Insta Millionaire | Episode 23-24 | English

Episode 23. Facing the bullies.

In Episode 23, titled "Facing the Bullies," Alex finds himself confronting a painful reality when he encounters Debbie nursing her wounds. As Alex inquires about what happened, his anger rises. Debbie, absorbed in cleaning her injuries, initially doesn't notice his arrival. When she does, she tries to hide her face, but Alex gently pulls her hands away to see the extent of her injuries. The sight of Debbie’s face, marred by cuts and bruises, shocks him. With a heavy heart, Alex demands to know who is responsible. Debbie hesitantly reveals that Madison Robbins and her friends are the culprits, downplaying the severity of the bullying by saying they just nudged her.

Determined to confront the bullies, Alex prepares to leave, but Debbie quickly stops him. She explains that Madison has powerful friends, and any retaliation would only worsen the situation for them both. Frustrated, Alex questions how they can continue to let the bullies torment her, but Debbie insists that avoiding them is the safest option. Touched by Debbie’s concern for his safety even in her distress, Alex's resolve softens. He offers to take her to the hospital, but Debbie resists, citing the expense. Unwilling to let her suffer, Alex insists and accompanies her to the hospital, covering the bill for her treatment.

After the hospital visit, Alex suggests taking Debbie out for a meal. Debbie is hesitant, uncomfortable with the idea of dining somewhere expensive, but Alex reassures her. They head to the Dahlia restaurant, where Debbie feels out of place, but Alex's calm demeanor helps her relax. However, their peace is shattered when Madison and her friends enter the restaurant. Recognizing Debbie, Madison begins to taunt her. Madison and her friends mock Debbie for dining at such a nice place, accusing her of misusing her scholarship funds.

Madison escalates the situation by physically assaulting Debbie, pulling her hair and threatening her. Debbie, not wanting Alex to see her being beaten, pleads for mercy, which only amuses Madison and her friends further. As the bullying continues, Alex returns from the restroom and sees what's happening. He intervenes, standing up to Madison and her friends. Madison, unafraid, mocks Alex and threatens to make Debbie’s life even more miserable if he intervenes.

Three men from the Kappa Alpha Society, a powerful group associated with Madison, arrive at the restaurant. They back Madison up, making it clear that Alex is outmatched. Realizing that a confrontation could lead to more harm for Debbie, Alex reluctantly decides to leave with her. As they exit, Madison continues to taunt them, boasting about her influence and the power of the Kappa Alpha Society.

Outside the restaurant, Alex asks Debbie about the Kappa Alpha Society. She explains that it’s a powerful organization near their school, which is why they can’t afford to antagonize Madison and her friends. Alex is silent, but inwardly he resolves to find a way to protect Debbie and make it clear that he won’t be easily intimidated.

Debbie then mentions her plan to move out of the dorms to avoid further bullying. She’s found a modest room off-campus, and while Alex agrees that moving is a good idea, he’s concerned about the room’s poor condition. Secretly, he plans to find a better place for her to live. The next day, Alex visits Washington Heights, an upscale neighborhood near their university. Deciding that he wants Debbie to live comfortably, he heads to the sales office of a luxurious residential area.

At the sales office, Alex meets Darla, the current manager, known for her willingness to go to great lengths to make a sale. Despite Alex’s unassuming appearance, he is determined to secure a safe and comfortable place for Debbie. His resolve to protect and care for her drives him to take this bold step, marking a significant turning point in his mission to shield her from the bullies and provide a better future.

In summary, Episode 23, "Facing the Bullies," is a powerful exploration of courage, empathy, and the lengths one will go to protect those they care about. Alex’s unwavering support for Debbie and his strategic approach to dealing with her tormentors highlight the complexities of facing bullies and the importance of standing up for what is right.

Episode 24: 1 or 2 Luxury Villas

Alex sighed as he approached the desk in the high-end real estate office. He accidentally bumped into a woman who had just entered. "Ah! Watch out! Look what you did. You almost stepped on my new shoes. Can you even afford a property from here? Seriously?" The woman, with short brown hair, sunglasses, and a figure-hugging dress paired with high-heeled crystal sandals, looked to be in her mid-thirties. Her exposed arms were pale as snow. Behind her stood a man in jeans, a white vest, brown leather sandals, and carrying a bag. "Don't waste your time talking to someone like that. Baby. Let's go outside and take a look," he said.

