Saving Nora Episodes 286-290

Nora's Quest for Her True Parentage Unveils Family Secrets and Genetic Mysteries

Nora picked up the call and walked to the balcony. Lily's tired voice came through. “Hi, Nora, the report is ready.” Nora took a deep breath and asked, “What's the result?” Lily replied, “Your relationship with Mr. Smith is not father and daughter. Your DNA isn't close enough.” “Could we be uncle and niece?” Nora asked. “The relationship might be uncle and niece, but it's impossible to be sure about that. Can you find your father's DNA?” “No, I can't. If I'd been able to do that, I would have sent it to you before,” Nora said, a little disappointed. Just as she was about to hang up, Lily said hesitantly, “Actually, it's not impossible for you and Mr. Smith to be father and daughter.”

“Not impossible? What do you mean?” Nora questioned. “Do you remember that I told you that your intelligence genes are different from those of ordinary people?” Nora narrowed her eyes. “Yes. And what does that have to do with anything?” Lily said slowly, “The difference between you and Ian mostly comes from your IQ genes. However, it might also be because your genes have mutated. If that's the case, it's much more likely that you and Ian are father and daughter. If you can find the DNA of the so-called father you're talking about now, we can verify it. If the matching rate isn't as high as yours and Ian's, it might help to prove your relationship to him.”

“In other words, I could still be Ian's daughter,” Nora thought. Although it seemed far-fetched to say that her genes had mutated, her problem was that she couldn't provide the evidence needed. “If I could have gotten hold of the possible father's DNA, I wouldn't have let you test me and Mr. Smith.” “I understand,” Lily said. “Do you think I'm being silly?” “Not totally. At least you've let me know that there's another possibility,” Lily said. “If you go to the Smiths now, you might be able to find a way to get your father's DNA. It might still exist there, even after more than 20 years.” “I don't understand what you're suggesting. If he's been gone for more than 20 years, how could I possibly get hold of his DNA?” “There are ways. For example, from wisdom teeth or milk teeth. Some people keep them after they've been taken out.” “That sounds slightly disgusting,” Norah said. “Thanks for your help, Lily. I'll speak to you again if anything comes to light.”

After Nora hung up, she thought for a while until she had the beginnings of an idea. If she wanted to know who her father really was, she just needed to find out who had gone to California all those years ago. She went downstairs and saw that Joel was waiting for her in the living room. Cherry was talking to him adorably. “So, Mia's father is my uncle. No wonder Mia is so cute like me.” “Yeah,” Joel said. “By the way, Uncle Joel, can I sleep with Mia when we go to the Smiths? I like Mia the most.” “I expect that can be arranged,” Joel said. That child is so talkative, Nora thought. Because Joel was getting bombarded with so many questions, he felt relieved when he saw Nora coming downstairs. He walked over to her and picked up her luggage. “Let's go,” he said. Nora followed behind him calmly. She was pleased that Joel had come to pick her up personally.

An hour later, they arrived at the Smith's residence. Joel got out of the car and took the lead as they walked to the house. Cherry jumped out of the car and skipped beside her mother while looking around. Her small eyes were darting everywhere. She seemed slightly impressed with the scale of the Smith's home but wasn't overawed by it. She had lived with the Hunts for a while and was used to grand houses. Joel slowed down and asked her, “Do you like it? How does the Smiths' house compare to the Hunts'?” Cherry looked up at him and said, “More or less the same, but Dad prepared a princess room for me.

Do you have one here?” Joel wasn't expecting her to ask that, and he hadn't made any elaborate preparations for her because it had been a last-minute decision to bring the two of them to the Smith's home. However, when he saw Cherry's big eyes, which were full of expectation, he coughed and said, “Yes, there will be.” “Fantastic, I'm not leaving then,” Cherry said. “Little princess, Lucy wants me to play with her.” Joel didn't understand who Lucy was and decided to ignore her statement. This girl has an active imagination, he thought.

