The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 633-634 | English

Episode 633: One Big Show

Marjorie finds herself in an intense confrontation with an unnamed woman who holds a critical photograph. The woman initially tests Marjorie by showing a picture of her cat, but then reveals the actual photo, labeled with dollar signs. Marjorie, although disapproving of the woman’s methods, laughs off the situation, indicating her disdain for actors and their tricks. The mood lightens as the woman mentions Emma, Marjorie’s daughter-in-law, and reveals that Emma is pregnant with Marjorie’s grandchild.

Despite the significant revelation, Marjorie dismisses the importance of her relationship with Emma, emphasizing her son’s status in the entertainment industry and the abundance of women willing to be with him. The woman criticizes Marjorie for her despicable behavior, especially towards a happy marriage and an unborn child. The woman eventually hands over the photo for free, driven by her conscience, and leaves Marjorie alone, who then sends the photo to Bryan with a message identifying Emma as the woman in the picture.

Unbeknownst to Marjorie, the public screen displays her actions live, causing a social media uproar. Marjorie’s harsh treatment of Emma becomes a trending topic, with the public expressing their disdain for her. Later, the woman reveals the photo on a large screen, exposing it as a manipulated image with someone else edited out and Richard inserted. Marjorie remains oblivious to her public vilification as she contacts her son Eric, urging him to divorce Emma based on the false evidence.

Eric, however, is aware of the photo's tampering and calmly sends Marjorie the original image, proving that the man in the photo is actually him. Confused and technologically illiterate, Marjorie struggles to understand the situation. As she leaves the hotel, a crowd of angry New Yorkers confronts her, recognizing her from the live stream. Unable to escape the hostility, Marjorie faces public shaming, even being refused service by a taxi driver who criticizes her evil behavior.

Back home, Marjorie sees her name in headlines, detailing her malevolent actions. The shock and public humiliation finally break her, causing her to sob uncontrollably. When Bryan arrives home, he finds Marjorie devastated and agrees to take her to Emma. They head to Emma’s apartment, where Emma has already prepared for Marjorie’s visit.

Episode 634: As Far as You Want to Go

Emma anticipates Marjorie’s arrival and instructs Eliza to either stay in her room or go out to avoid the confrontation. Despite Emma's reassurances, Eliza insists on staying to support her. Eric is also at home, ready to back Emma up if necessary. Louise, along with a bodyguard, arrives to ensure Emma's safety, reflecting the seriousness of the situation.

Marjorie barges into Emma’s apartment, furious and accusatory, but the bodyguard restrains her. Despite Marjorie’s aggressive demeanor, Emma remains calm, pointing out the irrationality and destructiveness of Marjorie’s actions. Marjorie, enraged, curses Emma and her unborn child, revealing the depth of her malevolence. Emma, unfazed, threatens to retaliate if Marjorie continues her harmful behavior.

The tension escalates as Marjorie tries to manipulate Bryan, accusing Emma of being a cheap performer and vowing never to accept her into the family. Emma counters by suggesting Marjorie has been hiding significant truths from Bryan. The heated exchange leaves Bryan silent and contemplative, realizing the extent of the conflict and Eric’s choice to stay away.

Bryan, realizing the futility of further confrontation, attempts to leave with Marjorie, but she breaks free and confronts Emma directly. Marjorie demands to know what Emma implied about her not being who Bryan thinks she is, hinting at deeper secrets and possibly questioning her own identity within the family. The episode ends with Marjorie in a state of confusion and desperation, her reputation shattered and her family ties frayed.

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