Darla, the sales agent, quickly walked over and warmly greeted the couple, then glanced at Alex with irritation. "Sorry you've had a bad experience in our office," she said, addressing the woman. "The people around here know this is a high-class residential area, so some people who can't afford a house often come to our sales office to enjoy the free air conditioning."

Alex, knowing she was referring to him, just smiled. "So you think I can't afford a house? How much would it cost to buy the whole residential area?"

Darla, sizing him up, replied, "Sir, the minimum price for a house here is half a million dollars. I can tell from looking at you that it's not something you can afford." She gestured towards the door, smiling tightly.

"I'll take a look around. If there's a suitable property, I'll buy it," Alex responded, walking over to the sales desk. Darla's annoyance was evident. "You want to buy a property here?" she demanded. "You're shameless for staying here just for the air conditioning."

Ignoring Alex, Darla turned her attention back to the couple. After about ten minutes of discussing various properties, the man decided. "I'll take that villa," he said. "We've come here several times, and that one always catches my eye."

"A great choice, sir. This villa is the most popular in our district. It's 2,500 square feet with four bedrooms, spacious with good lighting, very quiet surroundings, and close to the lake," Darla praised, moving to the topic of payment. "This property costs $1.5 million. You'll need to pay 30%, or $450,000, as a down payment."

The man was shocked. "So much? Your advertisement mentioned a lower price."

"Oh, that advertisement was from a few months ago. These villas are selling quickly, so the price increased," Darla explained. Seeing the man's shocked expression, her enthusiasm waned. She realized they couldn't afford the villa. "Sir, a lot of people are interested in this villa. If you really want it, you need to pay the deposit today."

"Hubby, hurry up and find a way to get the money. I really like this villa, and there's nothing else here I want. Didn't you say living here would raise our status?" the woman urged.

"I'm trying to figure it out," the man responded, looking at Darla. "I'll definitely buy this villa. Keep it for me; I'll raise the money within ten days."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't have the authority to do that," Darla replied, shaking her head.

The couple, desperate to improve their social standing and benefit their business, began calling friends for loans.

"This villa is pretty good," Alex commented, looking at the mansion's details. "I'll buy this villa."

The woman looked at Alex with malice. "You're buying it? How could you?"

Darla didn't take Alex seriously, her opinion of him worsening. "Sir, please leave. We have work to do."

"I want to buy a house. Why are you kicking me out? Do you want me to file a complaint?" Alex replied angrily.

"Okay, you want to buy a house? This property is worth $1.5 million. If you can pay for it, it's yours," Darla said impatiently, not mentioning the down payment, certain Alex was bluffing.

Alex pulled out his First Republic card. "Can I pay with this?"

The man sneered. "You think you can pay with a card? If you really can, I'll kneel and call you sir."

"Let's give it a try," Alex said, handing the card to Darla. She swiped it, expecting it to fail, but the machine confirmed the $1.5 million transaction. Everyone was dumbfounded.

Realizing Alex's wealth, the staff's attitudes changed dramatically. They offered him coffee and water, ignoring other customers.

"I apologize, sir. Let me tell you more about the property," Darla said sweetly. "The villa you've bought is 2,500 square feet."

Alex, unimpressed, said, "Let's have a look. This house isn't great, but it's better than the dormitory at school. I guess it'll do for now."

The staff couldn't believe he was comparing a $1.5 million villa to a dorm. "Wow, he's showing off," one said. Another added, "He's exaggerating to look cool."

"I'm exaggerating?" Alex smiled. "I could buy a nightclub just as easily."

"A nightclub costs $5 million. If you're that rich, why don't you buy the super luxurious villa in Emerald Heights?" a man challenged.

"Alright," Alex agreed without hesitation.

Darla, shocked, said, "That villa is $40 million, with its own island, courtyard, swimming pool, and advanced internet. Are you serious?"

Alex called his bank and transferred $40 million to the Washington Heights account. When the transaction went through, everyone was in disbelief.

The saleswomen, suddenly finding Alex irresistibly attractive, surrounded him, hoping to catch his interest. Alex, overwhelmed, squeezed through the crowd and quickly left the sales office. 

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