Insta Millionaire | Episode 21-22 | English

Episode 21, The Mysterious Girl

The story takes an intriguing turn as tension builds between Zara and Karen over Alex. Zara, covering her face in disbelief after being hit by Karen, expresses her frustration, believing she was standing up for Karen. She sees Alex as a ticket to a better life and is determined to get closer to him, despite Karen's violent reaction. Karen, obsessed with marrying into wealth, tries to smooth things over with Zara, promising future benefits if she secures Alex's affection.

Karen's desperation to secure Alex leads to a tense confrontation, but Alex steps in to mediate before leaving. Alone, Karen begins to feel guilty about hitting Zara, who laughs at her discomfort. Zara accuses Karen of hitting her to get Alex's attention, and Karen, feeling a mix of guilt and determination, tries to console her. Zara's ambition shines through as she asks Karen about a wealthy man who visited her bank, hoping to get his contact information and secure a date.

Karen, keeping her true intentions hidden, agrees to help Zara, promising to get the man's number when he returns. Zara's eyes light up with anticipation, dreaming of meeting this wealthy man and securing a comfortable future. Karen, meanwhile, secretly rejoices that Zara is unaware of Alex's true situation, finding humor in Zara's ignorance.

As the cousins plot their future, Alex returns to school and heads to the campus restaurant, IVN. There, he encounters three fashionable girls who mock a fourth girl, Debbie Stonehill, for her shabby appearance and financial situation. Debbie, despite the bullying, places an expensive order and remains unfazed by the ridicule. Alex, observing Debbie's quiet resilience, is struck by her beauty and the harsh treatment she endures.

After the girls leave, Alex watches as Debbie picks up her food and heads to Ramsey Lake, a serene spot on campus. Intrigued, he follows her and sees her place the food on a rock before kneeling to pray. As she finishes her meal, tears stream down her face, and she walks toward the lake. Alex, hidden behind a tree, is alarmed as Debbie jumps into the water, seemingly trying to end her life.

This episode highlights the complex dynamics between Zara, Karen, and Alex, with underlying themes of ambition, deceit, and the harsh realities faced by individuals like Debbie. The characters' interactions reveal their true motivations and the lengths they are willing to go to secure their desires. As the episode ends on a cliffhanger, the fate of Debbie remains uncertain, leaving viewers eager to see how Alex will respond to this sudden turn of events.

The narrative's tension is skillfully built through the characters' interactions and inner thoughts, providing a rich and engaging storyline. With a mix of drama, intrigue, and emotional depth, Episode 21 of "The Mysterious Girl" captivates the audience, setting the stage for further developments in the series. As the characters navigate their ambitions and relationships, the story promises more twists and turns, keeping viewers hooked on the unfolding drama.

Episode 22: What's Her Secret?

Alex sprinted to the lake the instant he saw Debbie plunge in. Without a moment's hesitation, he dived in after her. A skilled swimmer, Alex swiftly reached Debbie, grabbed her by her clothes, and struggled to swim back to shore. "What are you doing? Let me die!" Debbie screamed, thrashing in his grip. But Alex held firm, refusing to let go. With immense effort, he finally pulled Debbie safely to the shore.

Sitting on the grass, drenched and defeated, Debbie questioned Alex, "Why did you save me? Why didn’t you let me die?" Her clothes clung to her body, outlining her delicate figure, making her appear even more vulnerable. "Why did I save you?" Alex gasped, catching his breath. He couldn’t fathom Debbie’s despair. "You might think you want to die, but think about your parents. They’ve supported you for so many years. Is this how you repay them? Is this how you repay society?" Alex hoped his words would snap Debbie out of her self-pity.

Debbie, shocked by Alex’s stern words, hugged her knees, slowly calming down. "You say you’re not afraid of death, but why don’t you have the courage to live?" Alex’s tone softened. Debbie looked up at Alex, her big, watery eyes shimmering with a pain that tugged at his heart. He realized there was more to her story than he initially thought.

"If you’ve got problems, why don’t you tell me about them? Maybe I can help you," Alex suggested, trying to sound encouraging. Seeing the sincerity in Alex’s gaze, Debbie felt a warm, comforting sensation rise within her, only to be quickly replaced by a chilling reminder of her situation. "You can’t help me," she murmured. "Just tell me what it is. Believe me, I can definitely help you," Alex insisted, confident in his ability to aid her.

"I’m really grateful that you want to help me, but forget it. There’s nothing you can do," Debbie responded with a faint smile, appreciating the kindness of this stranger. "Okay," Alex sighed, switching to a more serious tone. "But promise me you won’t do something like this again." "Alright, I promise," Debbie replied. Feeling reassured, Alex helped her to her feet.

"Oh, and don’t buy such expensive food in the future. I don’t think it’s something you and your family can really afford," Alex advised. Debbie blushed and looked down, tugging at her clothes. "I normally eat for less than $2 a day. I thought today was my last day, so I splurged on seafood risotto," she confessed. Alex’s heart softened at her gentle voice.

"But why did you order two servings?" Alex asked, puzzled. "I haven’t eaten for the past two days, so I was really hungry," Debbie explained, her voice growing quieter. "I understand," Alex replied, finding her shyness endearing. Debbie led Alex back to the rock where she had left the food, handing him a container of risotto. "Eat," she urged. "No, you eat it. You’re the one who’s hungry," Alex said.

A few minutes later, Debbie insisted, "I can only eat one of these meals. I’m already full." Reluctantly, Alex accepted the carton and started eating. As they sat and ate together, they talked more. Alex learned that Debbie had been praying to her mother in her hometown, seeking forgiveness for her actions. By the time they finished eating, Alex felt a special connection with Debbie.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" Alex asked, scratching his head, a hint of embarrassment in his voice. Debbie, surprised, blushed but followed her heart. "Sure," she agreed. The next day, Alex rushed to Ramsey Lake as soon as his classes ended. Seeing Debbie waiting for him, he felt a flutter in his heart. She handed him a bag of fruit, a simple but touching gesture.

"Did you buy this fruit just for me?" Alex asked, touched. "Yes," Debbie replied. "It’s too expensive. Please don’t buy it in the future," Alex said, though deeply moved. "They’re not expensive. They’re leftovers that no one wanted, and the shop manager sold them to me at half price," Debbie explained. Alex picked up a peach and bit into it, savoring the sweetness.

Over the next few days, Alex and Debbie met at the lake every noon. Alex brought food from the cafeteria, enjoying their time together. One day, Debbie didn’t show up. Worried, Alex called her. "I’m sorry, Alex. I can’t make it today. Our class is doing experiments," Debbie explained. Alex decided to bring the food to her, but when he arrived, Debbie's voice sounded strange, and she hung up abruptly.

Unable to find her, Alex wandered until he saw a familiar figure in the stands. Debbie’s face was bruised and swollen. Shocked and heartbroken, Alex realized Debbie was hiding a secret, one that caused her immense pain.

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