Insta Millionaire | Episode 9-10 | English

Summary of Episode Nine:

Who Will Win? The Girl.

As Alex approached the West Sports Field, he noticed five or six attractive girls coming his way. The tallest of the group, Zara Fitzgerald, greeted him, questioning his delayed arrival. She handed him $10, requesting six bottles of water for the squad. Despite Alex's offer to have bought the water on his way over, Zara insisted he fetch it now, which he did, returning with $4 in change. The cheerleaders each took a bottle, and Zara demanded Alex fan her, a task he performed without complaint. They were watching the school basketball team practice, and after half an hour, Zara rallied the cheerleaders to continue their training.

Alex, sitting alone in the grandstand amidst the girls' belongings, was approached by a friendly girl with long hair and an oval face named Rachel O'Connor. Before Alex could engage in a deeper conversation with her, a tall boy in a Lakers jersey, Dean Marshall, interrupted. Dean mocked Alex, calling him the cheerleading squad's "babysitter" and boasting about his own accomplishments and wealth. Rachel politely declined Dean's invitation to walk around the field, preferring to stay with Alex, which infuriated Dean, although he had to leave when called back to the basketball court.

Rachel and Alex continued their conversation, interrupted only by Zara, who expressed surprise at Rachel talking to Alex. Zara demeaned Alex, saying he was hired only to carry equipment and describing him as a "poor slob." Despite Zara's harsh words, Rachel defended Alex, stating she found him nice, which further annoyed Zara.

Their conversation was cut short when Zara received a phone call from her cousin Cindy, who was worried about not being married yet. Zara reassured her cousin, expressing sympathy for her situation. After the call, Zara shared Cindy's marital concerns with Rachel, and again, Zara insulted Alex, emphasizing that Cindy couldn't marry someone like him.

Summary of Episode Ten:

Who Helped Rose?

Following the cheerleading practice, Zara and her team left with the basketball squad, leaving Alex to clean up the equipment. Rachel wanted to help Alex but was pulled away by Zara, who continued to demean Alex, calling him only useful for packing up.

While Alex was tidying up, he received a call from Mark, informing him that "the matter" had been settled. Alex was surprised by how quickly his family resolved the issue. Later, Joe called Alex, excited that Rose's problem was sorted, and invited him to a celebratory dinner. Despite initial reluctance, Alex joined his friends at the restaurant.

Upon arriving, Rose's friends and some unfamiliar faces were at the table. Rose displayed disdain toward Alex but allowed him to stay, as she was in a good mood. Alex, seated by Joe, avoided further embarrassment by not engaging with Rose.

One of Rose's friends, curious about her hostility towards Alex, asked for an explanation. Rose derisively recounted an incident where Alex couldn't withdraw money from Metro Sky Bank due to not having a card, which caused some laughter among the friends, except those who knew the full story and felt awkward about Rose's harshness.

The dinner conversation shifted to Rose boasting about her father's business acumen. She shared how the chairman of the Heavenly Lion Group, Donald Brennan, personally apologized to her father, showcasing her family's influence. Her friends were impressed and curious about who helped her father resolve the issue with such a powerful entity.

Rose, wanting to know who exactly assisted her father, called him. As the phone call progressed, she was puzzled, recalling her father's earlier frustration and harsh words, wondering if he had forgotten someone important initially but later sought their help. An idea started forming in Rose's mind as she awaited her father's response.

In these episodes, the dynamics between Alex, Zara, Rachel, and the others are highlighted, showcasing themes of social status, kindness, and misunderstanding. The evolving relationships hint at deeper conflicts and resolutions that will unfold in the subsequent episodes.

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