Insta Millionaire | Episode 19-20 | English

Episode 19: Zara's Unexpected Cousin

Alex was wandering around the university when he received an unexpected call from Zara. His initial suspicion that Zara needed his help was quickly dispelled by her disdainful tone. "I need you to come to the Coffee Palace just off campus," she said before abruptly ending the call, leaving Alex puzzled. He made his way to the Coffee Palace, a high-end coffee shop frequented by wealthier students, and spotted Zara immediately due to her colorful hair.

Zara, dressed casually in jeans and flat shoes, was alone. Alex asked if she was expecting anyone else, to which she responded sarcastically. A waiter approached, but Zara dismissed Alex's ability to choose a drink, ordering a cappuccino for him. As they sat, Zara assessed him, eventually revealing her true motive: she wanted Alex to date her cousin.

Alex was taken aback, thinking Zara couldn't be serious. However, Zara insisted that her cousin's standards were low enough for Alex to meet. Despite his suspicions, Zara assured him that her cousin would soon arrive and urged him not to mess things up.

After the brief meeting, Zara called her cousin to confirm that she had found someone suitable. Her cousin was elated, needing someone like Alex to make a man named Robert jealous. Robert, a wealthy manager, needed to see that even a "loser" like Alex could compete for her attention, hoping this would spur him into asking her out.

Zara's cousin, Karen, arrived at the Coffee Palace shortly after. She drew attention with her striking appearance. Zara greeted her warmly, while Karen quickly reaffirmed their plan to use Alex to incite jealousy in Robert. They both agreed that Alex's ignorance of their true intentions would make the act more convincing.

When Karen entered and saw Alex, she was shocked to recognize him as the wealthy man she had previously misjudged at the bank. She realized that her cousin had unwittingly chosen someone immensely rich. Karen had heard from Robert that Alex's assets were worth at least $30 million, significantly altering her view of him.

Karen approached Alex politely, apologizing for Zara's behavior. Alex, curious about Karen's intentions, asked why she needed a "loser" like him as a boyfriend. She fabricated a story about needing to experience a normal life and mentioned her family's pressure to marry Robert, a man she didn't like.

Alex, seeing Karen's tears, agreed to her request but insisted on keeping his identity a secret. Karen readily agreed, knowing that if Zara discovered Alex's wealth, she might try to pursue him herself.

Back at the table, Zara continued to belittle Alex, unaware of his true status. Karen, increasingly irritated by Zara's insults and demands, struggled to maintain her composure. Zara, believing she was helping, lectured Alex on treating Karen with respect and not overstepping boundaries. This was meant to prepare him for the eventual break-up when Karen would inevitably choose someone else.

Karen's frustration boiled over when Zara suggested that while Karen was dating Alex, she should still be free to pursue other men. Alex was visibly stunned by Zara's audacity, but Karen could no longer tolerate her cousin's disrespect. She slapped Zara, silencing the coffee shop and expressing her pent-up anger at Zara's demeaning attitude.

Episode 20: Cousins at War

The episode continues the tension between Karen and Zara. Zara, confused by Karen's outburst, had thought she was helping by setting low expectations for Alex. Karen, however, was intent on securing Alex's interest, seeing him as a more valuable target than Robert.

Karen scolded Zara for her inappropriate remarks, stressing that she wanted a boyfriend, not a servant. Zara, oblivious to the underlying dynamics, continued to mock Alex. Karen, now desperate to salvage the situation, assured Alex of her genuine interest, leveraging her initial misjudgment at the bank to evoke sympathy and understanding.

Karen's attempts to shift Alex's view of her from manipulative to sincere seemed to work, as Alex agreed to help her under the condition of maintaining his anonymity. Karen, seeing an opportunity, decided to pivot her strategy from making Robert jealous to potentially securing a relationship with Alex himself.

The episode closes with Zara unwittingly jeopardizing Karen's plans by treating Alex disrespectfully. Karen's anger and frustration highlight the internal conflict and the precariousness of their scheme. The tension between the cousins intensifies, foreshadowing potential conflicts and revelations that could disrupt their carefully laid plans.

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