply, "I have to respect my patient's privacy."

"Oh, of course," Florence said. "We all know that medicine is a noble career, but I noticed that you haven't seen any patients since you've moved here. Don't you have any current appointments?"

"No," Nora said. She had arranged some time ago to perform just two surgeries a month, and Lili handled the scheduling for her.

Florence misunderstood. "Then do you need us to introduce you to potential patients, or have you considered a different profession?"

"Introduce potential patients," Nora thought. "Do they think my services aren't in demand? That's funny."

"No, thank you," she said. "I'm not currently working full time as a doctor."

"She's only working part-time," thought Florence. "Can't she find patients? It must be humiliating to be a doctor with no patients." Florence hid her grin.

"I see. Then what kind of work are you considering? Do you have much interest in programming? But of course, ordinary girls don't get into computers, do they?" She looked over at Yvonne. "It's too bad. If you were interested in programming, I'm sure Miss Yvonne could show you a thing or two."

"Florence, what are you saying?" Yvonne said. "You're making it sound like Nora has to earn her keep. Even if she's not working, the Smiths can afford to take care of her." She looked over at Nora. "I never did ask if you have spending money. If you don't, I have plenty, and I can lend you some." Her superior attitude and the fact that she had brought this up in front of so many people combined to make the atmosphere awkward.

"Miss Yvonne," Florence said hurriedly, "We can't ask you to spend your own money like that. Look at the calendar. Today is the distribution day for petty cash. The finance department will be transferring money onto your bank cards later today."

"Then give my share this month to Nora," Yvonne said. "She might not have enough money for this first month."

"You really don't need to do that," Nora said. "I'm quite all right when it comes to money." She stood up from the table, grabbed her plate, and went upstairs to finish her meal. As she was leaving the room, she heard Yvonne say, "Why is Nora so cold toward me? Doesn't she like me?"

Florence replied, "I can't see why you're always so kind. Nora is the one staying in your home. You're Mr. Smith's lawful daughter, but don't worry about it. You just concentrate on the Hacker Alliance. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about."

Nora raised her eyebrows at that. She sat at her desk and opened her email. Yvonne's application form was right there. She sat there, chin in hand as she considered it. "Hmm," she thought. "Do I let her join or not?" Nora scrolled casually through the list of hacker aliases. Only about a dozen hackers belonged to the Hacker Alliance. They were the most elite hackers in the world, and their identities had to be protected. Nora knew that Y was powerful enough to protect them. Although rumors said otherwise, Y was the actual creator of the Hacker Alliance.

Although she and Y were the top hackers in the organization, Y handled the administration of the group, and Nora had no direct interaction with him. Though they had equal reputations and similar skill levels, they never competed. They generally chose new members together, though as Nora was looking at the application, Y sent her a direct message with two names listed. Yvonne was one of them. "Which one do we choose?" Nora considered. Yvonne's monitoring system had indeed been elite programming and difficult to detect. Nora never let personal feelings cloud her professional judgment.

Warren had said, though, that something had supposedly been wrong with Yvonne's software that she had not been able to control, and it had hacked into nearby computers inadvertently. If Yvonne could make such a rookie mistake, they could not accept her, no matter how good she was. After a few minutes of deliberation, Nora sent the other candidate's name back to Y. She started to type a message to explain her reasoning.

When Y responded, "Okay."

Y's simple acceptance left Nora speechless. She erased the message she had started to type and sent a different one instead. "Aren't you going to ask why?"

"I trust you to handle this," came the reply. "I'm currently busy."

"With what?" she responded. As far as she knew, Y had not taken on any direct commissions for some time. She had always assumed that he was like her and preferred to do as little work as possible. Had he become involved with something big? If so, it must be something challenging to take this much of his attention. She was interested despite herself.

His reply came back quickly. "I'm busy chasing my future wife. Do you have any objections or any man-to-man advice?"

Everyone assumed that she was a man and Nora had never corrected the assumption. She wondered what advice she could give him. She thought of Justin and she grinned as she typed, "You have to be thick-skinned. What are you thinking of yourself now? And you have to have a child with her first."

"You're absolutely no help."