After Nora entered the house, Joel took her upstairs. He had chosen a spacious guest suite for her and said, “I was in a hurry to pick you up, so I'm afraid this is the best I can offer you. The room next door is being renovated, and it'll be your dressing room.” Nora didn't care about that because the guest suite was quite spacious, and the important thing was that the bed was quite comfortable. “It's fine,” she said. Seeing that she was satisfied, Joel left her and went to the office. On the way there, he received a call from Mia. “Dad, Jerry is here. Can I let her stay with me?” His daughter's room was a princess room, and he was happy for the two children to stay there, so he immediately agreed.

When he arrived at the company, the IT manager found him and said, “Mr. Smith, our system has been hacked.” Joel was taken aback. “Who hacked it?” The IT manager shook his head and said, “I don't know, but the hacker seems to be after something specific and has been looking at Mr. Ian's schedule from 25 years ago.” What had Uncle Ian been doing 25 years ago? Joel wondered. He followed the IT manager into the operations room and looked at a large monitor.

Ian's schedule from 25 years before was laid out in front of him. When Yvette had left New York, Ian had kept himself busy and had almost never returned home. He had flown to various places every day to build up the business. In reality, he had been using work to numb himself. Although he had been to many foreign countries and most major cities in the United States, he had never been to California. Joel saw the screen change to Ryan's itinerary for the same period and saw that Ryan had reserved a ticket to California.

First, the hacker investigates Ian's whereabouts, and now he's looking at Ryan's, Joel thought. It goes without saying who's hacked into our system. Mr. Hunt has gone too far in his effort to confirm his girlfriend's identity. Joel was surprised that he had been able to get into the system because it had been designed by top experts in online security. However, when he saw that the hacker had only investigated the schedules and had then exited, he decided not to pursue the matter. The hacker hadn't peeked at their company secrets, so no damage was done. He would need his people to discover how the breach was made and then get them to fix the vulnerability.

Back at the Smiths, Nora was feeling disappointed. Although Ryan had been to California, Ian hadn't been there in the year before she was born. Therefore, she couldn't possibly be Ian's child. She exited the Smiths' system and looked around the guest suite. The suite was 1000ft² and was private and quiet. Apart from the bedroom, there was a living room and a study. She unpacked her luggage and lay on the bed. The sofa bed was wonderfully comfortable, and she soon fell asleep. When she woke up, it was already dark. She got up, stretched, and then looked at her phone.

She realized there were several text messages from Justin. “What are you doing? Want to have lunch together? Are you sleeping? Shall we eat together tonight? It's already 5:00. Are you still sleeping? It's already 8:00. Why aren't you awake yet?” She yawned and replied, “I'm awake.” Justin replied instantly, “Shall we have supper together?” “Just eat something. I'm busy,” she texted. “What are you busy with?” “I want to sleep after eating.” After sending that message, Nora threw her phone aside and went out. A few days previously, she hadn't slept for two days in order to refine the medicine for Mrs. Hunt. Therefore, she needed to make up for the lost sleep.

The guest suite was on the second floor. As she left and walked along the corridor, she heard voices in the dining room downstairs. Yvonne sounded a little worried as she said, “Warren, are you really not going to wake her up? She didn't even eat dinner. Perhaps she feels embarrassed.” Warren sounded annoyed. “Who cares if she eats or not? I'm feeling extremely disappointed right now. I thought she was Uncle Ian's daughter. I didn't expect her to be Uncle Ryan's daughter.

That's too much. How could Uncle Ryan steal Uncle Ian's woman? Although Nora is Uncle Ryan's biological daughter and is related by blood, I can't bring myself to like her.” The servant beside him said, “Mr. Warren, would you like me to check if there's any food left in the kitchen?” Yvonne said, “Of course. Warren, she has come to our house and is our relative. So we have to make sure she has some food.” Warren was furious. “Who does she think she is? Yvonne, don't worry. It won't affect your place in the family. She might be related to me by blood, but in my heart, you're the only sister I have.” Having grown up in the family, Yvonne knew better than anyone else how indulgent the family was to girls.

