The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 635-636 | English

Episode 635. Desperate to be a mother.

Emma felt a sharp tension in the air as Marjorie seethed with anger. "Did I say something?" Emma asked casually, her words dripping with nonchalance. Marjorie, her eyes nearly glowing red with fury, spat back, "Let me tell you, you tramp. Whatever I need to do to get back at you for what you did to me, I will do it." Emma realized she had struck a nerve, Marjorie's rage was palpable. Marjorie’s eyes shifted to the stairs with a glare. "I can't believe he won't come down and talk to us. He heard every word she said. He's just too scared of her to do the right thing. What an ingrate."

Brian, Marjorie's husband, intervened, taking her arm and leading her out of the apartment. Emma, left alone, took a deep breath and sat down on the sofa, feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion. Eliza, sensing her distress, approached her immediately. "Are you okay?" she asked. Emma nodded, though her mind was still reeling from the confrontation.

Just then, Eric came down the stairs, crossing the room to embrace Emma. "I did hear every word. My mother was absolutely horrible, and it was so hard to stay upstairs. But is it gone now, the anger that you felt toward her?" Emma leaned into his chest, finding comfort in his heartbeat. "Thank you for letting me talk to your parents without you. I needed to do that myself. I'm still angry, but it's not eating me up anymore."

Eliza chimed in, "You had to do it. If you keep tolerating her, she'll only see that as weakness. And then she won't stop until she gets what she wants." Eric agreed, "We're on the same page. I thought I knew my parents, but there's something seriously wrong with them." Emma looked up at him, his eyes sparkling with a mix of concern and resolve. "I feel much better now. Go back to work. I have a few things I want to talk to Eliza about," she said, nudging him gently. Eric kissed her and draped a blanket over her lap before leaving, ensuring the bodyguard watched the door for their safety.

Eliza, sensing an opening, asked, "What's happened in your life? Have you also experienced something unfair?" Emma's thoughts drifted to the couple that had just left. "It's ancient history. Not even worth mentioning." Eliza pressed gently, "Have you considered addressing it in some way?" Emma sighed, "It's been on my mind for years, but I had Bridget to take care of." Emma looked her in the eyes, offering, "When you want to share your story with someone, I'm here for you."

Eliza seized the moment, "I miss Bridget. Would it be okay if she came to visit me here?" Emma remembered Bridget, a young woman who stood out at Caitlin's birthday party. She smiled, "Of course, that child has always been different and has never cared for the rules of society."

Back at their own home, Marjorie's anger reached a boiling point. She stormed into the kitchen, sweeping plates from the shelves in a destructive rage. Brian, fed up, pulled her into his chest. "You need to stop. We can't beat that woman. If worse comes to worst, we'll leave New York and go somewhere where nobody's seen that footage." Marjorie screamed, "No! Did you hear what she said? She said I was a fake, that I'm not Eric's mother." Brian tried to calm her, "She was talking nonsense. How could you take her seriously?" Marjorie, consumed by her paranoia, insisted, "Tomorrow I'm going to take a DNA test. She has to know that if Eric wants to get rid of me, he's dreaming."

Brian knew better than to reason with her in this state. He waited for her to calm down and led her to their bedroom. "Let's just pretend this never happened. We can go back to our lab and bury ourselves in research," he suggested. Marjorie, still fuming, said, "I can't allow her to treat me like this, no matter how much she hates us. She can't change the fact that I'm his mother." Brian relented, "Fine. We can go to the hospital tomorrow and get the test done. But for now, it's time to sleep."

Meanwhile, at Emma's apartment, she and Eliza discussed recent events. Emma felt a sense of relief, knowing New York's watchful eyes were on Marjorie. If Marjorie stepped out of line, Emma would know. Lisa visited to discuss the latest developments. "I haven't stopped smiling after seeing that footage," she told Emma. "No one can say she didn't have it coming." Emma, pleased with Lisa’s visit, sensed something was on her mind.

"I'm glad to have you here, but you've been visiting a lot lately. Is it because Luke is at home? Have you been bored?" Emma asked. Lisa confessed, "No, that's not it. But there is something I've been wanting to talk about with you. Luke and I are both fine, but I can't seem to get pregnant. I was thinking I might try IVF, but I'm a little scared, so I thought I'd get your opinion." Emma, understanding Lisa's deep desire for a child, wasn't surprised. "Have you discussed it with Luke yet?" she asked.

Lisa admitted, "I'm waiting for him to come back first. It's just that I'm feeling a little uncertain, so I wanted to chat with someone about it." Emma reassured her, "It's certainly not unusual. A lot of people go down that road now." Lisa expressed her frustration, "I just find it a little strange. Like I said, we're both fine. We really expected to have conceived by now, having to consider alternative options. It's just a little hard to accept."

Episode 636. Change is on the horizon. 

the narrative unfolds around critical life decisions and personal revelations. The story begins with a discussion about IVF, a topic that resonates deeply with Lisa, who is struggling to conceive. Emma, supporting her friend, insists that any decision made must involve Lisa's partner, Luke. The conversation takes an insightful turn when Eliza, overhearing the discussion, joins and offers her expertise. Eliza's knowledge impresses both Emma and Lisa, especially when she reviews Lisa’s lab results and confirms their normalcy, suggesting that environmental factors and stress might be impeding their chances of pregnancy. Eliza's advice to consider a change of scenery and reduce stress gives Lisa a new perspective and hope.

Emma, observing Eliza's depth of medical knowledge, inquires about her past, uncovering hints of a complicated history marked by injuries and extensive medical consultations. Eliza's scars, both physical and emotional, hint at a past filled with pain and resilience, shaping her into a knowledgeable and resourceful individual. Emma’s curiosity is piqued further when she realizes Eliza’s meals are always nutritionally balanced, showcasing her meticulous care and knowledge in nutrition.

Parallelly, the subplot introduces Richard and Brigitte, where Richard brings exciting news from the producers of the Savage Wars, who are eager to cast Brigitte as the film's antagonist. Richard, thrilled by this opportunity, is puzzled by Brigitte’s nonchalant attitude and her apparent disinterest in pursuing a high-profile role. Brigitte’s reluctance to embrace the spotlight contrasts sharply with Richard’s ambition for her. She dismisses the offer, citing her preference for new experiences over repeating past ones and expressing contentment with her current life.

Richard's frustration grows as he struggles to understand Brigitte's lack of ambition and her desire to deviate from conventional paths. Despite her evident talents and potential, Brigitte remains steadfast in her choice to lead a life true to her desires, rather than succumbing to external pressures or expectations.

The episode highlights the themes of choice, personal fulfillment, and the unseen struggles individuals face. Lisa’s journey towards motherhood, aided by the compassionate and knowledgeable Eliza, intertwines with Brigitte’s defiance against conventional success, presenting a narrative rich with emotional depth and diverse perspectives on life’s challenges and aspirations.

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