Nora decided not to reply to that and logged out of the system. She was pleased with herself for contributing to the Hacker Alliance. She hoped their new applicant was pleased as well.

Her phone rang with a call from Justin. "What did you reach for lunch?" he asked.

"I forgot already. Buns, I think. Or maybe some sort of bread." She tried to think back to the meal she had just consumed. "I ate so quickly I didn't really pay attention."

"You have to eat more slowly. It's not good for your stomach to eat so quickly."

"Mr. Hunt, I am a doctor," Nora said bluntly.

Justin was silent for a moment before he responded

Sibling Rivalry and Hidden Talents: Yvonne's Struggle for Acceptance in the Smith Family

Yvonne stared at the email on her phone, the message stark and unambiguous: "We regret to inform you that your application has been denied." Disbelief washed over her. "I didn't pass," she thought, her mind racing. "This is impossible." She took a deep breath, attempting to suppress her shock and disappointment. "No, they haven't let me know yet. This is a different email from someone else."

Nora, watching Yvonne's reaction, couldn't help but feel amused. "A different email?" she thought, noting the unmistakable black arrowhead logo of the Hacker Alliance on Yvonne's screen. "She must have just gotten her rejection notice. Yvonne really cares about saving face."

Florence, unaware of Yvonne's true feelings, simply nodded. "Yes. I was too eager. I have to be more patient. But you don't have to worry, Mr. Vaughn. Everyone knows how good you are with computers. You've been outstanding in everything you've done since you were little. And you don't even specialize in hacking. It's just something you're interested in. But you've been like that with everything you've tried. You're proficient in art, an exceptional writer, and a superb archer. The national team would have recruited you if the Smiths didn't want you to avoid overexertion. You would have gone to the Olympics if they had let you. You're truly a genius."

"No, no, Miss Stone," a male voice interrupted. "With you singing our praises like that, anyone who didn't actually know Yvonne might think she truly is amazing." Everyone turned to see a young man with dyed blond hair approaching, a bag slung over his shoulder. He bore a resemblance to Warren and Quentin, clearly a Smith, though Nora couldn't place which family he belonged to.

Florence frowned. "Why are you back?" she asked.

The blond man sneered. "That's a strange question. This is my house. Why shouldn't I come back to it?"

"This is Mr. Smith's house," Florence replied darkly. "Your family has left it."

The young man smiled cheekily, his blonde hair forming a bright halo around his face. "And you know Mr. Smith didn't kick us out. I have every right to be here. You're a housekeeper who serves the Smith family. What gives you the right to talk to me like that?"

"Mr. Louis," she said angrily. "Mr. Ian and Mr. Joel do not speak to me like this."

"Come now," Louis said, brushing his hair away from his face. "Uncle Ian and Joel are polite to you because they had a good upbringing. But I'm different. I've always been the wild child in the family. Even so, your last name is Stone and mine is Smith. Why don't we ask Uncle Ian if you have the right to kick me out? Or we can get Joel's thoughts on the matter."

Florence sputtered, trying to think of a comeback. "Louis?" Yvonne broke in. "Did you come back to collect this month's money? It should have already been deposited into your account. You didn't need to come to the house."

Louis snorted. "I couldn't help it. You only gave me $1,500 this month. How long do you think that's going to last?"

"Joel specifically instructed me to do that," Yvonne replied. "He's doing this for your own good. He said you need to settle down. The rest of the money is saved in a different account for now.

"Don't use Joel to pressure me," Louis said. "I know what you're like. You said this came from him, but you must have said something to cause him to decide this."

Yvonne bowed her head. "Yes, I admit we spoke about it. I told him that you didn't do your job, and instead hung around and played video games with Chester every day. I did it for your own good."

"For my own good, Yvonne. The others don't know you like I do. Everybody spoils you since you're the only daughter in the family. But I know your secret. Everybody says that you can learn anything you want with just a little work, and they call you a genius. In front of outsiders, you act as if everything in your life is so easy. I know that you practice like crazy when no one is watching. Remember in school, we used to skip classes and goof off together, and you still ranked top of the class.

