Saving Nora Episodes 296-300

Maureen's Unlikely Search for a Top-Class Programmer

Maureen didn’t quite know why she had asked Nora such a difficult question. Top-class computer experts were rare, and even combining resources with the Smiths, her family had struggled to find a top-notch programmer. Joel, from the Smiths, had paid a hefty sum to secure their current expert. During his interview, when asked why he deserved a high salary, the man had simply taken out his laptop, pressed a few keys, and within two minutes, the company's network was down. Another two minutes of typing, and it was back up, with the added bonus of an upgraded firewall to the highest security level. Joel had been thoroughly impressed and hired him on the spot. Knowing this story, Maureen regretted putting Nora on the spot with her question. She smiled awkwardly, "It's okay if you don't know anyone. None of us do either."

In reality, top talent in the field often worked in national cybersecurity or were hired by major corporations. Some freelanced and took on private jobs, earning substantial amounts. A game studio like Warren’s would struggle to retain such talent for long. "There's a bug in Warren's new game that no one can fix," Maureen confided, looking dejected. Nora, feeling sorry for her, thought of Solo. "I do know someone," she said

Maureen's head shot up in disbelief. "Really? Who is it? Are they well-known? Would it be expensive to hire them?" Nora assured her that if it was just a small, one-off task, the fee would be reasonable. Skeptical about the low cost, Maureen hesitated, "Is this person reliable?" Nora reassured her, "His name is Solo. I'll give him a heads-up first."

In a dark room in another country, a skinny man named Solo was engrossed in writing a program when he sneezed. Rubbing his nose, he wondered who was thinking about him. Just then, his phone rang. Ignoring it, he continued working until the call automatically connected. Nora's voice startled him, causing him to mess up his code. "Stop being so overbearing," he said. "All I did was miss a call." Nora retorted, "Your phone is easy to hack. I needed to talk to you." Stubbornly, Solo asked, "What’s up? Need me to do something?" Nora explained that her cousin's company needed help with a game bug. Solo, curious, asked, "What do I get if I help?" Nora promised to write off his debt to her. Relieved at the chance to be free of her control, Solo agreed.

After Nora hung up, her son Pete, who had overheard the conversation, concluded that his mother was a top-class hacker. Inspired, he resolved to become even more impressive in the future. Meanwhile, Nora found Maureen waiting outside. "He's agreed," Nora said, "I'll set up a group chat for you to communicate with him." Overjoyed, Maureen rushed to inform Warren.

When Maureen told Warren about the expert, he was dubious. "Do you think it’s easy to find someone with the skills we need? You didn't let someone fool you, did you?" Maureen insisted on giving Solo a chance, but Warren was cautious. He decided to look up Solo online and discovered that Solo was a highly regarded hacker who had won an international competition. "Is this Solo the one?" he asked Maureen. Surprised, she confirmed it.

Skeptical of Nora's connection to such a powerful individual, Warren sought Yvonne's opinion. Yvonne, who had worked with Solo before, warned Warren about Solo’s difficult personality. Despite this, Warren was still keen to try Solo's help, much to Yvonne's frustration. She hoped they would realize Solo's uncooperativeness and blame Nora, but her plan backfired.

Warren and Maureen discussed their concerns about potentially offending Nora by doubting Solo's legitimacy. They decided to approach the situation respectfully, aware that Nora had genuinely tried to help. Warren, reflecting on his strained relationship with Yvonne and the new dynamic Nora brought to the family, acknowledged the need to adjust.

Meanwhile, Yvonne, who had hoped to undermine Nora, was fuming. She couldn't understand why everyone was treating Nora so well. As she watched Warren and Maureen's interaction from her surveillance setup, she realized her plan to create friction had failed. The family bond with Nora was strengthening, much to Yvonne's dismay.

In the end, Warren decided to give Solo a chance. Whether Solo would succeed in fixing the bug and how this would affect the family dynamics remained to be seen.

Unmasking Deception: The Unexpected Truth Behind Solo’s Identity

Warren proposed a bold plan: they should invite Solo to the group chat, expose his fake identity, and reveal to Nora that she had been deceived. Maureen agreed with the idea and persuaded Nora to add Solo to the chat. Soon, Solo was introduced, sending a friendly waving emoji, which only made Warren more skeptical. This wasn’t the aloof hacker Yvonne had described. Determined to unmask him, Warren sent an early version of their game software to the group, challenging Solo to identify a bug.

