The Billionaire's Accidental Bride | Episode 631-632 | English

Episode 631 Summary: Getting Closer

Emma showed interest in having Eliza work for her and Eric, which led Eric to ask Louise to perform a background check on Eliza. It was revealed that Eliza's family had once been wealthy but had faced bankruptcy. Additionally, she had experienced a series of unfortunate events, including a devastating fire at her workplace that left her with severe burns. During this difficult time, Eliza married and had a daughter named Bridget. With Luke overseas, Lisa handled the hiring process. When Lisa met Eliza, she was initially taken aback by the visible scars on Eliza's face, but Eliza quickly reassured her that Emma was aware of her condition and had no issue with it.

Eliza's reassuring words and commitment to taking good care of Emma helped Lisa feel more at ease. Both women then went to Emma's apartment, where Emma warmly welcomed Eliza and expressed her desire to have a comfortable, friendly relationship rather than a strict employer-employee dynamic. This made Eliza feel at home and hopeful for a positive working environment. During their conversation, Eliza mentioned Marjorie, indicating a strong dislike for her and offering help in dealing with her if needed. This intense reaction surprised Emma and Lisa.

As Lisa showed Eliza around the house, they discussed Marjorie's antagonistic behavior toward Emma. Eliza was shocked by the extent of Marjorie's cruelty, which included false accusations of assault, spreading rumors of infidelity, and suggesting health problems for Emma and Eric's unborn child. Eliza's deep animosity toward Marjorie puzzled Lisa, leading her to suspect that Eliza might have a personal connection to Marjorie. Eliza requested Marjorie's address to avoid her during walks, hinting at a possible plan to confront or avoid Marjorie directly.

Emma, wanting to test Eliza's trustworthiness, left scripts scattered and pretended to nap. Eliza's actions—fetching a blanket for Emma and carefully storing the scripts—proved her genuine care and reliability. Emma felt guilty for doubting Eliza but remained cautious about her motives.

When Eric came home, he found that Eliza had prepared a nutritious dinner. Emma joked about having nothing to do with Eliza around. Eric appreciated Eliza's efforts and asked her to rest, highlighting the couple's kindness. Eliza, moved by their goodness, vowed to protect them and exact revenge on Marjorie for her past wrongdoings. She felt a mix of emotions, especially when seeing Eric, her son, feeling both protective and nostalgic. As the evening ended, Eliza reflected on her mission to protect Emma and punish Marjorie, while Emma remained determined to face Marjorie head-on, anticipating the confrontation with a mixture of resolve and nervous excitement.

Episode 632 Summary: Just a Few Questions

Marjorie, anxious to bring down Emma, arrived early for a clandestine meeting at a hotel. She was willing to spend a fortune to acquire incriminating evidence against Emma. Marjorie’s resolve was evident as she surveyed old modeling posters of Emma, plotting her downfall. Meanwhile, Emma prepared to watch the encounter through a live stream set up by Lewis, who had ensured a public display for maximum impact.

The woman Marjorie met was cautious, wearing a disguise, and aware of the risks involved. She grilled Marjorie with probing questions, demanding honesty before handing over the damning photo. Marjorie tried to avoid revealing too much, but the woman's insistence and threat to walk away forced her hand. Marjorie admitted her lies, including a self-inflicted injury she had blamed on Emma, and confirmed she had spread rumors of Emma's infidelity.

The exchange grew tense as Marjorie’s impatience clashed with the woman’s demand for answers. Marjorie’s genuine disdain for Emma was evident, rooted in personal animosity rather than any specific wrongdoing by Emma. The woman, sensing victory, finally revealed the photo file on her phone. However, to Marjorie’s horror, the woman deleted the photo, leaving Marjorie and the unsuspecting public, watching via the live stream, in shock.

The dramatic revelation of Marjorie’s deceit left the audience silent, absorbing the unexpected turn of events. This public exposure of Marjorie’s schemes not only thwarted her plans but also marked a pivotal moment in the ongoing battle between her and Emma. The episode closed with a powerful sense of retribution as Marjorie’s malicious intentions were laid bare for all to see, setting the stage for the next chapter in this intense saga.

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