Insta Millionaire | Episode 13-14 | English

Episode 13 Rich Boy Packs Lunch

In Episode 13 of "Rich Boy Packs Lunch," Alex finds himself in an unexpected and somewhat awkward situation during a business meeting at a luxurious hotel. The episode begins with Alex noticing a strikingly beautiful woman, Lucy Smith, who is introduced to him as the director of East Coast Division's information department. Despite a momentary distraction by her presence, Alex maintains his composure and proceeds with the meeting.

Ken, who is eager to impress Alex, has prepared a lavish dish for him. Alex, appreciating the gesture, remarks on how delicious the food is, noting that it’s been years since he’s had such a high-quality meal. As the banquet concludes and Alex's appetite is thoroughly satisfied, Ken offers to take Alex to a cocktail lounge to rest. However, Alex politely declines and instead expresses a desire to bring some of the tasty dishes back for his friends. This unexpected request leaves Ken and the other attendees momentarily stunned.

Ken, determined to please Alex, arranges for the hotel kitchen to prepare the dishes anew. The general manager ensures that the food is packed along with a bottle of fine wine. When the food is ready, Ken personally oversees its packaging and delivery. Alex, however, only wants enough food for his three roommates, making sure nothing goes to waste.

As Alex prepares to leave, Lucy offers him a ride. Alex, slightly flustered by Lucy's charm and presence, accepts her offer. During the ride, Lucy attempts to ease Alex’s discomfort by reassuring him, which only makes him more self-conscious. Despite his initial nervousness, Alex manages to focus on the task at hand: delivering the food to his hospitalized friend, Rose.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Alex heads to Rose's room, where he is greeted by a crowd of her friends. The room is filled with stylishly dressed individuals and various gifts, making Alex's entrance with a box of food seem out of place. Rose, who appears displeased with Alex’s presence, questions the contents of the box. Stacey, one of Rose’s friends, ridicules Alex for bringing food, insinuating that it’s an inappropriate gesture for a hospital visit.

Joe, Alex's roommate, tries to deflect the criticism by explaining that the food is meant for their group, not specifically for Rose. The group continues to mock Alex, speculating that the food he brought is of low quality and cheap. Feeling out of place and unwelcome, Alex leaves the food with Joe and exits the room.

The scene shifts as Zane Harrison, the cause of Rose's injury, enters the room. Rose's demeanor softens significantly, treating Zane with warmth and gratitude, much to the discomfort of Joe and the others. Rose's reaction highlights the contrast in her treatment of Alex and Zane. Rose’s aunt, Sue Bradley, arrives shortly after, showing deep concern for her niece. Sue’s protective nature comes out as she questions Zane about the accident.

Sue’s skepticism about Zane's involvement in resolving Rose's family's recent business troubles leads to a tense exchange. Zane tries to assert that his father’s influence was instrumental, but a phone call to his father reveals that Mr. Chase, the key figure in resolving the issue, had not actually met with Zane's father. This revelation embarrasses Zane and casts doubt on his earlier claims.

Episode 14 Alex's Poor Box of Food.

Episode 14 continues to build on the tension from the previous episode. Alex, who has brought warm food for his friends, feels the sting of Rose and her friends' derision. As he enters Rose's hospital room, he finds it filled with stylishly dressed visitors and numerous gifts. Rose's cold reception and her friends' mocking comments about his gesture make Alex uncomfortable. Joe, sensing the hostility, tries to shield Alex by emphasizing their hunger and the thoughtfulness of Alex's gesture.

Rose's dismissive attitude towards Alex contrasts sharply with her warm welcome for Zane, who enters the room with injuries of his own. Despite being the cause of Rose's accident, Zane receives her affection and gratitude. Rose’s aunt, Sue Bradley, arrives and immediately questions Zane's actions, highlighting her protective nature.

Sue's confrontation with Zane about the accident and his role in resolving Rose's family's business issues leads to an awkward moment when Zane's father admits over the phone that he did not actually meet with Mr. Chase. This revelation embarrasses Zane and undermines his claims, causing tension in the room.

Throughout these episodes, the dynamics between the characters are explored, highlighting themes of social status, gratitude, and sincerity. Alex's humble gesture of bringing food for his friends contrasts with the ostentatious displays of wealth and status by Rose's other visitors, underscoring his genuine character amidst superficial judgments.

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