Solo's response was immediate and scathing. "This code is way too buggy. There's no way this is ready for release." Warren was shocked, as he had sent an old version of the code. Maureen, unaware of this, was impressed, thinking Solo might be a real expert. Warren, feeling cornered, quickly apologized and asked, "Are you really Solo?" Solo, anxious to get things moving, replied, "Yes. Cut the crap. Shall we sign the contract first?" He was eager to secure his position and avoid working for free, as Nora had promised he wouldn’t have to in the future.

Solo's urgency made Warren and Maureen even more suspicious. They believed his eagerness for a contract indicated he was a scammer. Warren then asked about the salary, to which Solo responded, "$200,000." This low amount further convinced them that Solo was a fraud. Despite their doubts, Solo insisted, sending an electronic contract for Warren to sign. Maureen thought the amount was too low, but Warren saw it as almost free help.

Convinced Solo was a liar, Warren decided they would sign the contract to expose him. After signing electronically, Solo immediately confirmed the contract was settled and asked Warren if the software was on his computer. Warren confirmed, and Solo claimed to have hacked into his computer. Skeptical, Warren sent the money, thinking that if they didn’t transfer the money, it wouldn’t count as fraud.

After transferring the money, Warren asked Solo to repair the game, but Solo went silent. Suspicious and frustrated, Warren accused Solo of being a cheat in the group chat. To their surprise, Solo responded, claiming their phones were bugged. This revelation shocked Warren and Maureen. Maureen feared someone might be spying on them even in their home. Warren tried to calm her, saying their estate was well-guarded and Solo was likely just trying to scare them.

However, Solo clarified that no one was watching them but listening through their computers and possibly their phones. Warren and Maureen, still skeptical, threw their phones onto the bed and waited. Eventually, they decided not to be afraid until Solo proved himself by repairing the software.

As the tension in the room mounted, Warren remained doubtful, but soon, a voice from the computer asked if Warren was no longer afraid of the boogeyman, causing Warren to jump in fear. The voice laughed and claimed to be Solo. Warren, still unconvinced, argued that hacking into a computer was not that difficult. Solo explained that breaking through the Smiths’ firewall was a feat only he could accomplish.

Maureen questioned how someone could listen in if the firewall was so strong. Solo suggested the person could be inside their house, using the same local area network. This possibility horrified Maureen. Solo then stated that he had fixed their game bug, leaving Warren stunned. A call from Warren’s staff confirmed the game was running smoothly, with no new bug reports and enhanced graphics. Warren was flabbergasted and asked Solo if he had done all this. Solo confirmed, adding that he had also fixed another unnoticed bug to prevent future crashes.

Realizing Solo was genuine, Warren and Maureen were deeply grateful. Warren, moved to tears, thanked Solo, who responded modestly, grateful for the opportunity to escape Nora’s control. As Solo continued to work on identifying who was spying on them, Warren and Maureen marveled at his abilities and the unexpected turn of events.

Trust and Intrigue in a Digital Age: Warren and Maureen's Privacy Crisis

Warren and Maureen's discussion is interrupted by a knock at the door. Warren opens it to find Yvonne, who confesses she made a mistake while trying to fix a bug in a listening app she had created. She explains that the app unintentionally spread a virus through the family's computer network. Yvonne, panicked and tearful, asks Warren for help, believing she has caused a major issue.

Warren, understanding the gravity of the situation, reassures Yvonne and promises to handle the problem. He plans to inform the butler to notify everyone to log out of their computers until the virus is removed. Yvonne, relieved and grateful, returns to work. Inside the room, Maureen suspects Yvonne's actions were intentional, but Warren dismisses her concerns, defending Yvonne and pointing out no clear motive for her to spy on them.

Solo, their tech support, confirms the source of the monitoring was from a neighboring room but remains noncommittal about whether it was intentional. Warren and Maureen decide to leave their electronic devices outside their bedroom to ensure privacy.

Meanwhile, Norah, who had been sleeping in, wakes up to find herself alone in the house. Unfazed by her luxurious surroundings, she receives a message about Hacker Alliance membership applications. As she moves about the house, she overhears Florence, the housekeeper, encouraging Yvonne about her chances of securing membership in the Hacker Alliance, indicating Yvonne's significant skills.

The story highlights themes of trust, suspicion, and the complexities of personal and professional relationships in a high-tech, interconnected environment. Warren's trust in Yvonne contrasts with Maureen's skepticism, while the underlying tension about privacy and security in their home remains unresolved. The narrative sets up a dynamic where technological mishaps and human emotions intertwine, reflecting the challenges of maintaining privacy and trust in a digital age.

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