I would think you're a genius, too, if I hadn't seen you staying up all night studying." He shook one finger at her. "Don't think I don't know what you're planning. You're just trying to make me give in to you. It's not going to happen. Even if I die of poverty or starve to death, I won't bow down before you. You've got everyone else in this family wrapped around your finger. But not me. You're just an adopted daughter. But you want to control me. Dream on."

Yvonne kept her face emotionless during Louis' tirade, but inside she seethed with resentment. Her adopted father had never pushed her into anything. Since she was young, he had told her that he only wanted to see her happy. She had known that everybody praised geniuses, so she had deliberately cultivated the image that she was exceptional. In school, she had always acted bored and spent her free time playing with the other children. At night, however, after everyone else had gone to sleep, she studied hard to make sure she came first in every class. Gradually, her teachers had started to call her a top student, then a talented girl, and finally a genius. Their words had given her confidence, and her future with the Smith family had been assured. This had all gone on until one night when Louis had caught her studying and realized her secret. From then on, he had actively gone against everything she said or did, and he no longer treated her as the exceptional person she knew she was.

Yvonne had learned how to deal with him, though. "Louis," she said, motioning to Nora. "This is your cousin Nora. Why don't you two get to know each other?"

Louis laughed. "Why should we get to know each other? Women are terrifying creatures, and I know I won't like her unless, of course, she's very rich."

Yvonne ducked her head, hiding her expression. "How could Nora be very rich?" she thought. "But this works out. If Louis is determined not to like Nora, then they can't support each other against me."

Nora raised her eyebrows and looked from Yvonne to Louis. "The Smith family is actually very interesting," she thought. "We've got Quentin, who acts like an overgrown teenager full of himself and always wanting to fight. Warren's a fool. He acts fierce in public but is nice in private. And now here's Louis. He looks like he's a couple of years younger than me, though he acts like he's not well-educated. He seems like he might be competent."

Louis looked back at her. "You want me to acknowledge you as a cousin, Nora?" he asked. "Then why don't you lend me your allowance this month?"

Nora raised her eyebrows. "We've just met, and he's borrowing money already," she thought. She was thinking of a comeback when Yvonne spoke first.

"Louis, I know you only got $1,500, but your food and lodging are paid for. Why isn't that enough money?" she asked.

Louis replied indignantly, "I need money for the internet cafes. I need money to buy new gaming equipment. I need money to buy new avatars in my games. $1,500 won't even last me two days."

Yvonne sighed. "Nora has even less money than you do," she explained. "She was living with the Andersons, and before she returned to them, she was living in California."

Louis looked at Nora in disdain. "But you're hot. At least you're easier on the eyes than Yvonne."

"Excuse me!" Yvonne exclaimed.

Louis only shrugged. Yvonne frowned. "Nora's bank card was delayed this month, so she doesn't have any money. So no, she can't lend any to you."

"No money?" Louis' eyes widened. "Yvonne, what's wrong with you? It's fine if you bully me, but why are you bullying a guest who's just arrived? I'm a guy. I don't need fancy clothes or expensive coffee. Money doesn't matter as much to me. But how can you let her go empty-handed? Are you jealous of her? Because she's better looking than you?"

Louis thinks I've done this on purpose, Yvonne thought. And he's right. It's not that I don't want Nora to have money. I just want her to know her place. And if she doesn't have any money, it'll be harder for her to get out of the house and meet people. But I can't believe he would say something like that and make me look so petty.

Her expression turned cold. "I'll get Nora spending money tomorrow, and in two days, she'll have a bank card with her money for the month. But don't think you're going to get any more money, Louis. Everyone's monthly allowance is decided by Joel. Ask him if you think you need more. Don't ask me."

Louis hitched his bag up on his shoulder and looked at Yvonne. "Fine. You win." He turned to leave but after taking two steps, he turned back and came to stand in front of Nora. He eyed her critically.

"What?" asked Nora. She glanced down at herself. She felt she was dressed appropriately. Technically, she was wearing pajamas, but they were made of fine linen. They were breathable and comfortable, and Lily had arranged to have them specially made for her. Most of her clothes were similar. Without a word, Louis opened his shoulder bag and took out his wallet, which was fat with bills. 

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