Insta Millionaire | Episode 25-26 | English

Episode 25 A shop for Alex

In Episode 25, titled "A Shop for Alex," emotions run high as Alex makes significant strides in his journey.

The episode begins with the Lady in Shades, Claire, and her husband Jack Sanders, feeling distraught after Alex outbids them for a luxurious villa in Washington Heights. Claire is particularly upset, as owning the villa would have boosted her social status. The scene takes a turn when Claire's sister-in-law, Sue Bradley, arrives. Claire, eager to save face, pretends that they have already bought the villa, which amuses and confounds the onlookers.

Meanwhile, Alex, feeling empowered by his new villa purchase, decides to buy a car. He heads to New York Automobiles and sets his sights on a custom-made Ferrari. Initially skeptical, the sales staff quickly change their tune when Alex transfers a hefty sum of money as a down payment. The dealership staff, stunned by Alex's wealth, treat him with great deference, making him feel like a VIP.

As Alex prepares to leave the dealership, he receives a call from Lucy Smith, who asks to meet. Lucy, driving a Mercedes-Benz, picks up Alex and takes him for a ride. Alex can't help but notice Lucy's attractive figure, which she subtly accentuates. However, despite her attempts to seduce him, Alex remains polite but uninterested, which leaves Lucy both disappointed and intrigued.

The car ride ends at Bloomingdale's, where Lucy reveals that the boutique, Autumn Beauty, is one of her stores. She surprises Alex by announcing that he will now manage the store, a decision made by their family to help Alex gain business experience. Though initially confused, Alex accepts the responsibility, recognizing the opportunity to learn and grow within the family business empire.

Before leaving for a business trip to the southwest, Lucy hands over the reins of the boutique to Alex, who begins to embrace his new role. After dropping Lucy off at the airport, Alex drives her Mercedes-Benz around New York, enjoying the respect and attention the luxury car commands. He stops at Shrimp King Restaurant, planning to buy lobster for himself and Debbie, when he encounters a minor incident involving a dropped banknote, highlighting his growing status and influence.

Episode 25 encapsulates Alex's rapid ascent in wealth and social standing, his encounters with opportunistic individuals, and the beginning of his involvement in the family business, setting the stage for further developments in his journey.

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Episode 26 A boaster and a beggar

In Episode 26, "A Boaster and a Beggar," the scene opens with a group gossiping about Alex, a seemingly poor kid hustling for money among wealthy individuals. Zara, unimpressed and condescending, offers Alex $10 to leave, though he internally scoffs at the irony, being secretly wealthy himself. He remains, reluctant to expose his true status by driving away in his Mercedes Benz.

Zara, attempting to manipulate her cousin's love life for her benefit, treats Alex disdainfully. She hopes her cousin’s involvement with someone like Alex will spur Robert Miller to pursue her cousin more eagerly. As tensions simmer, Rachel O'Connor, a familiar face from the practice field, arrives, greeted warmly by Alex, causing further friction. Dean Marshall, part of the basketball team, envies the attention Alex receives from Rachel, exacerbating his jealousy by mocking Alex as a mere beggar.

Despite the hostile environment, Rachel invites Alex to dine with them, much to Zara and Dean’s displeasure. Inside the restaurant, the dynamic shifts with the arrival of Harry Hamilton, captain of the Princeton University basketball team, and his stylish brother, Howard. Harry, noting Alex’s presence, is initially dismissive, treating him as a lowly cheerleading assistant.

The group, seated and ready to dine, witnesses Zara’s continued mistreatment of Alex, relegating him to an uncomfortable seat near the door. Rachel, unable to tolerate the bullying, moves to sit beside Alex, standing up against her friends’ pettiness. This act of kindness touches Alex deeply, contrasting sharply with the group’s otherwise hostile demeanor.

Howard’s entrance shifts the focus, revealing his affluent lifestyle and casual purchase of an E-Class Mercedes. His attempt to impress Rachel falls flat as she continues to show interest in Alex, much to Howard’s frustration. As the evening progresses, Howard, eager to showcase his new car, leads the group outside.

However, an unexpected turn occurs when Howard damages an S-Class Mercedes while parking. This incident highlights the superficiality and arrogance of the group, contrasting starkly with Alex's hidden wealth and integrity. The episode ends with the group’s superficiality laid bare, as they navigate the fallout of Howard’s mistake, leaving Alex, leaving Alex, the secret billionaire, quietly observing their true nature.

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