Navigating Family Dynamics: A Tale of Resilience and Integrity

In a tension-filled setting, Warren's anger nearly drives him to confront Nora for her perceived rudeness, but Yvonne intervenes, reminding him to maintain his dignity. Warren returns to the dining room with Yvonne, while Nora, feeling Evan's hostility and recalling Warren's past schemes against her, chooses to ignore their presence. Nora's focus is solely on satisfying her hunger, demonstrating a lack of concern for the food's appearance as she eats swiftly and silently. Warren, frustrated by her indifference, tries to provoke a reaction by commenting on her eating habits and the supposed superiority of their food over the Hunts'. Nora, however, remains unbothered, devouring her meal with efficiency.

As Nora finishes eating, she inquires about Cherry's whereabouts. The housekeeper informs her that Cherry is with Mia, who has a fondness for her princess bed. Nora heads to Mia's room, passing by Yvonne's work studio, which piques her interest due to her own familiarity with coding. The housekeeper proudly explains Yvonne's various talents, emphasizing her esteemed status in the Smith household despite being adopted.

Nora's journey through the house is interrupted by the housekeeper's subtle classist remarks, hinting at the internal hierarchies within the family. After ensuring Cherry is settled, Nora encounters Joel, who subtly accuses Justin Hunt of hacking into the Smiths' system, a misunderstanding stemming from Nora's own actions. The conversation ends with Nora's agreement to switch the children back the next day, leading to a brief but supportive call with Justin.

The next morning, Nora observes Cherry and Mia bonding over breakfast, despite Florence's attempts to create tension by prioritizing Mia. The children's innocent camaraderie diffuses the situation, highlighting their ability to rise above the adults' manipulations. Nora's peaceful morning is disrupted by a startling encounter with a disfigured man named Old Maddie, who recognizes her resemblance to Ian Smith. The butler explains Maddie's tragic past and his long-standing presence at the Smith residence.

As Nora navigates the household dynamics, she notices the staff's dismissive treatment of Maddie, which she finds unsettling. However, she quickly refocuses on her day, opting to spend time with Cherry and Justin. Meanwhile, Warren and Maureen's conversation reveals Warren's frustration over a persistent bug in his company's new game. Maureen tries to comfort him, indicating his genuine concern for Nora's well-being despite his gruff exterior.

In this environment, where personal vendettas and social hierarchies intermingle, Nora remains resilient and focused. Her interactions with the Smith family reveal underlying tensions and alliances, with each character navigating their own struggles and loyalties. Despite the housekeeper's snide remarks and the complex web of relationships, Nora maintains her composure, prioritizing her daughter's well-being and her own independence.

As the day unfolds, Nora's pragmatic approach to the household's challenges becomes evident. She balances her personal needs with her responsibilities, exemplifying strength and adaptability. This story portrays a microcosm of family dynamics, where each member's actions and motivations contribute to the broader narrative of power, loyalty, and resilience. Nora's journey underscores the importance of maintaining one's integrity and focus amidst external pressures and internal conflicts.

The narrative concludes with Nora's return to her routine, emphasizing her ability to navigate complex relationships while staying true to herself. Her interactions with Warren, Maureen, and the rest of the Smith household highlight the intricate balance of power and respect that defines their world. In this environment, Nora's strength lies in her ability to remain unaffected by the pettiness around her, prioritizing her daughter's happiness and her own sense of self-worth above all else.

Ultimately, this tale of familial discord and personal resilience reflects broader themes of identity, loyalty, and the pursuit of self-respect. Nora's steadfastness in the face of adversity serves as a testament to her character, offering a nuanced perspective on the complexities of family life and the strength required to navigate it. Through her interactions with the Smiths, Nora exemplifies the power of maintaining one's dignity and focus amidst the chaos of conflicting interests and emotions.

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Watching Saving Nora Episodes 291-295 From Here 


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